O-BOMB-YA ignored the evidence

Big Money

New member

Iran says that it warned the United States directly, in mid- and late- 2012, and at least once after that, about the risks of chemical weapons among the rebels. The letter references messages from July 18 and Dec. 1, 2012.

According to the English translation that accompanies the one-page Persian document, the letter reads: “Alerting [worrying] news has been published about the preparations of insurgent forces in Syria for using chemical weapons/elements."

Iran “holds responsible, in addition to the elements of violent forces, their supporter countries including the American government, for any resort to chemical weapons/elements by those insurgent forces,” it states.

The letter makes no reference to the possibility of chemical weapons use by Syria itself.

Funny desh didn't jump on this.......lmao.....

US warned of chem. weapons being used by her 'ally', the insurgents and AQ....and Obama trys to pin it on Assad....
Funny desh didn't jump on this.......lmao.....US warned of chem. weapons being used by her 'ally', the insurgents and AQ....and Obama trys to pin it on Assad....

I guess O-BOMB-YA and Cap'n Swiftboat had a good reason to ignore these warnings and keep them secret....
Not the first time he's ignore relevant intelligence.

The Russians and Saudis warned us about the Boston Marathon bombers. That valuable bit of intel obviously went right into the waste basket.

This community organizer-as-president has the maturity level of a 6 year-old. He hears what he wants to hear, when he wants to hear it.

But on a more sinister level... did Obama possibly want to divert responsibility of a chemical weapons attacks from his Muslim Brotherhood/Al-Qaeda allies in Syria?

Iran starts warning us about a chemical attack coming from the rebels over a year ago... and he issues a red-line against using chemical weapons to Assad?

Is this like Benghazi? Obama doesn't want us to know how advanced and aggressive the terrorists are becoming under his regime, so he peddles us lie after lie?
Yesterday's news was about Assad sending his troops to rescue an historic Christian village north of Damascus which was taken over the rebels, known for beheading Christian clergymen and raping/killing nuns.

Far from wondering if we should strike at Assad, I'm actually wondering if we should be aiding him.
Why were the repeated warnings about the rebel forces having chemical weapons ignored and kept secret by the president and Secretary of State?

No crackpot claims that Obama was being a Jedi, Desh?
I think nearly all the links included in the following are already up on the board. I just liked his commentary:


September 10, 2013

PUTIN’S FIG LEAF ACCEPTED: Syria Backs Russian Plan for Weapons. If the problem was minor enough that this solution is acceptable, then it wasn’t worth getting all heated-up about with bombing threats and Holocaust analogies to begin with.

UPDATE: “It’s scary to see all the political reporters praise Obama while all the national security reporters cringe.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Climbdown complete — Obama agrees to UN debate on Putin plan. President Emily Litella.

MORE: The New Republic: Amateur Hour: Obama Got Played by Putin and Assad. I’d love to hear the NSA intercepts of Putin’s conversations with Assad: “Can you believe this is working?!” Of course, the quote from a Congressional staffer in the TNR piece is pretty good: “an unmitigated clusterfuck.”

Obama may be able to sell this as a win to low-information voters, but the DC establishment — in both parties — knows better and will adjust its estimation of Obama, and its plans for the future, accordingly. As, of course, will our friends, and our enemies, abroad.

That part about 'our friends and enemies' is where the country takes the hit. Something all of us should keep in mind when cheering for and against whomever. There are prices we pay for the leaders. They are protected for the rest of their lives, they are rich. When we are weaker, if there are repercussions, it's the people that will pay.
That part about 'our friends and enemies' is where the country takes the hit. Something all of us should keep in mind when cheering for and against whomever. There are prices we pay for the leaders. They are protected for the rest of their lives, they are rich. When we are weaker, if there are repercussions, it's the people that will pay.

What in God's name are you talking about? Can anyone translate that for me?
I missed his warmonger pep-talk.

Did O-BOMB-YA explain why he kept the warnings he received about chemical weapons in the hands of the rebels in Syria a secret?
What's the reason for O-BOMB-YA and Cap'n Swiftboat's silence about the repeated warnings they got about the rebel factions' chemical weapons?

Do, tell.