oll: Christie trails Clinton by 10 points in hypothetical 2016 matchup

The Dude

The 2016 presidential election is 1,093 days away. But if it were held today, and the candidates were Hillary Clinton and Chris Christie, the former secretary of state would have a double-digit lead on the New Jersey governor, a new NBC News national survey finds.

According to the poll, which was released Tuesday, 44 percent of 1,003 adults surveyed would support Clinton, while 34 percent would back Christie. The rest either preferred another candidate, said they would not vote or were undecided.

The results are similar to a Quinnipiac poll, conducted last month, that showed Clinton beating Christie 49 percent to 36 percent.

The latest far-too-early presidential election poll comes on the heels of Christie's landslide re-election in the New Jersey governor's race, which instantly branded him the front-runner among potential 2016 candidates in the Republican Party.

Still, some observers say Christie would face an uphill battle in a general election.

The NBC poll found Clinton leading Christie among African Americans (83 percent to 4 percent), 18-to-29-year-olds (45 percent to 31 percent) and Latinos (44 percent to 33 percent).

And exit polls conducted in New Jersey on Election Day even found Christie trailing Clinton 48 percent to 44 percent in his home state.

At the moment, the GOP is more divided than the Democratic Party on its hypothetical front-runners. According to the NBC poll, 32 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning respondents say they would vote for Christie in a GOP presidential primary, while 31 percent would prefer another Republican candidate.

Meanwhile, 66 percent of Democratic or Democratic-leaning respondents say they would back Clinton in a Democratic primary, while only 14 percent say they would vote for someone else.

But it's not all bad news for Christie and the GOP. The New Jersey governor "is actually better-positioned than Mitt Romney was in 2012," the Washington Post's Aaron Blake points out. "While Romney lost the Hispanic vote by 44 points, Christie trails by just 11. ... And while Romney lost young voters by 23 points, Christie trails by just 14. All of this despite Christie’s name ID deficit."

Others, though, argue that Christie, who has appeared on "Saturday Night Live" and "The Late Show With David Letterman," has plenty of name recognition.

"Superstorm Sandy put Christie on the map," Richard Cohen writes in the Daily News. "The winter snows of Iowa could bury him."
What? That can't be right. We have been told by lefties that squishy "moderate" republicans like Christie are the only way forward for the GOP. We are told that the GOP has to nominate a guy like Christie for any chance to win and here you are telling us that Christie has no chance even in his own state?

Say it ain't so?
hey hes losing weight.

He is trimming it down.

He cant be president because of his historically failed ideas are not what the people want
well he had an extraordinary case.

some people bodies are just genetically designed to retain food stores.

There would have been a day when his fore fathers and mothers would have been the healthiest people in town because they could work all day long and retain some body fat.

They would look like gods standing next to scarecrows.

this modern world makes them social parias.

times change
Most people just refuse to faces that genetics play a huge role in our lives.

from brain chemistry imbalences to simple weight retention patterns.
yes fitness is very important.

Not all peoples lives lend them to an easy path to stay healthy and fit.

Imagine that single Mom of three who works two clerical jobs to make ends meet.

Her only exercise is when she gets home and has to clean, cook, clean, wash clothes, wash kids, police homework, and tuck in before she gets a moment to herself.

when the hell is she going to run three miles?
yes fitness is very important.

Not all peoples lives lend them to an easy path to stay healthy and fit.

Imagine that single Mom of three who works two clerical jobs to make ends meet.

Her only exercise is when she gets home and has to clean, cook, clean, wash clothes, wash kids, police homework, and tuck in before she gets a moment to herself.

when the hell is she going to run three miles?

Maybe she should find a good man
What? That can't be right. We have been told by lefties that squishy "moderate" republicans like Christie are the only way forward for the GOP. We are told that the GOP has to nominate a guy like Christie for any chance to win and here you are telling us that Christie has no chance even in his own state?

Say it ain't so?

Heh, last time I pushed for Palin to run...I want ya'll to run the biggest loser candidate with the least chance of winning, lol
yet he just won in a landslide in a BLUE state.

Teabaggers hate Chris Chris for trying to rebuild N.J. He'll have to lead and win a revolt in the Republican party get the nomination.

It's way too early to predict anything but.... DeMint-Cruz is where the big and foreign money will be I think.

South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint’s surprise announcement that he will leave the U.S. Senate in January to take over leadership of the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank has ignited speculation among grass-roots conservatives that DeMint may use the new post as a launching pad for a presidential bid in 2016.

The most radical right wingers don't take Palin seriously anymore. She's just a sideshow. Like Carl the Frog Boy or the sword swallower.
What? That can't be right. We have been told by lefties that squishy "moderate" republicans like Christie are the only way forward for the GOP. We are told that the GOP has to nominate a guy like Christie for any chance to win and here you are telling us that Christie has no chance even in his own state?

Say it ain't so?
Your squishy Moderate is the one who comes the closest.
I would love it if they would run Cruz or DeMint or maybe Palin, but they wont and it wont matter, because they will lose.