Truck Fump / h1b
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Wow, the jews have really been a force in attacking white supremacism. For their reward they will be allowed to be supremacists themselves.
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And we have become more like terrorists while "fighting" them. A common human failing.
If you can read this, thank a Jew.
You can read a computer screen because of the triumph of western culture. The Jews invented western culture.
No problems we'll agree to disagree then.
This is not a matter of favorite color, bubbula. The jews are simply not responsible for the western world. In fact, they've made it their goal to destroy western culture and return the world to stratified fascistic theocracy.
If we trade lists of facts there will be eyes glazing over even as they approach this thread. Anyway, let's keep it in context. I said, the Jews invented western culture. I didn't comment on what they are allegedly doing to it now. Not that I agree with that assertion either but that's just opinion v opinion and in the long run opinion v opinion becomes a boring pissing match.
I can bring a list of cultural innovation of non jews too. You wanna go first? Let's piss. Put or shut up.
I'm not talking about "cultural innovations". It's much broader than who invented the toothbrush. I said Jews invented western culture, what those who existed in that culture chose to do with it when they were bequeathed it is another discussion.
Lists. Playground squabble.
Actually I'm not a Jew. I was baptised Catholic but I've been lapsed for many, many years. I have no religious beliefs and I treat all religions the same way. They're interesting social and cutural artifacts and I like learning about them.
I'm not interested in anyone's propaganda. I'm just stating a historical fact. Jews invented western culture.
Got a link for this historical fact?
Thank you, Diuretic, you're a perfect case study in Noahide Goy logic.