Offering Water to Voters now a Crime in Georgia


Well-known member
Imagine being arrested for offering water to someone? In Georgia, Republicans have imagined it. What they shudder at imagining is the coming tide against them, and depriving voters of water gives them hope. Don't know if I can imagine anything more pathetic.
Imagine being arrested for offering water to someone? In Georgia, Republicans have imagined it. What they shudder at imagining is the coming tide against them, and depriving voters of water gives them hope. Don't know if I can imagine anything more pathetic.

What the actual fuck is the rationale for that? Are they afraid the water might contain THC or ETOH and then the voters will forget that they're supposed to vote for only (R)s?
From the article:

The new measure will impose new identification requirements on those who vote by mail, imperiling the 200,000 voters who don’t have a driver’s license or state ID number. It will also limit the use of drop boxes for absentee ballots, criminalize voting groups from giving those standing in line to vote food and water and shorten the period for runoff races.

I'd be very interested to see where they came up with that number

In a statement, Rep. Nikema Williams (D), chair of the Georgia Democratic Party, called the measure the “most flagrantly racist, partisan power grab of elections in modern Georgia history.”

She's an idiot. This bill can be many things, but one it isn't is "racist." Bandying about that word cheapens it to a point of irrelevance.
What the actual fuck is the rationale for that? Are they afraid the water might contain THC or ETOH and then the voters will forget that they're supposed to vote for only (R)s?

I guess the rationale is that if they get thirsty enough they will give up waiting in line after upteen hours, a scarcity of voting venues being another voter suppression tactic in urban districts.
From the article:

I'd be very interested to see where they came up with that number

She's an idiot. This bill can be many things, but one it isn't is "racist." Bandying about that word cheapens it to a point of irrelevance.

Of course it's racist. The bill isn't aimed at suburban districts where the voting lines are short or non existent. It's aimed at the dense urban districts with heavy black populations where voters stand in line for hours.
From the article:

I'd be very interested to see where they came up with that number

She's an idiot. This bill can be many things, but one it isn't is "racist." Bandying about that word cheapens it to a point of irrelevance.

you are the idiot, ass. if statistics and data and facts clearly show the changes these republicans are making to the election laws hinder blacks and minorities more than others by a clear margin, then they are by definition racist. no, it does not clearly state- black people get less voting boxes in your areas, black people have less places to vote close to just does it without specifying it.

you are so fucking dull and dim you don't think other Jim Crow era voting laws were racist, because it did not specify blacks as their target.
What the actual fuck is the rationale for that? Are they afraid the water might contain THC or ETOH and then the voters will forget that they're supposed to vote for only (R)s?

The article states:

...criminalize voting groups from giving those standing in line to vote food and water and shorten the period for runoff races.

The likely actual wording and purpose is to prevent partisan political groups and operatives from doing this within X number of feet of a polling station. Here in Arizona there is a 75 foot limit on such activities. That is, partisan voting groups and others with partisan motives cannot approach or interact with a voter once they have crossed that line in approaching a voting station. I would suspect the same thing is being done in Georgia for the same reason--You don't want voters intimidated, brow beat, hassled, harassed, otherwise influenced or suppressed while waiting in line to vote.

It sounds like a cherry picked excuse to me. That is, those opposed to this law aren't being honest about what's in it and using this as an excuse to condemn it.

Political organizations or advocacy groups will use the giveaways or gifts, known as “line warming," to inappropriately influence voters in the crucial final moments before they cast their ballots. Such efforts violate the protections Georgia law has placed on campaigning near a polling location or voting line and the prohibitions on providing rewards to voters that were enacted to stop pay-for-vote schemes.

Georgia law establishes a buffer zone around polling locations to “create an atmosphere of calm and non-interference for voters who are contemplating exercising one of their most basic constitutional rights." Georgia law prohibits individuals from soliciting votes within 150 feet of a polling location or within 25 feet of a voter standing in line to cast their ballot (OCGA § 21-2-414).

The bulletin also reminds elections officials that offering food, drinks, or other items of value to voters waiting in line or those who have already voted is forbidden under Georgia law (OCGA § 21-2-570). Georgia law explicitly states that “Any person who gives or receives, offers to give or receive, or participates in the giving or receiving of money or gifts for the purpose of registering as a voter, voting, or voting for a particular candidate in any primary or election shall be guilty of a felony."

Took me a bit to find some actual reference to this part of this bill. As I suspected, it does exactly what I stated. The Huffpost article (and others) condemning this portion of the bill are full of shit.
you are the idiot, ass. if statistics and data and facts clearly show the changes these republicans are making to the election laws hinder blacks and minorities more than others by a clear margin, then they are by definition racist. no, it does not clearly state- black people get less voting boxes in your areas, black people have less places to vote close to just does it without specifying it.

you are so fucking dull and dim you don't think other Jim Crow era voting laws were racist, because it did not specify blacks as their target.

why is it our fault if you think black people aren't smart enough to get voter IDs or driver's licenses?.....if you really cared you would help them do it instead of blocking legislation.....
you are the idiot, ass. if statistics and data and facts clearly show the changes these republicans are making to the election laws hinder blacks and minorities more than others by a clear margin, then they are by definition racist. no, it does not clearly state- black people get less voting boxes in your areas, black people have less places to vote close to just does it without specifying it.

you are so fucking dull and dim you don't think other Jim Crow era voting laws were racist, because it did not specify blacks as their target.

Then show where they got that number. Otherwise you are just a ranting fool with nothing useful to add to the conversation.
Of course it's racist. The bill isn't aimed at suburban districts where the voting lines are short or non existent. It's aimed at the dense urban districts with heavy black populations where voters stand in line for hours.

Thank you for that bigoted bit of rebuttal. Aside from that, I showed the actual intent of the law in detail now with respect to distributing food, drink, or anything else of value to voters waiting in line to vote. It is common in many states that this is prohibited. The article in the Huff Post is simply using it as an excuse to bash this bill.
What the actual fuck is the rationale for that? Are they afraid the water might contain THC or ETOH and then the voters will forget that they're supposed to vote for only (R)s?

since it only prohibits voting groups from distributing food or water the rationale is obviously the same as every other law that prohibits campaigning within a certain distance of a voting place....I would think even demmycrats would be smart enough t figure that one out......
Of course it's racist. The bill isn't aimed at suburban districts where the voting lines are short or non existent. It's aimed at the dense urban districts with heavy black populations where voters stand in line for hours.

why not just require the demmycrats who run the precincts in blue cities to set up more precincts?......
Of course it's racist. The bill isn't aimed at suburban districts where the voting lines are short or non existent. It's aimed at the dense urban districts with heavy black populations where voters stand in line for hours.

And making it harder to vote by mail/absentee is just going to make those lines even longer.
And making it harder to vote by mail/absentee is just going to make those lines even longer.

How long should voters have to vote by mail?

Why should we even allow it? After all, it's almost unique to the US that an election is held mostly by mail-in ballot rather than in person.
Why are federal troops not occupying Georgia right now?

The Republican governor and legislators of that state should be arrested, tried, and euthanized before this day comes to an end.
Maybe that would open some eyes among the racist crackers elsewhere.

What happened in Georgia is worldwide news.
If it stands, America is gone already.

I'm looking at you, Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema.
If you don't vote with your party on correcting this disaster,
you're complete pigshit for the rest of your sorry lives.