
What can i think about besides the new world order? It's fairly obvious I'm obsessed.

Please help the mentally ill.

How old are you...under 35 and available for military service? Try the Army' Be All You Can Be' hey a fighter is not a bad thing ya just need to challenge all that pent up frustration...what could be a better way...than take on the Worlds Problemos...Head On..Just a suggestion mind ya...worked for me in my youth!...Ya grow up fast when ya see life first hand!
How old are you...under 35 and available for military service? Try the Army' Be All You Can Be' hey a fighter is not a bad thing ya just need to challenge all that pent up frustration...what could be a better way...than take on the Worlds Problemos...Head On..Just a suggestion mind ya...worked for me in my youth!...Ya grow up fast when ya see life first hand!

Im 36. Plus I don't want to fight for the new world order. see. It happened again.
I think ya can join the local Guard...air, sea or land..they take ya old can fight for the Old World Order...try it Mikey ya will like it..!

I think I just need to join a fight club and get my ass kicked until I toughen up. That'd get my mind off the big picture.
Like I said....

I think I just need to join a fight club and get my ass kicked until I toughen up. That'd get my mind off the big picture. all ya can be...and they pay ya while you train and after ya get out..providing you learn from the masters and survive...what else can I say?

Be daring fight for your freedom of speech rights..I did and now it's y'alls turn...freedon is free but not must sacrafice! all ya can be...and they pay ya while you train and after ya get out..providing you learn from the masters and survive...what else can I say?

Be daring fight for your freedom of speech rights..I did and now it's y'alls turn...freedon is free but not must sacrafice!

But we're not fighting for ouselves. I'm not fighting for leaders who tell me I don't deserve the protections of a border, or that my well being is no more imporant to them than the indians overseas.
Hey what can I say...

But we're not fighting for ouselves. I'm not fighting for leaders who tell me I don't deserve the protections of a border, or that my well being is no more imporant to them than the indians overseas.

but put up or shut my papa told I went out and put up..feels really good to look back on your life and say...hey I tried my best...betta than crying in a message board!
Thanks for trying to help bb. I will consider your suggestions. Anyone got something else to do? ( Besides go fuck myself)

Seriously, what the hell are you getting at here? If you're really obsessed with the nwo, then welcome to hell. Soothsayers like Orwell and Huxley were'nt that far off the mark. It is happening, maybe not in the way you see it, but something like that.

So you can be a happy wanderer like me, or you can be a soldier in a war that will bear no fruit (For BabbleBore, I'm not talking about Iraq).

How about this to get your mind off things. Become obsessed with Poker. Or the Sopranos, or even in quantum physics. The latter of the three being the most fascinating thing ever. forget about people and what they do, think about the building blocks to everything, and that matter and energy are illusory, yet tangible.
As beefy says it is happening, but not for the reasons that you believe AHZ.

Marry a naggy woman AHZ, that will sure take your mind off worrying about the NWO.
Be sure and have a kid quick too before she divorces you.
As beefy says it is happening, but not for the reasons that you believe AHZ.

Marry a naggy woman AHZ, that will sure take your mind off worrying about the NWO.
Be sure and have a kid quick too before she divorces you.

LOL. That will definitely do it. Get yourself an angry broad and she'll take your mind right off that shit.
As beefy says it is happening, but not for the reasons that you believe AHZ.

Marry a naggy woman AHZ, that will sure take your mind off worrying about the NWO.
Be sure and have a kid quick too before she divorces you.

Well what are the reasons? I figure it was an attempt to bring the world under the centralized control of a self determined and immoral elite.

WHat are your view of the reasons? Brotherhood and utopia?
Greed from many sources right down to the consumer that buys cheap Chinese import and people who buy guzzlers that they do not have a legitimate reason to buy other than want.
We are eagerly doing this to ourselves AHZ, no one has to plot it out.
Greed from many sources right down to the consumer that buys cheap Chinese import and people who buy guzzlers that they do not have a legitimate reason to buy other than want.
We are eagerly doing this to ourselves AHZ, no one has to plot it out.

No, usc. You cannot blame the people. THey are being deceived by a leadership who tells them these things are good, and beneficial, because of the gdp.

It is being plotted out, and there are clear agendas propagated in the media, business, religion, and academia in a coordinated fashion.
No, usc. You cannot blame the people. THey are being deceived by a leadership who tells them these things are good, and beneficial, because of the gdp.

It is being plotted out, and there are clear agendas propagated in the media, business, religion, and academia in a coordinated fashion.

I can dig it. This last century was the first and last great American Century. Our souls age getting sold out from under us, while we feast on the crumbs they leave behind.

Either become part of the machine, or don't. Either way, that's the way the wheels are spinning.