Nobody in Georgia is being denied water


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“This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in line to vote.”
Two Fact-Check Outlets Deliver Falsehoods to Claim Georgia Banned Food and Water at Polling Locations

It all begins from a lie released by the White Louse on Friday, where bungler Biden gave his official position on the new Georgia law. In it, the old fool made this comment about one portion of the new legislation: "Iit makes it a crime to provide water to voters while they wait in line."

Tt drew the attention of the gang at Politifact.

In similar fashion, the resident fact-checker at The Washington Post, Glenn Kessler, responded to an interview with a member of the Georgia Secretary of State office, Gabriel Sterling, on PBS News Hour.

Politifact offers this exchange :

“Are you really suggesting that it should be wrong to provide water or drinks to people waiting in line to exercise their democratic franchise?” Wallace asked.

Holmes replied: “No, I’m not. What I’m suggesting is wrong is to suggest that the law does that.”

In measuring the truthfulness of this detail here is the final assessment from Politifact:

But just because poll workers can make self-service water available, doesn’t mean they are required to come up with a way to make water accessible to voters in every line at every polling site. Also, people could hand out water or food to voters outside the 150-foot and 25-foot boundaries. We rate this statement Mostly False.

There is the semantics game being played; the fact that the law does not require poll workers to do anything is not the same as saying it bans giving out water. It pertains to the wording ‘’Solicit votes in any manner’’, which covers all the elements listed in the sentence. Nothing spoken by Holmes was incorrect, and he even provided evidence that lays out how the writers at Politifact were altering their approach when they spoke with him for comment.

The intent was to arrive at the ”False” conclusion, so they changed the semantics in order to frame the fact-check differently.

Kessler likewise plays a similar game, allowing him to deliver this very slanted tweet in linking to his fact-check on the matter.

To arrive at that conclusion he elected to address the statement made by Gabriel Sterling, who in his interview said, ‘’This is actually the law in the president’s home state of Delaware right now.’’ Kessler gets pedantic on the issue, noting that the Delaware law does not stipulate food and drink directly where it limits giveaways made at polling locations. Kessler leans on this distinction in order to deliver a ”Two Pinocchios‘’ judgment on the matter. Also, his declaration that Georgia does ”specifically prohibit food or water at polls” is permitted to stand, while being wildly inaccurate.

In these intentionally specific assessments, they go to lengths in order to draw up their ‘’False’’ conclusions, but they completely bypass a major falsehood in the process.
Nobody in Georgia is being denied water

Horseshit. Your Banana RepubliQan embarrassment is showing.

Haw, haw......................................haw.

“This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in line to vote.”

Why is Trump stealing sippy cups from black babies in Georgia???
People were offering food and water to people standing in the long lines the Repubs caused. It was never a problem at all or a political problem until the Rightys made it one with this brand spanking new law. Why would anyone care if voters standing in the hot Georgia sun to vote got water? We always saw it as an act of humanity. This entire conflict is Reds trying to deter likely Dems from voting. It is how they roll in Georgia.
People were offering food and water to people standing in the long lines the Repubs caused. It was never a problem at all or a political problem until the Rightys made it one with this brand spanking new law. Why would anyone care if voters standing in the hot Georgia sun to vote got water? We always saw it as an act of humanity. This entire conflict is Reds trying to deter likely Dems from voting. It is how they roll in Georgia.

Who told you that?
Two Fact-Check Outlets Deliver Falsehoods to Claim Georgia Banned Food and Water at Polling Locations

It all begins from a lie released by the White Louse on Friday, where bungler Biden gave his official position on the new Georgia law. In it, the old fool made this comment about one portion of the new legislation: "Iit makes it a crime to provide water to voters while they wait in line."

Tt drew the attention of the gang at Politifact.

In similar fashion, the resident fact-checker at The Washington Post, Glenn Kessler, responded to an interview with a member of the Georgia Secretary of State office, Gabriel Sterling, on PBS News Hour.

Politifact offers this exchange :

“Are you really suggesting that it should be wrong to provide water or drinks to people waiting in line to exercise their democratic franchise?” Wallace asked.

Holmes replied: “No, I’m not. What I’m suggesting is wrong is to suggest that the law does that.”

In measuring the truthfulness of this detail here is the final assessment from Politifact:

But just because poll workers can make self-service water available, doesn’t mean they are required to come up with a way to make water accessible to voters in every line at every polling site. Also, people could hand out water or food to voters outside the 150-foot and 25-foot boundaries. We rate this statement Mostly False.

There is the semantics game being played; the fact that the law does not require poll workers to do anything is not the same as saying it bans giving out water. It pertains to the wording ‘’Solicit votes in any manner’’, which covers all the elements listed in the sentence. Nothing spoken by Holmes was incorrect, and he even provided evidence that lays out how the writers at Politifact were altering their approach when they spoke with him for comment.

The intent was to arrive at the ”False” conclusion, so they changed the semantics in order to frame the fact-check differently.

Kessler likewise plays a similar game, allowing him to deliver this very slanted tweet in linking to his fact-check on the matter.

To arrive at that conclusion he elected to address the statement made by Gabriel Sterling, who in his interview said, ‘’This is actually the law in the president’s home state of Delaware right now.’’ Kessler gets pedantic on the issue, noting that the Delaware law does not stipulate food and drink directly where it limits giveaways made at polling locations. Kessler leans on this distinction in order to deliver a ”Two Pinocchios‘’ judgment on the matter. Also, his declaration that Georgia does ”specifically prohibit food or water at polls” is permitted to stand, while being wildly inaccurate.

In these intentionally specific assessments, they go to lengths in order to draw up their ‘’False’’ conclusions, but they completely bypass a major falsehood in the process.

You are the one making assumptions about the law! READ IT- Don't just post it!

Not only that- you are trying too hard! Take a break! Re-Grioup! Use your your noggin- if you have one!
You are the one making assumptions about the law! READ IT- Don't just post it!

Leg-iron is a committed banana RepubliQan moron. He'd willingly have his left arm, left leg and left nut amputated.

Haw, haw...........................................haw.
Not allowing folks to come in and politic on election day at the voting sites is a good thing. This keeps the body politic from trying to harass folks or appear threatening. Pretending it is about water is just posturing.