Obama says reparations 'justified'


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what a fuckwad..

he former president claimed that a reparations proposal didn’t make its way through the lawmaking process during his presidency due to "the politics of White resistance and resentment."

"And what I saw during my presidency was the politics of White resistance and resentment. The talk of 'welfare queens' and the talk of the 'undeserving' poor. And the backlash against affirmative action," Obama said.

"All that made the prospect of actually proposing any kind of coherent, meaningful reparations program struck me as, politically, not only a nonstarter but potentially counterproductive."


Obama went on to say it was "perfectly understandable why working-class White folks, middle-class White folks, folks who are having trouble paying the bills or dealing with student loans, wouldn't be too thrilled" about the prospect of "a massive program that is designed to deal with the past but isn't speaking to their future."

Obama appears to have changed his position on reparations over the years. He opposed reparations during his 2008 presidential campaign, arguing that "the best reparations we can provide are good schools in the inner city and jobs for people who are unemployed."
'Reparations' is all in the details.
Like 'who pays?'
And 'who gets?'

If you are a descendant of Union Soldiers that may have lost a limb or life in the Civil War, do YOU pay?
If you are a descendant of a Black slave holder, do you get something ... because you are 'Black'?
Hell yeah, reparations are justified.

I think they should be paid from police pension funds.

i been saying this on this board for years
but 'politics of White resistance' made it 'nonstarter' to propose

white america will never go for it..............................................................
what a fuckwad..

he former president claimed that a reparations proposal didn’t make its way through the lawmaking process during his presidency due to "the politics of White resistance and resentment."

"And what I saw during my presidency was the politics of White resistance and resentment. The talk of 'welfare queens' and the talk of the 'undeserving' poor. And the backlash against affirmative action," Obama said.

"All that made the prospect of actually proposing any kind of coherent, meaningful reparations program struck me as, politically, not only a nonstarter but potentially counterproductive."


Obama went on to say it was "perfectly understandable why working-class White folks, middle-class White folks, folks who are having trouble paying the bills or dealing with student loans, wouldn't be too thrilled" about the prospect of "a massive program that is designed to deal with the past but isn't speaking to their future."

Obama appears to have changed his position on reparations over the years. He opposed reparations during his 2008 presidential campaign, arguing that "the best reparations we can provide are good schools in the inner city and jobs for people who are unemployed."

You are a racist MOFO!

Yours and your hateful friends in the Republican party's hatred expressed towards Obama is what fed the Hatred expressed towards TRUMP.

Here is the deal- Obama left office after 8 years, and he left office as one of the most popular presidents of all time, was never a part of any scandal, never broke any laws, was never impeached for anything, because he never committed any impeachable offenses.

Trump left office, after ONLY 4 years, and left office as one of the most disgusting persons that ever came to Washington DC, committed various Impeachable offenses, Lost the popular vote twice in a row, was impeached TWICE, told over 10,000 documented lies just in his tweets, speeches, and press conferences, started a resurrection, tried to steal an election, AND NOW IS ALSO THE MOST HATED PERSON IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY BY HIS OWN REPUBLICANS!
You are a racist MOFO!

Yours and your hateful friends in the Republican party's hatred expressed towards Obama is what fed the Hatred expressed towards TRUMP.

Here is the deal- Obama left office after 8 years, and he left office as one of the most popular presidents of all time, was never a part of any scandal, never broke any laws, was never impeached for anything, because he never committed any impeachable offenses.

Trump left office, after ONLY 4 years, and left office as one of the most disgusting persons that ever came to Washington DC, committed various Impeachable offenses, was impeached TWICE, told over 10,000 documented lies just in his tweets, speeches, and press conferences, started a resurrection, tried to steal an election, AND NOW IS ALSO THE MOST HATED PERSON IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY BY HIS OWN REPUBLICANS!

Yeah. Sure. But Obama wore a tan suit. You easily left THAT out.
250 years of slavery. 90 years of Jim Crow. 60 years of separate but equal. 35 years of racist housing policy. Until you all reckon with your compounding moral debts, America will never be whole.

Most Blacks are forgiving people. We aren't looking for a check in the mail...…..that is the racist white man's narrative and excuse not to give reparations.

We will accept reparations in the forms of the following:

Eliminate the for profit prison industrial complex
Eliminate the cash bail system
Eliminate Check the box for housing
Eliminate Redlining in housing
Eliminate Check the box for employment
Eliminate Background checks for employment
Eliminate Bias's in Financial Institutions with low cost, low interest rate loans
Eliminate Voting restriction
Eliminate the Electoral College
Eliminate the Death Penalty
Eliminate Police Unions
Eliminate Racist laws such as sagging pants, loitering, skateboarding etc.
Eliminate Racial segregation laws
Revise and Revamp the ENTIRE LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM hold racist departments, individual kops and the Justice Department accountable.
Revise and Revamp the ENTIRE JUDICIAL SYSTEM Hold racist Judges, DA's, Prosecutors, etc accountable.
Free Healthcare
Free Education
Raise the minimum wage to at lest 25.00 hr.

And if push comes to shove...…..give us our fuckin 40 acres and a mule!

This is for starters...……….I could add to the list.

what a fuckwad..

he former president claimed that a reparations proposal didn’t make its way through the lawmaking process during his presidency due to "the politics of White resistance and resentment."

"And what I saw during my presidency was the politics of White resistance and resentment. The talk of 'welfare queens' and the talk of the 'undeserving' poor. And the backlash against affirmative action," Obama said.

"All that made the prospect of actually proposing any kind of coherent, meaningful reparations program struck me as, politically, not only a nonstarter but potentially counterproductive."


Obama went on to say it was "perfectly understandable why working-class White folks, middle-class White folks, folks who are having trouble paying the bills or dealing with student loans, wouldn't be too thrilled" about the prospect of "a massive program that is designed to deal with the past but isn't speaking to their future."

Obama appears to have changed his position on reparations over the years. He opposed reparations during his 2008 presidential campaign, arguing that "the best reparations we can provide are good schools in the inner city and jobs for people who are unemployed."

Obama left office with a 60 percent approval rating, is widely acknowledged as a consequential and important president -- and he is so popular voters decided to give him a third term, in effect and by proxy, by electing his vice president to the oval office.

The wealth of this nation was built in large part on the backs of slaves and the confiscation of lands from indigenous people. We might as well be honest about it. I do not know what the proper response is, but since institutional bigotry still exists 150 after the civil war ended, it is probably worth a sober discussion
How many drops of Black blood do you need to qualify?
do i need to have a slaveholder in my family as well to pay out?? of course this is all nutz.

we did Affirmative Action to help those alive now who may still be disadvantaged 150-175 years later

This is is more of Progressive noise to re-write history like the NYTimes 1619 project
America is irredeemable racist construct (1619 Project) -so just pay us off and slink away while we re-write history.

Another facet of our ongoing Cultural Revolution ( and you know how that worked out!)
do i need to have a slaveholder in my family as well to pay out?? of course this is all nutz.

we did Affirmative Action to help those alive now who may still be disadvantaged 150-175 years later

This is is more of Progressive noise to re-write history like the NYTimes 1619 project
America is irredeemable racist construct (1619 Project) -so just pay us off and slink away while we re-write history.

Another facet of our ongoing Cultural Revolution ( and you know how that worked out!)

I wonder if the Latino immigrants will be the New Economic Slaves?
Obama left office with a 60 percent approval rating, is widely acknowledged as a consequential and important president -- and he is so popular voters decided to give him a third term, in effect and by proxy, by electing his vice president to the oval office.

The wealth of this nation was built in large part on the backs of slaves and the confiscation of lands from indigenous people. We might as well be honest about it. I do not know what the proper response is, but since institutional bigotry still exists 150 after the civil war ended, it is probably worth a sober discussion
The north did not have slaves -so that is silly. They did have indentured servants -slave but all in name.
People conquer peoples -it's the nature of world history.

We have already used Affirmative Action; that's a worthy endeavor to help those alive effected by slavery,
not punish others for the sins of the past
His comment about affirmative action is interesting from this perspective. California had a ballot measure, Prop 16, in 2020 to reinstitute AA. Stating the obvious, California was the leader of the 'resistance'. This is a state Biden won by some 30%. Yet the ballot measure didn't pass. And it wasn't all that close. In a state that Democrats dominate and white people make up only half the population.

I know A.A. is only a part of a potential reparations package but if its not going to fly in Cali, it could potentially make for a tough sell elsewhere.
Latinos are doing just fine.
they dont sit around and whine about it -they work hard and get ahead -the American way.

It could be viewed as another form of 'White Oppression'.

You bring in 'Illegals'. That compete for Low Wage Jobs, affecting Black Workers more than White Workers, and pit them against one another. In the end, the Beneficiaries are the Ownership Class.
His comment about affirmative action is interesting from this perspective. California had a ballot measure, Prop 16, in 2020 to reinstitute AA. Stating the obvious, California was the leader of the 'resistance'. This is a state Biden won by some 30%. Yet the ballot measure didn't pass. And it wasn't all that close. In a state that Democrats dominate and white people make up only half the population.

I know A.A. is only a part of a potential reparations package but if its not going to fly in Cali, it could potentially make for a tough sell elsewhere.

How many Asians are on board with 'Reparations'?