NYTimes is whining about their failed coup.

On Capitol Hill, Democrats Panic About Biden but Do Nothing​

The president has yet to do what many Democrats said he must to show he is up to remaining in the race. But so far, they have thrown up their hands, doing nothing to nudge him aside.

Their butthurt tears of anguish on this issue are like a cool, refreshing rain in the desert.
There is no choice but to put a functioning person in the Oval......the CIA will figure out something.
The Times has always had both Conservative and Liberal people on their editorial staff.

And NOW HEAR THIS- The Times has never been a Trump. Biden, Hillary, or Obama friendly staff.

Where have you peeps been? You can read can't you?
The CIA has engineered many dozens of regime changes all over the world, they are the global experts on this, relax, they will get-r-done.
The Times has always had both Conservative and Liberal people on their editorial staff.

And NOW HEAR THIS- The Times has never been a Trump. Biden, Hillary, or Obama friendly staff.

Where have you peeps been? You can read can't you?
Things have changed
Things have changed
Yes, things change, as every single one of us gets older everyday. Biden is 4 years older this election than he was at the time of the last election.

That's how life works.

But Biden, has not changed in character, there has been no change in his heart, he has not changed his policies that are the most important issues like protecting democracy and our freedoms, protecting human rights, and the policies that affect our health and welfare of everyone here and abroad.

But Trump has changed, as he has become even a larger threat, and so has the Supreme Court, that is enabling and protecting him, and providing him an off ramp to turn our Democracy into an Autocracy.

If people had a problem with Biden, then the time to do something about that was in the primary- not 100 days out from election day.

Especially not after people judging him because of a couple of minutes of stuttering and stalling in answering complex accusatory questions by the debate coordinators, or having to defend himself from Donald Trump's lies, both- which would take more than the 60 seconds, he was only provided to defend himself within.

It would take me a moment just to know where to begin, when dealing with such preposterous questions by the Debate people, and at the same time having to defend himself and the Democratic Party from the lies and preposterous accusations coming from Donald Trump at the same time. BIDEN IS A HUMAN BEING- NOT A MIRACLE WORKER- NOT A FUCKING COMPUTOR- NOT SUPERMAN- NOR IS HE A GOD!!

GOD DAMN! Everybody put yourself in his place UNDER THE HEAT LAMP! THat was not a debate for BIDEN- THAT WAS AN INTEROGATION! How would any of you respond when you are being attacked and accused by everyone in the room- LIVE ON TV? Everybody blaming him for everything under the sun- AS USUAL! Here's the question, "WHY ARE GROCERIES SO HIGH? Why is real estate so expensive on your watch? YOU HAVE 60 seconds GO!

GIVE ME A BREAK! Give Biden a break!

I think people have gone FUCKING CRAZY to expect any Politician to perform like a skilled ORATOR with all the answers under those impossible conditions!

Half of the questions they asked Donald Trump were yes and no questions, of which he could not and did not even answer BTW, while every question they asked Biden would take 20 minutes, or more, to answer properly. Read the script of the qiestions they asked Biden- or go back and watch the debate again people!

Like I said, people have gone fucking nuts!

Biden was setup to fail by the Debate questions alone, and was damned if he did, and damned if he didn't, no matter WHAT- AS USUAL.

When the media is the one generating the NEWS stories of today so they can sell more advertising, and allowing DONALD TRUMP a platform to lie his ass off, instead of answering just simple yes and no questions, AND PUT THE FOCUS ON BIDEN'S STUTTERING AFTER THE DEBATE- SOMETHING IS TERRIBLY WRONG!

I digress!

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Yes, things change, as every single one of us gets older everyday. Biden is 4 years older this election than he was at the time of the last election.

That's how life works.

But Biden, has not changed in character, there has been no change in his heart, he has not changed his policies that are the most important issues like protecting democracy and our freedoms, protecting human rights, and the policies that affect our health and welfare of everyone here and abroad.

But Trump has changed, as he has become even a larger threat, and so has the Supreme Court, that is enabling and protecting him, and providing him an off ramp to turn our Democracy into an Autocracy.

If people had a problem with Biden, then the time to do something about that was in the primary- not 100 days out from election day.

Especially not after people judging him because of a couple of minutes of stuttering and stalling in answering complex accusatory questions by the debate coordinators, or having to defend himself from Donald Trump's lies, both- which would take more than the 60 seconds, he was only provided to defend himself within.

It would take me a moment just to know where to begin, when dealing with such preposterous questions by the Debate people, and at the same time having to defend himself and the Democratic Party from the lies and preposterous accusations coming from Donald Trump at the same time.

GOD DAMN! Everybody put yourself in his place in the HOT SEAT! How would any of you respond when you are being attacked by everyone in the room? Everybody blaming him for everything under the sun- AS USUAL! Here's the question, "WHY ARE GROCERIES SO HIGH? Why is real estate so expensive on your watch? YOU HAVE 60 second GO!


I think people have gone FUCKING CRAZY to expect any Politician to perform like a skilled ORATOR with all the answers under those impossible conditions!

Half of the questions they asked Donald Trump were yes and no questions, of which he could not and did not even answer BTW, while every question they asked Biden would take 20 minutes, or more, to answer properly.

Like I said, people have gone fucking nuts!

Biden was setup to fail by the Debate questions alone, and was damned if he did, and damned if he didn't, no matter WHAT- AS USUAL.

When the media is the one generating the NEWS stories of today so they can sell more advertising, and allowing DONALD TRUMP a platform to lie his ass off, instead of answering just simple yes and no questions, AND PUT THE FOCUS ON BIDEN'S STUTTERING AFTER THE DEBATE- SOMETHING IS TERRIBLY WRONG!

I digress!

Biden had TWO minutes to answer each question. Tapper had to prompt him to use the rest of his unclaimed time on more than one question. And a question like Abortion that should have been a setup for him got around to Laken Riley's murder by illegal aliens. That is a brain fart not a stutter.

Yes, things change, as every single one of us gets older everyday. Biden is 4 years older this election than he was at the time of the last election.

That's how life works.

But Biden, has not changed in character, there has been no change in his heart, he has not changed his policies that are the most important issues like protecting democracy and our freedoms, protecting human rights, and the policies that affect our health and welfare of everyone here and abroad.

But Trump has changed, as he has become even a larger threat, and so has the Supreme Court, that is enabling and protecting him, and providing him an off ramp to turn our Democracy into an Autocracy.

If people had a problem with Biden, then the time to do something about that was in the primary- not 100 days out from election day.

Especially not after people judging him because of a couple of minutes of stuttering and stalling in answering complex accusatory questions by the debate coordinators, or having to defend himself from Donald Trump's lies, both- which would take more than the 60 seconds, he was only provided to defend himself within.

It would take me a moment just to know where to begin, when dealing with such preposterous questions by the Debate people, and at the same time having to defend himself and the Democratic Party from the lies and preposterous accusations coming from Donald Trump at the same time. BIDEN IS A HUMAN BEING- NOT A MIRACLE WORKER- NOT A FUCKING COMPUTOR- NOT SUPERMAN- NOR IS HE A GOD!!

GOD DAMN! Everybody put yourself in his place in the INDER THE HEAT LAMP! THat was not a debate for BIDEN- THAT WAS AN INTEROGATION! How would any of you respond when you are being attacked and accused by everyone in the room- LIVE ON TV? Everybody blaming him for everything under the sun- AS USUAL! Here's the question, "WHY ARE GROCERIES SO HIGH? Why is real estate so expensive on your watch? YOU HAVE 60 second GO!


I think people have gone FUCKING CRAZY to expect any Politician to perform like a skilled ORATOR with all the answers under those impossible conditions!

Half of the questions they asked Donald Trump were yes and no questions, of which he could not and did not even answer BTW, while every question they asked Biden would take 20 minutes, or more, to answer properly.

Like I said, people have gone fucking nuts!

Biden was setup to fail by the Debate questions alone, and was damned if he did, and damned if he didn't, no matter WHAT- AS USUAL.

When the media is the one generating the NEWS stories of today so they can sell more advertising, and allowing DONALD TRUMP a platform to lie his ass off, instead of answering just simple yes and no questions, AND PUT THE FOCUS ON BIDEN'S STUTTERING AFTER THE DEBATE- SOMETHING IS TERRIBLY WRONG!

I digress!

Give us a couple examples Little Lizard.
Biden had TWO minutes to answer each question. Tapper had to prompt him to use the rest of his unclaimed time on more than one question. And a question like Abortion that should have been a setup for him got around to Laken Riley's murder by illegal aliens. That is a brain fart not a stutter.

No he didn't- the rule was 60 seconds!