Obama lied

Big Money

New member

Since the public learned about sweeping National Security Agency programs, President Obama insisted the nation's surveillance programs are subject to layers of oversight.

"I am comfortable that the program currently is not being abused," Mr. Obama said in a press conference last week, when he announced new efforts at increasing transparency. "Part of the reason they're not abused is because these checks are in place."

However, the latest revelation that the NSA violated privacy rules thousands of times, as documented in an internal report -- an internal report withheld from at least one leader in Congress responsible for oversight -- proves the president and several others in Washington were wrong.

The NSA broke privacy rules more than 2,700 times within just one year, according to a May 2012 internal NSA report that was leaked to the Washington Post, along with other secret documents.

His supporters don't care.


Imagine if Bush had said "I am comfortable that the program currently is not being abused. Part of the reason they're not abused is because these checks are in place."

Obama has said he is open to Congress making changes to the Patriot Act, which the administration says authorizes its snooping in this area. But he laid out few specifics, and analysts say he is fighting a rear-guard action to preserve the programs in the case of rising opposition.

Charges that the government misled Congress and the public could hurt his case.


Bush lied, a million people in Iraq dies and they are still dying because of his lies. Where's you sense of proportion and your sense of human decency you radical politically motivated pigs?
The speech followed a week of leaks in which government officials anonymously described a serious al-Qaida threat revealed in a phone conversation intercepted by U.S. surveillance.

Just think...if we didn't have this surveillance and NYC, Boston, Atlanta, or any other city was the recipient of a horrendous event like 9/11 Obama would be crucified and Americans would be screaming for intelligence monitoring.
Just think...if we didn't have this surveillance and NYC, Boston, Atlanta, or any other city was the recipient of a horrendous event like 9/11 Obama would be crucified and Americans would be screaming for intelligence monitoring.

It's great that Obama and his domestic spies weren't asleep at the switch, or somebody could have done something really bad like bombing the Boston Marathon. Oh, wait...