Obama care, lets fix it / lets improve it!


Well-known member
Regardless of if you love or hate Obamacare, it clearly can be made better. There is tons of room for improvement.

So lets hear it, what are your ideas for making Healthcare in this country better?

1) I like the idea of a single payer.
2) I also think if you are going to have a mandate, you should have a public option.
3) The market place is a good idea, but how can we make it more private based?
4) We could have major limits on medical malpractice, but if we do that how would we promote safety and making people whole in the case of negligence? And would that merely promote less responsibility on the part of the Doctors?
Either let's go full on jerkass and double down; doing it right, or let's drop it.

This half ass shit is self serving nonsense.
The old system is dead, its never coming back.

Many many many presidents and political leaders acknowledged that, from Newt Gingrich to Richard Nixon...

It was a very bad system. Lets come up with some ideas for improvement on the current system....
Single payer nationalized healthcare

Personally I agree that would be the best choice at this time.

Many don't like that idea, but they cant seem to come up with anything they do like... except to go back to the "old way".

Isn't that what Conservatives always want... to go back to the old way?
The old system is dead, its never coming back.

Many many many presidents and political leaders acknowledged that, from Newt Gingrich to Richard Nixon...

It was a very bad system. Lets come up with some ideas for improvement on the current system....

Really ?.....85% of the country liked it and weren't complaining at all....only pinheads complained....

So how did you make out with your employees insurance ?.....Did you just give her a $500 a month raise she could pay her premeium of Obamacare ?
You did say you were gonna do something like that.....or did you just drop her like rock.
Personally I agree that would be the best choice at this time.

Many don't like that idea, but they cant seem to come up with anything they do like... except to go back to the "old way".

Isn't that what Conservatives always want... to go back to the old way?

Like the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it...
To Republicans!

Do you really think that was a better system?
Actually, yes I do. I don't want big daddy government stealing 85% of my hard earned to fund some deadbeat who REFUSES to get a job. And, I had total choice as to my doctor. Not going to happen with Obongocare.
Regardless of if you love or hate Obamacare, it clearly can be made better. There is tons of room for improvement.

So lets hear it, what are your ideas for making Healthcare in this country better?

1) I like the idea of a single payer.
2) I also think if you are going to have a mandate, you should have a public option.
3) The market place is a good idea, but how can we make it more private based?
4) We could have major limits on medical malpractice, but if we do that how would we promote safety and making people whole in the case of negligence? And would that merely promote less responsibility on the part of the Doctors?

how about BC/BS does not have to cancel PostmodernProphet's health insurance policy......
how about BC/BS does not have to cancel PostmodernProphet's health insurance policy......

I agree with that one, I would support a bill that would grandfather you in, IF you wanted to keep your plan and the Insurance company wanted to offer it, the law should not prevent it. No new policies that don't qualify and only for people who already have the inferior policy. But I would support such an amendment.

Okay, looks like we have one agreement.
Actually, yes I do. I don't want big daddy government stealing 85% of my hard earned to fund some deadbeat who REFUSES to get a job. And, I had total choice as to my doctor. Not going to happen with Obongocare.

yeah when will these two year old heart transplant patients go get a fucking job?

when will that 90 year old in home care get her act together and get a walmart job

sociopaths are NOT who you want deciding policy
When will the guy who works at Dairy Queen finally start paying for his cancer treatment?