ObamaCare not ready for Prime Time, too many glitches?


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It seems that the Congressional House Republicans were initially correct in wanting to delay the funding of Obama-Care, because it was not ready for "Prime Time". The President, himself, stated;
He said to NPR, “I am very confident that despite some glitches — right, there may be some websites that you know, crashed early, there may be some call centers where it’s taken a little bit too long"

"President Obama said in comments broadcast Tuesday, on the cusp of enrollment in Obamacare’s exchanges, that of course there will be “glitches” in the implementation of the health reform — months of glitches, he added". "But, he said to NPR, “I am very confident that despite some glitches — right, there may be some websites that you know, crashed early, there may be some call centers where it’s taken a little bit too long"

"Mr. Obama’s comments came as somewhat of a switch from his pre-Obamacare promises of a smooth and steady transition onto a more socialized form of health care".

OBAMA-CARE IS NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME, so the House Republicans were correct in not want to fund a so-called Law that was not ready to to be instituted for the American People. The Law was pushed through by Speaker Nancy Policy who stated at the end of the House session, that we needed to pass the bill first, then we could read the 2900 paged bill. No one in Congress read that ObamnaCare Bill before it was voted on, that is the problem here. All these admitted glitches prove thart ObamaCare needs to be shelved for another year, untill the Democraps get their sheet together and re-do that so-called Law, or Tax as the Supreme Court Ruled.

I have stated in the past that Tax and Spend Democraps should not govern, that they should only act in a capacity of consulting with the Republicans who would do the real governing.
To tell the truth, I'm surprised at how well it went with more than 50 exchanges (one for DC and each of those territories).
To tell the truth, I'm surprised at how well it went with more than 50 exchanges (one for DC and each of those territories).
Many People are going to the Obama-Care website out of curiosity, I know that I did before the shutdown, so maybe that caused the shutdown? You would think that the Government, of all institutions, would have enough computer bandwidth to take care of all the responces. You would know more about Computer bandwidth than probably anyone on here, and why the sites shut down. I gotta go now, check you out later.
Many People are going to the Obama-Care website out of curiosity, I know that I did before the shutdown, so maybe that caused the shutdown? You would think that the Government, of all institutions, would have enough computer bandwidth to take care of all the responces. You would know more about Computer bandwidth than probably anyone on here, and why the sites shut down. I gotta go now, check you out later.

This is true. I'll also go there to see what is available. I won't buy, but I'll be going. I have the luxury of having cadillac insurance provided by a company that has a waiver.
you lost guys and as every day goes buy you will have to face the reality.

you and your historically failed ideas are dinos in the tar pit.

enjoy that last mouthful on the way down
It seems that the Congressional House Republicans were initially correct in wanting to delay the funding of Obama-Care, because it was not ready for "Prime Time".

but the bill they were voting on actually wasn't related to funding the ACA; the funding for the ACA is still there, regardless of the shutdown.

They weren't doing anything with the funding
Very little of the ACA is discretionary spending. The final bill the House voted on didn't even defund that, all it did was put off the mandate for a year. People would be signing up, it would all be funded, it just wouldn't tax people for not signing up for that one year.

Simply not forcing people to do this through the threat of IRS attention would be enough to get support from most moderate republicans.
Very little of the ACA is discretionary spending. The final bill the House voted on didn't even defund that, all it did was put off the mandate for a year. People would be signing up, it would all be funded, it just wouldn't tax people for not signing up for that one year.

Simply not forcing people to do this through the threat of IRS attention would be enough to get support from most moderate republicans.

Do you really believe that if the President started giving in to these type of demands they would not then be emboldened and push for more and more. Giving in to this would result in the death of the heart of the ACA. In two weeks they will want more if the President wants the debt ceiling raised.
Bull. The Dems shut down the government 7 times during Reagan's terms. Stop being ignorant.


wrong again

see why you need to give a link instead of being allowed to just make shit up?

The Ghost of Shutdowns Past

Since 1981, there have been five government shutdowns. Four of the last five government shutdowns went largely unnoticed by anybody but the federal employees affected. In the last one, however, the American people shared the pain.
•1981: President Reagan vetoed a continuing resolution and 400,000 Federal employees were sent home at lunch and told not to come back. A few hours later, President Reagan signed a new version of the continuing resolution and the workers were back at work the next morning.
•1984: With no approved budget, 500,000 federal workers were sent home. An emergency spending bill has them all back at work the next day.
•1990: With no budget or continuing resolution, the government shuts down during the entire three-day Columbus Day weekend. Most workers were off anyway and an emergency spending bill signed by President Bush over the weekend has them back at work Tuesday morning.
•1995-1996: Two government shutdowns beginning on November 14, 1995, idled different functions of the federal government for various lengths of time until April of 1996. The most serious government shutdowns in the nation's history resulted from a budget impasse between Democratic President Clinton and the Republican-controlled Congress over funding for Medicare, education, the environment and public health.
This is true. I'll also go there to see what is available. I won't buy, but I'll be going. I have the luxury of having cadillac insurance provided by a company that has a waiver.
Why does your company need a waiver if they offer Cadillac plans?
Very little of the ACA is discretionary spending. The final bill the House voted on didn't even defund that, all it did was put off the mandate for a year. People would be signing up, it would all be funded, it just wouldn't tax people for not signing up for that one year.

Simply not forcing people to do this through the threat of IRS attention would be enough to get support from most moderate republicans.

Actually, the last gambit of the House was to drastically cut compensation to their staffers.
site the history
"During the Reagan administration, there were 8 full government shutdowns that lasted only 1 to 3 days each, primarily over the issue of the United States budget deficit. There was a similar 4-day shutdown during the first Bush administration."

The only reason that you Democraps get away with all their BS, is because they have the Liberal biased Mainstream media running "interference" for them. I have said in the past that I support many Liberal causes, what I do not support is the constant lying and cheating, especially the conniving. At least the Republicans come Right out and say what they think, whatever.

The main stream media pick and choose what they want to broadcast in order to help the Liberal causes, this is cheating in my "book". You know that I am Right about this, butt you Libs are on top now so you go along with it, that is, until 2014. 34 States are now implementing or have implemented voter registration birth certificate ID's.
site the history

It's "cite" not "site" a "site" is a place a "cite" is referring to a source of information. In this case it is memory. But I'll provide a site on the internet for a "cite" that will inform you.

This is the 12th shut down of government since 1981.

This one gives a very short history of shutdowns:

Here is another with more specifics, below that I'll list the 7 times that they purposefully shut down the government during Reagan's terms and Tip O'Neill's Congressional authority...


November 20 to November 23, 1981 (2 days): President Ronald Reagan vowed to make drastic budget cuts, which the House claimed did not cut defense spending enough and did not raise pay for civil servants either. Reagan vetoed all proposals; the shutdown commenced.

September 30 to October 2, 1982 (1 day): There was really no reason for the government to shut down. Congress just didn’t complete the budget in time. There may have been one too many cocktail parties that year.

December 17 to December 21, 1982 (3 days): President Reagan had another shutdown during his administration. House and Senate negotiators wanted to dedicate $5.4 billion and $1.2 billion in public works spending to create jobs. The House also opposed funding A MX missile program, which was a priority of Reagan’s at the time. In the end, the House and Senate caved in on their plans for jobs and Reagan made a few compromises and signed a bill that ended the shutdown.

November 10 to November 14, 1983 (3 days): House Democrats passed an amendment that added $1 billon to educational spending while cutting foreign aid below Reagan’s favored limit. Democrats in the House ended up reducing funding for education but kept the cuts to foreign aid. The compromise was seen as a win for both parties.

September 30 to October 3, 1984 (2 days): The Democratic controlled House linked the a series of amendments to stop crime, a water projects package and a civil rights measure to the spending bill. A three day spending extension was passed while the parties negotiated.

October 3 to October 5, 1984 (1 day): Well, the three day extension clearly didn’t work out and the government was back to square one. The water projects and the civil rights measure were removed from the spending bill. A comprise was reached on the crime proposal.

October 16 to October 18, 1986 (1 day): The shutdown was a result of several disagreements between Regan and the House including a ban for companies creating subsidiaries, requiring a portion of the goods and labor used in oil rigs to be from America and one that expands Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Democrats in the House compromised a few of their demands and passed a measure that reopened the government.

December 18 to December 20, 1987 (1 day): The dispute sparked when Reagan and Democrats could not agree on funding for the Nicaraguan “Contra” militants. A deal was worked out where nonlethal aid would be provided to the Contras.