You guys are kidding us right? If you watched that debate last night, name me one of those guys who looked like they should be President? I sure hope you guys have someone else you're going to put up. What is up with Brownback's squint? He looks like George Allen. Is there some mold these guys get baked in? And his smile? Both he and his wife look insane to me. Literally bug-f*ck nuts.
Didn't they all basically come out and sing "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"?
Rudy, when pressed, actually said that he was pro-choice. He personally "hates abortion" and would counsel a person not to "go that route" but when it comes down to it the choice is the woman's. That's pro-choice. He also said public funding should be left up to the states, and admitted he supported public funding (of abortions) while mayor of NY. Other than the fact that Rudy in no way looks, nor sounds, at all Presidential, I'd like to see a pro-choice candidate pull off getting the R nomination. I don't see how it can be done.
Back to the drawing board for the R's. You better start interviewing your neighbors and see what you can scrounge up. When McCain, whose war mongering has caused his support among independent voters to crater, is the only guy on the stage who looks like he could even be a possibility, you guys are in big trouble. Romney, I thought, looked the most calculating, and I don't see it happening, but he is the only other possibility from what was up there, I guess.
Didn't they all basically come out and sing "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"?
Rudy, when pressed, actually said that he was pro-choice. He personally "hates abortion" and would counsel a person not to "go that route" but when it comes down to it the choice is the woman's. That's pro-choice. He also said public funding should be left up to the states, and admitted he supported public funding (of abortions) while mayor of NY. Other than the fact that Rudy in no way looks, nor sounds, at all Presidential, I'd like to see a pro-choice candidate pull off getting the R nomination. I don't see how it can be done.
Back to the drawing board for the R's. You better start interviewing your neighbors and see what you can scrounge up. When McCain, whose war mongering has caused his support among independent voters to crater, is the only guy on the stage who looks like he could even be a possibility, you guys are in big trouble. Romney, I thought, looked the most calculating, and I don't see it happening, but he is the only other possibility from what was up there, I guess.