O.M.G. Biden Stock Market soaring!

Holy Krom! LOOK at it!


(Don't tell you-know-who; she's terribly troubled at the lack of pro-Joe threads.) :laugh:
Seems it wasn’t that long ago when the Trumpkins were singing the same song, what goes up, comes down, there is a reason nearly every President other than Trump didn’t identify themselves with the Stock Market

Market should be up, just the anticipation of money in circulation means more money on Wall Street, Market also shows how income inequality exists, those with money have the discretionary funds to buy stock, most don’t even when additional funds are added
I'm not seeing huge volatility. When you have a 30K plus index, a 700 drop isn't that much.
It's the 10K ones that alarm me. Like when Bush II destroyed America and Obama saved it.

700 is a lot. 400 is a lot. I don't have the stats handy, but I think the best economic times are when the market is fairly stable.