Obama will beg Senators

Big Money

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Obama is preparing to meet with senators as part of a full-court press by the administration to ensure that hawks on the Hill hold off on any new sanctions for Iran.

The sitdown at the White House comes on the heels of visits by Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Biden on the same issue.

The administration is concerned that Congress might press ahead with a new round of tough sanctions on Iran.

Lawmakers from both parties appear to be getting impatient, particularly after Iran temporarily stepped away from talks earlier this month.

Senate Banking Committee Chairman Tim Johnson, D-S.D., has floated the idea of another round of sanctions, but has said he wants to wait before deciding whether to move forward until he hears from the administration.

If Johnson's committee does not act, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has predicted lawmakers might include Iran sanctions as an amendment to a defense policy bill being taken up in the Senate this week.
