Now, what happened to the Durham Report?


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It is now close to two years ago that Barr assigned Durham to investigate the origins of the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, even later making him a Special Council, yet today, nothing.

When the IG released his report on Crossfire Hurricane finding the FBI’s investigation was justified and in the process debunked a number of conspiracy theories perpetuated by the right wing media, Barr and Durham both immediately reacted by criticizing and contradicting Horowitz’s findings.

During all this time, the right, and their media were promising the Durham Report was going to be the bombshell. Comey, Brennan, Strzok, even Obama, we’re going to jail, the Durham Report was going to prove Trump was a victim of an conspiracy

Yet today, nothing. Where is the Durham Report? Is, or was there ever suppose to be, a Durham Report?
It is now close to two years ago that Barr assigned Durham to investigate the origins of the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, even later making him a Special Council, yet today, nothing.

When the IG released his report on Crossfire Hurricane finding the FBI’s investigation was justified and in the process debunked a number of conspiracy theories perpetuated by the right wing media, Barr and Durham both immediately reacted by criticizing and contradicting Horowitz’s findings.

During all this time, the right, and their media were promising the Durham Report was going to be the bombshell. Comey, Brennan, Strzok, even Obama, we’re going to jail, the Durham Report was going to prove Trump was a victim of an conspiracy

Yet today, nothing. Where is the Durham Report? Is, or was there ever suppose to be, a Durham Report?

This was never going to net a big fish. It was just Trump being stupid and the cult embracing the stupidity. Durham was always a nothing burger. But they did bag some junior attorney. I guess that was their big win.
This was never going to net a big fish. It was just Trump being stupid and the cult embracing the stupidity. Durham was always a nothing burger. But they did bag some junior attorney. I guess that was their big win.

So that’s it? I thought there was suppose to be an actual report, a lengthy page document, an official statement, press conference and all?
It is now close to two years ago that Barr assigned Durham to investigate the origins of the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, even later making him a Special Council, yet today, nothing.

When the IG released his report on Crossfire Hurricane finding the FBI’s investigation was justified and in the process debunked a number of conspiracy theories perpetuated by the right wing media, Barr and Durham both immediately reacted by criticizing and contradicting Horowitz’s findings.

During all this time, the right, and their media were promising the Durham Report was going to be the bombshell. Comey, Brennan, Strzok, even Obama, we’re going to jail, the Durham Report was going to prove Trump was a victim of an conspiracy

Yet today, nothing. Where is the Durham Report? Is, or was there ever suppose to be, a Durham Report?

Anatta promised it would be Earth shattering.
So that’s it? I thought there was suppose to be an actual report, a lengthy page document, an official statement, press conference and all?

I think that was what Trump hoped for. But Durham is just conducting an investigation, like any DOJ investigation, generally they only announce charging decisions. Since there appears to be only the one charge, that's probably it. I suspect there will be an announcement that the investigation is over with no further charges. There is no way Biden will interfere in that work. When it happens, it happens.
It is now close to two years ago that Barr assigned Durham to investigate the origins of the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, even later making him a Special Council, yet today, nothing.

When the IG released his report on Crossfire Hurricane finding the FBI’s investigation was justified and in the process debunked a number of conspiracy theories perpetuated by the right wing media, Barr and Durham both immediately reacted by criticizing and contradicting Horowitz’s findings.

During all this time, the right, and their media were promising the Durham Report was going to be the bombshell. Comey, Brennan, Strzok, even Obama, we’re going to jail, the Durham Report was going to prove Trump was a victim of an conspiracy

Yet today, nothing. Where is the Durham Report? Is, or was there ever suppose to be, a Durham Report?

Like many other trump "investigations" it just fades away, I wonder if they are still looking for those 3 Million illegals that voted in 2016 in California, and haven't they found Obama's BC yet, and how about that Uranium deal got that dealt with yet, and never forget Bengasi!
I think that was what Trump hoped for. But Durham is just conducting an investigation, like any DOJ investigation, generally they only announce charging decisions. Since there appears to be only the one charge, that's probably it. I suspect there will be an announcement that the investigation is over with no further charges. There is no way Biden will interfere in that work. When it happens, it happens.

I’d agree with that except for the extent that both Barr and Durham went attempting to reframe Horowitz’s report. It was more than just conducting an investigation, Barr’s intent from the offset was to control the media agenda, keep the Comey/Brennan/Stzok plots in the limelight, perpetuate the Trump as victim conspiracy
This was never going to net a big fish. It was just Trump being stupid and the cult embracing the stupidity. Durham was always a nothing burger. But they did bag some junior attorney. I guess that was their big win.

Just as we suspected.

I have noticed that Sister Stench, Headmistress of Head in the Cult, has been very silent about Durham lately. I guess we can put this in the failed box of predictions she's made -- Rapture was going to happen in Sept. 2017. Biden would never be elected. Biden won't be sworn in. Kraken Kraken Kraken. Election fraud will be REVEALED and Trump sworn in for a 2nd term! January 6 and The Storm. March 4. Etc. etc. etc.
Like many other trump "investigations" it just fades away, I wonder if they are still looking for those 3 Million illegals that voted in 2016 in California, and haven't they found Obama's BC yet, and how about that Uranium deal got that dealt with yet, and never forget Bengasi!


Wait. I thought the 3 million illegals voted in NH? Didn't the Toadstool say he saw buses dropping off illegals at the polls in NH?
It is now close to two years ago that Barr assigned Durham to investigate the origins of the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, even later making him a Special Council, yet today, nothing.

When the IG released his report on Crossfire Hurricane finding the FBI’s investigation was justified and in the process debunked a number of conspiracy theories perpetuated by the right wing media, Barr and Durham both immediately reacted by criticizing and contradicting Horowitz’s findings.

During all this time, the right, and their media were promising the Durham Report was going to be the bombshell. Comey, Brennan, Strzok, even Obama, we’re going to jail, the Durham Report was going to prove Trump was a victim of an conspiracy

Yet today, nothing. Where is the Durham Report? Is, or was there ever suppose to be, a Durham Report?

It was just a set up so Trump** could claim it was about to come out until the election.
"During a closed-door meeting with a bipartisan group of senators last week, President Trump said he would have won New Hampshire in November if not for thousands of people who he says, without any evidence, were bused in from Massachusetts and voted illegally."

:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Them Dems they will do anything to beat trump. I wonder, has anyone informed him that NH only has 4 electoral votes and that is not enough for him to win, probably have tp use pictures to explain, so long as they can do in one page, after that he loses attention.
Apparently, Durham went the way of the Russian investigation lol.

Durham wasn’t as ‘imaginative’ as Mullet. Durham only bagged one small fish, whereas Mullet cast his net far and wide in his *fishing expedition*. Still came up empty.

Apparently, Durham’s little fish acted all on his own—must have had something personal against Carter Page.

And if you believe that, you just might be gullible.
The Russia investigation turned a two volume report and over 30 indictments.

But you wouldn't know that because you never read the Mueller Report.

Yep, it went the way of the Russia investigation, except for the dozens of indictments, the multiple findings of obstruction of justice by the President of the United States, and the evidence that the Trump campaign accepted help from the Russians. Other than that, exactly the same. I'm absolutely certain that Biden will not have to have his AG spin the findings.... since there won't be any.
