Not Even Safe At Home Depot


Hot dog vendor robbed, attacked with hammer at Home Depot

A hot dog vendor at a Home Depot in Ferguson was robbed of his cellphone Wednesday and then struck in the head with a stolen hammer, police say.

Police Chief Tom Jackson said four shoplifters at the Home Depot at 10930 New Halls Ferry Road were leaving the store about 3 p.m. when one of them swiped a cellphone from a hot dog vendor at the front entrance. The thieves were walking out of the store with work gloves and a hammer when one of the shoplifters grabbed the cellphone off a counter while the vendor wasn't looking.

The vendor then chased after the thieves and tackled one of them to the ground with help from a customer, police said. One of the shoplifters used used a ball-peen hammer he stole to strike the hot dog vendor in the head, Jackson said. The customer helping the vendor was struck in the side with the hammer. Police said that bystander wasn't badly hurt.

The vendor, 45, was bloodied and seriously injured, and taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital, Jackson said. He is expected to survive.

The attackers got into a car and fled the lot, Jackson said.


Where's Zimmerman when you need him?
maybe you deep seeded fear of black men has a sexual component to it?

you sure love to read about black men being all scary
At the HD directly behind my apartment the homeless gather and beg for work. To the point that the cops patrol the area between 8 and 10. But having volunteered there I know it kicks them out at dawn.
does your deep seated fear of right wingers with guns have a sexual component to it? you sure do love talking about them

well if you consider me thinking your a bag of dicks you may see it that way.

I don't like all dicks though.

I have the ONLY one I need already
At the HD directly behind my apartment the homeless gather and beg for work. To the point that the cops patrol the area between 8 and 10. But having volunteered there I know it kicks them out at dawn.


You see this and carry on with your life? If I was in your position, I'd be doing all I could to get rid of the cops - maybe pass out some flyers as well.
At the HD directly behind my apartment the homeless gather and beg for work. To the point that the cops patrol the area between 8 and 10. But having volunteered there I know it kicks them out at dawn.

Those lazy scum need to quit begging for a job and get a job.

Volunteer for what?
Those lazy scum need to quit begging for a job and get a job.

Volunteer for what?
To be fair jobs are rare here in my precious dying city.

The soup kitchen that occasionally works with the shelter. I don't necessarily agree that this is the bet way to help them, but its good brownie points, looks good on resumes, and better than nothing.
maybe you deep seeded fear of black men has a sexual component to it?

you sure love to read about black men being all scary


Are you one of those white woman in a relationship with an unemployed black man that just got released from prision?

You want to make faggot jokes instead of looking at the issue of when a man selling hot dogs in front of a Home Depot cannot escape the violence from these thugs. Too bad the hot dog vendor did not have a gun, and shoot them down like the animals they are.
You know, Howey, I am right here. I know you haven't stood up well in the past to a debate with me, but please refrain from being a passive-aggressive whiner.
At the HD directly behind my apartment the homeless gather and beg for work. To the point that the cops patrol the area between 8 and 10. But having volunteered there I know it kicks them out at dawn.

You volunteer at Home Depot, interesting, I would rather get paid.
To be fair jobs are rare here in my precious dying city.

The soup kitchen that occasionally works with the shelter. I don't necessarily agree that this is the bet way to help them, but its good brownie points, looks good on resumes, and better than nothing.

You do it for brownie points?

To quote Rose

You do it for brownie points?

To quote Rose


No matter my reasons and what connections I try to make, how much do you do? Whens the last time you spent 6 hours scrubbing burnt iron cauldrons in hot water for the needy you tell us you try to help?
No matter my reasons and what connections I try to make, how much do you do? Whens the last time you spent 6 hours scrubbing burnt iron cauldrons in hot water for the needy you tell us you try to help?

What a martyr! My community service has been going on for 41 years and I do it to benefit others, not for brownie points.