OBAMA; What stinking RED LINE, I never said Red Line


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This morning President Obama was in Sweden giving a speech with the Swedish Prime Minister, where he said that "HE" never stated a year ago that "HE SET" a Red Line that Syria shouldn't cross, but that the International Community "SET" the "Red Line" and called for Syria not to cross that "Red Line", say what?

Maybe Russia does not like the term, "Red Line" and that is why they are not supporting President Obama's Bush league like actions, no pun intended.

That is Better, I think and sometimes I actually do.....
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the red line on chemical weapons use was drawn by the international community of nations a long time ago. Long before Obama became president. Obama acknowledged that today.
This morning President Obama was in Sweden giving a speech with the Swedish Prime Minister, where he said that he never stated a year ago that there was a Red Line that Syria shouldn't cross, but that the International Community called for Syria not to cross that "Red Line", say what?

Maybe Russia does not like the term, "Red Line" and that is why they are not supporting President Obama's Bush league like actions, no pun intended.


Geneva Protocol

FGeneva Protocol

Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare

17 June 1925[1]

17 June 1925[1]


8 February 1928[1]

Ratification by 65 states[2]



Government of France[1]
Geneva Protocol to Hague Convention at Wikisource

The Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, usually called the Geneva Protocol, is a treaty prohibiting the first use of chemical and biological weapons. It was signed at Geneva on 17 June 1925 and entered into force on 8 February 1928. It was registered in League of Nations Treaty Series on 7 September 1929.[4] The Geneva Protocol is a protocol to the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907.

It prohibits the use of "asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and of all analogous liquids, materials or devices" and "bacteriological methods of warfare". This is now understood to be a general prohibition on chemical weapons and biological weapons, but has nothing to say about production, storage or transfer. Later treaties did cover these aspects — the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).

A number of countries submitted reservations when becoming parties to the Geneva Protocol, declaring that they only regarded the non-use obligations as applying to other parties and that these obligations would cease to apply if the prohibited weapons were used against them.

The main elements of the protocol are now considered by many to be part of customary international law.
the red line on chemical weapons use was drawn by the international community of nations a long time ago. Long before Obama became president. Obama acknowledged that today.

The problem with that is the international community is still waiting for compelling evidence that such attacks would actually provide some sort of positive result.
The problem with that is the international community is still waiting for compelling evidence that such attacks would actually provide some sort of positive result.

Nope the problem is the Bush team lied to the country and destroyed the office of the presidency with his shame
He said, "I didn't set a red line, the "world" set a red line..."

So a year ago, he was echoing the standard that was already set by the world?

IDK if that's true, but if it is it sounds reasonable to me. I seem to remember Mitts good friend Netyanhu giving a speech about such a red line.
Now NO one will EVER again trust an American president to do the right thing.


Desh, ever hear of the Gulf of Tonkin incident? How about Nixon? The people's trust in the President was a thing of the past by time Bush came into office, sure he cemented things, but I for one didn't believe shit any of them said all along. How about Reagan's famous "my heart tells me I didn't lie, but the facts indicate otherwise"?

For me, I want the goddamned evidence, regardless of who is in office. I hate to tell you this, but when it comes towar, doesn't really matter. It's not the president who is calling the foreign policy shots.

American foreign policy endures...
This morning President Obama was in Sweden giving a speech with the Swedish Prime Minister, where he said that he never stated a year ago that there was a Red Line that Syria shouldn't cross, but that the International Community called for Syria not to cross that "Red Line", say what?

Maybe Russia does not like the term, "Red Line" and that is why they are not supporting President Obama's Bush league like actions, no pun intended.

gee still no link to what you claim ?

fucking lying asshole
Desh, ever hear of the Gulf of Tonkin incident? How about Nixon? The people's trust in the President was a thing of the past by time Bush came into office, sure he cemented things, but I for one didn't believe shit any of them said all along. How about Reagan's famous "my heart tells me I didn't lie, but the facts indicate otherwise"?

For me, I want the goddamned evidence, regardless of who is in office. I hate to tell you this, but when it comes towar, doesn't really matter. It's not the president who is calling the foreign policy shots.

American foreign policy endures...

the evidence is clear in this case.

the dictator gassed his people to retain control