Never heard of it.
But, the part about violent and sociopathic sounds promising.
Right on, my brother.
I rented "28 weeks later" to watch tonight. It's supposed to be a blood fest.
Actually... I just read that this film is going to be nominated for the Oscars.
Right on, my brother.
I rented "28 weeks later" to watch tonight. It's supposed to be a blood fest.
Not as good as 28 days later. But ditto.
No, it wasn't as good as 28 days later. But, it was pretty good.
The first movie was brilliant. Hard to top. This one relied on blood and shock, a lot more than the first one.
The Coen brothers just took a good story from McCarthy, that's all. Don't see why they should get all the praise whenever all they did is set up the lighting.
It's based on a book by an author (Cormac McCarthy) who has been described as our "greatest living author". Harold Bloom, pretentious prick though he is, lists him as one of the four great authors of modern time, along with Thomas Pychnon, if that tells you anything.
You might want to pick it up, if you liked the movie. The guy, I've read, is often compared to Faulkner. I might pick the book up too, I'm tired of all this top 10 shit the corps keep shoving at us, and kind of tired of re-reading the same good old stuff too.
Woody Harrelson, in a blunt, violent, well scripted ans well acted movie? I'd have never guessed that after seeinf "Natural Born Killers".
Great movie, based on the book by Cormac McCarthy, a great writer.
I can sense your sarcasm, as it is blunt, as well as well scripted. But his part in this movie was small, well, well done, but small.
I seriously can't get this character "Anton Chigr" off my mind. What a great portrayal of a true sociopath. Perfect.