Obama should lead, in the call for peace in florida


Obama should be speaking out, and telling anyone who riots if the verdict comes back correctly that Zimmerman is innocent, that they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Obama should be speaking out, and telling anyone who riots if the verdict comes back correctly that Zimmerman is innocent, that they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

If you consider an ultimatum a "call for peace". What do you call an olive branch? A 2X4?
The speculation about and seeming anticipation of riots in the event GZ is acquitted is uncalled for. Sure the police might consider preparing for all eventualities but there is no indication unrest will follow a verdict. The suggestion is insulting and I suspect comes from a racist perspective.

IF riots were to take place, it would make sense that the president would and should call for them to end.
He should say it, and then live up to it, so more will not use cases as a chance to break stuff up and burn things, just so they can loot.

Sounds kind of....oh I don't know......what's the word?....oh yeah....Fucking Racist.

I refer to the last part of your post.
The speculation about and seeming anticipation of riots in the event GZ is acquitted is uncalled for. Sure the police might consider preparing for all eventualities but there is no indication unrest will follow a verdict. The suggestion is insulting and I suspect comes from a racist perspective.

IF riots were to take place, it would make sense that the president would and should call for them to end.

I agree with almost everything you have written here Jarod. We need to mark this day down on the calendar. ;)
The speculation about and seeming anticipation of riots in the event GZ is acquitted is uncalled for. Sure the police might consider preparing for all eventualities but there is no indication unrest will follow a verdict. The suggestion is insulting and I suspect comes from a racist perspective.

IF riots were to take place, it would make sense that the president would and should call for them to end.

From what I've been hearing on the news, the whole "rioting" thing is way overblown. It's not a Rodney King situation where an obvious miscarriage of justice took place and the perpetrators walked.

This case has a lot of mixed attitudes about it....I don't think there's overwhelming support one way or the other.
From what I've been hearing on the news, the whole "rioting" thing is way overblown. It's not a Rodney King situation where an obvious miscarriage of justice took place and the perpetrators walked.

This case has a lot of mixed attitudes about it....I don't think there's overwhelming support one way or the other.

Ive seen mixed reaction from my black friends. Most are angry about the situation but many believe that a not-guilty is the right verdict based on the case that was presented. These friends are mostly lawyers so maybe they look at it from that perspective.
The speculation about and seeming anticipation of riots in the event GZ is acquitted is uncalled for. Sure the police might consider preparing for all eventualities but there is no indication unrest will follow a verdict. The suggestion is insulting and I suspect comes from a racist perspective.

IF riots were to take place, it would make sense that the president would and should call for them to end.

Then why all the public service announcements, hmm think maybe they are expecting it. How about getting out in front and saying something before hand, he may still we will see.
Ive seen mixed reaction from my black friends. Most are angry about the situation but many believe that a not-guilty is the right verdict based on the case that was presented. These friends are mostly lawyers so maybe they look at it from that perspective.

Could be they were just saying that because you were in the room.

I know black lawyers as well .. none of them think Zimmerman is innocent .. NONE.

What we all know and have a llllooooooonnnnngggg ass history of watching is the injustice of the American criminal system when it comes to black people .. so an innocent verdict from an all-white jury would surprise NOBODY.

Surely your lawyer friends know that.
Of course its racist.

You know what? I don't even care that he is. But the issue is the veiled nature of it. He knows what he meant, he knows how he feels....he's just to much of a pussy to be honest about it.

I'd have a hell of a lot more respect for people like him if they'd just be up front about it....I won't like them, I'll disagree withe them vehemently...but I'd respect them more.
Then why all the public service announcements, hmm think maybe they are expecting it. How about getting out in front and saying something before hand, he may still we will see.

PSA's? Really????

I live 20 miles from Sanford and have yet to see a PSA.
Could be they were just saying that because you were in the room.

I know black lawyers as well .. none of them think Zimmerman is innocent .. NONE.

What we all know and have a llllooooooonnnnngggg ass history of watching is the injustice of the American criminal system when it comes to black people .. so an innocent verdict from an all-white jury would surprise NOBODY.

Surely your lawyer friends know that.

None of my black friends believe GZ is innocent. I never said that.
" .. but many believe that a not-guilty is the right verdict based on the case that was presented"

What am I missing?

The difference between being found "not-guilty" by a jury and being truly innocent.

Two very different things. Plenty of people who committed crimes are found "not-guilty". Legally a jury can and should say that someone is not guilty even if they believe the Defendant might have done it. If you believe the Defendant did it, but that the prosecution did not prove it beyond a reasonable doubt... what should your verdict be?