Obama strengthens Stand your ground laws in Illinois...

Or maybe he should learn to read and not be a childish little dick like you.

I am not the one having trouble reading. I asked what YOU thought the difference was and for YOU to explain it in your words. But you couldnt do that, could you Howey? Wonder why?

Epic post! "didn't read" is the epic failure on a FORUM!.
If you read the law, what it did was create an exception to the Chicago law that made use of a firearm even in self defense a crime. After this law, If you used a pistol to kill someone in self defense but it was illegal to HAVE said pistol in your possession by municipal ordinance, the municipality could not prosecute you for the illegal fire arm
If you read the law, what it did was create an exception to the Chicago law that made use of a firearm even in self defense a crime. After this law, If you used a pistol to kill someone in self defense but it was illegal to HAVE said pistol in your possession by municipal ordinance, the municipality could not prosecute you for the illegal fire arm

sorry, but none of us actually read the laws, we just comment on them as if we know what they say...
a. It wasn't a Stand your Ground law, it was a Castle Doctrine.

b. It was a tweak to the law.

c. You're an idiot.

Now you've changed your mind...?...you just pointed out they've had a 'stand your ground' law since 1961........shit4brains....
If you read the law, what it did was create an exception to the Chicago law that made use of a firearm even in self defense a crime. After this law, If you used a pistol to kill someone in self defense but it was illegal to HAVE said pistol in your possession by municipal ordinance, the municipality could not prosecute you for the illegal fire arm

And if he kept making laws like that I might support him.