No anti-Zionism on the Internet or "Julius Caesar's wife, above suspicion"

Alik Bahshi

Verified User
Alik Bahshi

No anti-Zionism on the Internet or "Julius Caesar's wife, above suspicion"

Israel from the very beginning of its existence, is at war with the Palestinian Arabs, who do not agree with the principle of "two states for two peoples." They do not want peace, and, unable to defeat Israel began to lead a war against Israel in the media. Since online , a series of anti-Israeli articles that time there the moderator closed, there by demonstrating robust approach to such dirty tricks propaganda. Wise site moderator also quickly recognized a sophisticated attempt to anti-Semitic propaganda in the form of a theme of "Israel - not the nest of international terrorism," and put a stop spreading lies on the internet. Here is an example of such a lie:

Israel - not the nest of international terrorism

Incident flotilla "Free Gaza" has caused a lot of misunderstandings and disputes. The fact that it was set up three commissions to investigate cases of attacks on ships that intends to break the blockade of Gaza, which is an autonomous territory of a sovereign state, indicates the seriousness of the international community to an event.
For more than half a century, defending Israel from Arab terrorists carrying Islamic conspiracy against Israel - an outpost of democracy in the Middle East. But not everyone understands the historical responsibility to resist attempts by Islamic religious fanatics stifle democracy and nest only true faith - Judaism, has nothing in common with the fanaticism of the goyim , and some publish opus accusing Israel of terrorism. So with a nickname Alik Bahshi wrote slanderous article "Israel - nest of international terrorism" ( The UN Commission on Human Rights issued a flagrant conclusion, accusing Israel in the attack on the flotilla, which was sent to a provocative way to deliver food to the starving people of Gaza. I dare to even suggest that the Commission could benefit from such provocative opus, which should be possible to remove from the Internet space.

At present, political opinions, thanks to the Internet, has received an outrageous freedom, which can lead to similar incidents , as happened with the UN Commission on Human Rights, to expose Israel culprit. There is an urgent need to identify all sorts of innuendo and distortions on the Internet and stripping them to continue no committee was not able to take advantage of false material, like "Israel - nest of international terrorism." It is necessary to establish a school of moderators, professionally suitable for such a responsible position. By the way, the moderator at the forum site copes with anti-Israel slander and could be a great example for the moderators of other sites. Here, the main task to convey to the reader as tray, which calls for Israel to persuade the peace process is actually hiding rabid anti-Semites. No anti-Semitism on the Internet!

PS. What is most interesting is that even the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu came under the influence of anti-Semitic propaganda and Israel pleaded guilty to piracy in the case of the flotilla "Free Gaza".

Summarizing the example of propaganda, all the moderators have to be vigilant, protecting the freedom of expression in the media.