NYT lauds Operation Warp Speed

Darth Omar

Russian asset
Predictably, buried in paragraph 22:

In Washington, Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration’s vaccine program, had a $10 billion budget. European officials say it’s unfair to compare the two figures because neither amount is a complete picture of all the money spent on vaccines. But there is no dispute that in Washington, officials had decided that money was no object if vaccines could avert the economic cost of a lockdown. Europe, on the other hand, was on a tight budget, so its negotiators chased cheaper doses.

“Pricing has been important since the beginning,” Sandra Gallina, the E.U.’s main vaccine negotiator, told lawmakers in February. “We are talking about taxpayers’ money.”


Largely due to decisions made early in the game by the duly elected prior administration, parts of Europe are facing a second wave of lockdowns while here in the US we are nearing the end of the dark Covid tunnel.

You can thank your former President for that. I suspect he’s starting to be missed and maybe his over use of Twitter was *a very small price* to pay for effective leadership.
Predictably, buried in paragraph 22:

In Washington, Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration’s vaccine program, had a $10 billion budget. European officials say it’s unfair to compare the two figures because neither amount is a complete picture of all the money spent on vaccines. But there is no dispute that in Washington, officials had decided that money was no object if vaccines could avert the economic cost of a lockdown. Europe, on the other hand, was on a tight budget, so its negotiators chased cheaper doses.

“Pricing has been important since the beginning,” Sandra Gallina, the E.U.’s main vaccine negotiator, told lawmakers in February. “We are talking about taxpayers’ money.”


Largely due to decisions made early in the game by the duly elected prior administration, parts of Europe are facing a second wave of lockdowns while here in the US we are nearing the end of the dark Covid tunnel.

You can thank your former President for that. I suspect he’s starting to be missed and maybe his over use of Twitter was *a very small price* to pay for effective leadership.

The vast majority are willing to give trump credit for getting the vaccines fast tracked, but they also do not miss him running this Nation, even many Repubs do not miss his antics or terrible handling of the rest of the pandemic or they would have re-elected him. Enough Said.
it's called "burying the lead".
when Fake News has no choice but to praise Trump they make sure few will read that far into the article
Predictably, buried in paragraph 22:

In Washington, Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration’s vaccine program, had a $10 billion budget. European officials say it’s unfair to compare the two figures because neither amount is a complete picture of all the money spent on vaccines. But there is no dispute that in Washington, officials had decided that money was no object if vaccines could avert the economic cost of a lockdown. Europe, on the other hand, was on a tight budget, so its negotiators chased cheaper doses.

“Pricing has been important since the beginning,” Sandra Gallina, the E.U.’s main vaccine negotiator, told lawmakers in February. “We are talking about taxpayers’ money.”


Largely due to decisions made early in the game by the duly elected prior administration, parts of Europe are facing a second wave of lockdowns while here in the US we are nearing the end of the dark Covid tunnel.

You can thank your former President for that. I suspect he’s starting to be missed and maybe his over use of Twitter was *a very small price* to pay for effective leadership.

Too late. Too damn late to try to paint trump as some hero who deserves credit for the approach and successes of the Biden Administration on fighting the virus. And your wet dream that trump is missed if just too goddamn funny. Trump never once got anywhere near a 60% approval rating that Biden got almost as soon as he walked in the door, even higher for his response to the virus. I thought RWers like you hated the Times, which your failed ex-leade called a disaster. YET, here you are demanding that the media outlet that you and your monumentally failed leader hate the most, publish your fake news prominently. :) Or you’re going to do WHAT about it? Boycott the Times? :) Aren’t you already doing that?

You and your spell-bound komrades are free to promote any and every delusion you can come up with, but you have no leverage to demand that anyone publish your fake news or anything else. Just relish the circle jerk stupidity that happens on Fox and Newsmax and pretend that everybody is reading it.
Too late. Too damn late to try to paint trump as some hero who deserves credit for the approach and successes of the Biden Administration on fighting the virus. And your wet dream that trump is missed if just too goddamn funny. Trump never once got anywhere near a 60% approval rating that Biden got almost as soon as he walked in the door, even higher for his response to the virus. I thought RWers like you hated the Times, which your failed ex-leade called a disaster. YET, here you are demanding that the media outlet that you and your monumentally failed leader hate the most, publish your fake news prominently. :) Or you’re going to do WHAT about it? Boycott the Times? :) Aren’t you already doing that?

You and your spell-bound komrades are free to promote any and every delusion you can come up with, but you have no leverage to demand that anyone publish your fake news or anything else. Just relish the circle jerk stupidity that happens on Fox and Newsmax and pretend that everybody is reading it.

I try to use only approved sources to keep you goof balls from employing the genetic fallacy to keep from debating the point.

Beyond that, it sounds like you have a problem with the Failing NYT.
I try to use only approved sources to keep you goof balls from employing the genetic fallacy to keep from debating the point.

Beyond that, it sounds like you have a problem with the Failing NYT.

I read the Times every morning before I start work as I’ve done for many years, and the fact that they stuffed your article away so deep that I never even saw it makes me appreciate the Times even more, especially considering they have their own gaggle of RW reporters.
I read the Times every morning before I start work as I’ve done for many years, and the fact that they stuffed your article away so deep that I never even saw it makes me appreciate the Times even more, especially considering they have their own gaggle of RW reporters.
Times has RW reporters?
how do you define "RW reporter"?

Its trash. I used to read it as well as WAPO before they became solely cheering sections for Dems
I hope you diversify your sources from more then fake news