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This fear of "falling out of being," as it were, is the most pervasive kind of Nihilism today. It is the constant theme of the arts, and the prevailing note of "absurdist" philosophy. But it is a more conscious Nihilism, the Nihilism of the explicit antitheist, that has been more directly responsible for the calamities of our century. To the man afflicted with such Nihilism, the sense of falling into the abyss, far from ending in passive anxiety and despair, is transformed into a frenzy of Satanic energy that impels him to strike out at the whole of creation and bring it, if he can, plummeting into the abyss with him. Yet in the end a Proudhon, a Bakunin, a Lenin, a Hitler, however great their temporary influence and success, must fail; they must even testify, against their will, to the Truth they would destroy. For their endeavor to Nihilize creation, and so annul God's act of creation by returning the world to the very nothingness from which it came, is but an inverted parody of God's creation;[36] and they, like their father the Devil, are but feeble apes of God who, in their attempt, "prove" the existence of the God they deny, and in their failure testify to His power and glory.

No man, we have said often enough, lives without a god; who then--or what--is the god of the Nihilist? It is nihil, nothingness itself-not the nothingness of absence or non-existence, but of apostasy and denial; it is the "corpse" of the "dead God" which so weighs upon the Nihilist. The God hitherto so real and so present to Christian men cannot be disposed of overnight; so absolute a monarch can have no immediate successor. So it is that, at the present moment of man's spiritual history--a moment, admittedly, of crisis and transition--a dead God, a great void, stands at the center of man's faith. The Nihilist wills the world, which once revolved about God, to revolve now about--nothing.

Can this be?--an order founded upon nothing? Of course it cannot; it is self-contradiction, it is suicide. But let us not expect coherence from modern thinkers; this is in fact the point modern thought and its Revolution have reached in our time. If it is a point that can be held only for a moment, if it has been reached only to be very quickly superseded, its reality cannot for all that be denied. There are many signs, which we shall examine in their place, that the world has begun to move out of the "age of Nihilism" since the end of the last great war, and towards some kind of "new age"; but in any case this "new age," if it come, will not see the overcoming of Nihilism, but its perfection. The Revolution reveals its truest face in Nihilism; without repentance--and there has been none--what comes after can only be a mask hiding that same face. Whether overtly in the explicit antitheism of Bolshevism, Fascism, Naziism, or passively in the cult of indifference and despair, "absurdism" and "existentialism," modern man has clearly revealed his resolve to live henceforth without God--that is to say, in a void, in nothingness. Before our century, the well-meaning could still delude themselves that "Liberalism" and "humanism," "science" and "progress," the Revolution itself and the whole path of modern thought were something "positive" and even, in some vague sense, had "God" on their side. It is quite clear now that the Revolution and God can have nothing to do with each other; there is no room in a consistent modern philosophy for God at all. All further modern thought, whatever disguises it may assume, must presuppose this, must be built upon the void left by the "death of God." The Revolution, in fact, cannot be completed until the last vestige of faith in the true God is uprooted from the hearts of men and everyone has learned to live in this void.

From faith comes coherence. The world of faith, which was once the normal world, is a supremely coherent world because in it everything is oriented to God as to its beginning and end, and obtains its meaning in that orientation. Nihilist rebellion, in destroying that world, has inspired a new world: the world of the "absurd." This word, very much in fashion at the present time to describe the plight of contemporary man, has actually, if property understood, a profound meaning. For if nothingness be the center of the world, then the world, both in its essence and in every detail, is incoherent, it fails to hold together, it is absurd. No one has more clearly and succinctly described this world than Nietzsche, its "prophet," and in the very passage where he first proclaimed its first principle, the "death of God."

We have killed him (God), you and I! We are all his murderers! But how have we done it? How were we able to drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the whole horizon? What did we do when we loosened this earth from its sun? Whither does it move now? Wither do we move? Away from all suns? Do we not dash on unceasingly? Backwards, sideways, forwards, in all directions? Is there still an above and below? Do we not stray, as through infinite nothingness? Does not empty space breathe upon us? Has it not become colder? Does not night come on continually, darker and darker?[37]
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Nihilism, the sense of falling into the abyss, far from ending in passive anxiety and despair, is transformed into a frenzy of Satanic energy

I stopped reading at 'satanic energy'.

What the buggery is 'satanic energy'? I am a nihilist, simply because nihilism is the underlying reality behind all the fictional realities we create to make our selves feel better about their existence. I've never had 'satanic energy', even with the use of coke or amphet.....
From faith comes coherence.

With faith comes dead dogma and acceptence of ideas by authority alone.

Faith is an excuse for not thinking or applying reason.
As for the Neitzsche quote, what you fail to add is his prescription for dealing with addressing nihilistic reality, the nature of overcoming nihilism.... a message with more cheer and hope for mankind than any of the religious texts that defer reality in favour of blind acceptance and slavish mentality.
As for the Neitzsche quote, what you fail to add is his prescription for dealing with addressing nihilistic reality, the nature of overcoming nihilism.... a message with more cheer and hope for mankind than any of the religious texts that defer reality in favour of blind acceptance and slavish mentality.

SO you add it.

I believe in human life as the highest good. It is the core of belief for me.

The elites of our world prefer nihilism so we will basically kill ourselves, so they don't have to.
SO you add it.

It would take up a lot of space and I'd probably breach a fair few copywrite laws....

I could always recommend reading?

I believe in human life as the highest good. It is the core of belief for me.

What do you mean by 'human life is the highest good'? That there is nothing better than human life? A nihilist would probably agree. Don't forget that a nihilist doesn't believe that existence has no meaning at all, but that meaning is a human creation, and as such can only be found were humans create it. Nihilism is very subjective....

The elites of our world prefer nihilism so we will basically kill ourselves, so they don't have to.

Firstly, what makes you think that holding nihilism as reality would inspire you to suicide? Many people hold this reality as true and don't kill themselves. Many people who aren't nihilists and trust in false realities such as religion do kill themselves.

Remember that nihilism isn't the belief that existence has no meaning at all, but that meaning is a human creation and only found where humans invest it.

Secondly, what makes you think that the 'global elite' wants to kill everyone? If they did, they'd have noone to be elite of, and if they are interested in financial gain are hardly likely to kill their consumers and staff.

If it is some brainwashing by the 'elite' that worries you, then nihilism is useful to undermine that, with false realities such as religion it is easy to sophistically manipulate the old texts used, to justify anything.

Nihilism states that all is subjective, and one must apply one's own reasoning....

Nihilism is simply reality, and is certainly not being used to manipulate. Look to false realities such as religion and the belief in the transcendental for that...
The postmodernist "reason" has no goal to reason towards.

How has reason changed from classical times into the postmodern era?

Reasoning is simply the presenting of the reasons that make you believe a conclusion and subjecting them to logic.

Reasoning doesn't have to have a goal. It is in itself. If reason had a goal, it would be corrupt, a sophist tool to justify a position....
There is nothing wrong with nihilism its what you do with it that matters.

99% percent of nihilists use it to justify various totalitarian / genocidal "improvements" to the world.

Traditionally, reasoning and planning has been oriented towards improving one's lot in life. Since the elitists of today are hostile to the common man, they've perverted the discourse on selfishness such that selfishness itself, or the very instinct to survive, is villified and deemed "irrational". This is how reason has changed: it used to be oriented around life affirmation and survival, now many are trying to change reason so that may only have, anti-white, anti-male, anti-christian, or anti-individual conclusions. For instance, "blacks can't be racist, because racism is about power, and blacks have no power".

This is reasoning being perverted to justify racism.
99% percent of nihilists use it to justify various totalitarian / genocidal "improvements" to the world.

If you are going to use numbers instead of just words like many or most you ought to have a study supporting such an assertion. I don't think it is 99%. All the people who have said they believe in nihilism here do not use it in such a way.

Traditionally, reasoning and planning has been oriented towards improving one's lot in life. Since the elitists of today are hostile to the common man, they've perverted the discourse on selfishness such that selfishness itself, or the very instinct to survive, is villified and deemed "irrational". This is how reason has changed: it used to be oriented around life affirmation and survival, now many are trying to change reason so that may only have, anti-white, anti-male, anti-christian, or anti-individual conclusions. For instance, "blacks can't be racist, because racism is about power, and blacks have no power".

This is reasoning being perverted to justify racism.

I fail to see what this has to do with nihilism.
99% percent of nihilists use it to justify various totalitarian / genocidal "improvements" to the world.

If you are going to use numbers instead of just words like many or most you ought to have a study supporting such an assertion. I don't think it is 99%. All the people who have said they believe in nihilism here do not use it in such a way.

Traditionally, reasoning and planning has been oriented towards improving one's lot in life. Since the elitists of today are hostile to the common man, they've perverted the discourse on selfishness such that selfishness itself, or the very instinct to survive, is villified and deemed "irrational". This is how reason has changed: it used to be oriented around life affirmation and survival, now many are trying to change reason so that may only have, anti-white, anti-male, anti-christian, or anti-individual conclusions. For instance, "blacks can't be racist, because racism is about power, and blacks have no power".

This is reasoning being perverted to justify racism.

I fail to see what this has to do with nihilism.

You claimed reason is reason. Im saying reasoning is being perverted. It is slightly tangential yet still related to this discussion. This same distortion is being applied to valuing one's own survival. Why is "survivalist" a dirty word?
not valuing survival or life has to do with nihilism.

Take off your pointy-headed nincompoop hat and be honest.
99% percent of nihilists use it to justify various totalitarian / genocidal "improvements" to the world.

Traditionally, reasoning and planning has been oriented towards improving one's lot in life. Since the elitists of today are hostile to the common man, they've perverted the discourse on selfishness such that selfishness itself, or the very instinct to survive, is villified and deemed "irrational". This is how reason has changed: it used to be oriented around life affirmation and survival, now many are trying to change reason so that may only have, anti-white, anti-male, anti-christian, or anti-individual conclusions. For instance, "blacks can't be racist, because racism is about power, and blacks have no power".

This is reasoning being perverted to justify racism.

I assure you that any "racism" against whites isn't as bad as the racism against blacks.
AssHat, you really don't know what Nihilism even is.

And what? Reason is perverted? WTF?

4. Philosophy. a. an extreme form of skepticism: the denial of all real existence or the possibility of an objective basis for truth.
b. nothingness or nonexistence.

6. annihilation of the self, or the individual consciousness, esp. as an aspect of mystical experience.

An approach to philosophy that holds that human life is meaningless and that all religions, laws, moral codes, and political systems are thoroughly empty and false. The term is from the Latin nihil, meaning “nothing.”
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Asshat, all definitions are written by people, and those people will have opinions, and they will not have infinite knowledge. And, in any case, they are trying to make the definition as brief, not necessarily as accurate, as possible. Desh tried to pull this same stuff on me before. I said that democracy is rule by the majority (which is obviously the most truthful and least idealistic way to look at the system) and she pulled out a webster and said "NO, IT'S RULE BY THE PEOPLE!", as if she believed she had accomplished something.

Try looking "nihilism" up in wikipedia or encarta online for a more thorough view on the subject.
Take off your pointy-headed nincompoop hat and be honest.

I am always honest on these boards. I don't appreciate your attempt to insult me when I did nothing to you.
Just as a hammer can be used to build a house, it too can be used to crack a skull. The tool itself is not "evil" it is how you choose to act while using it that may be "evil".

It is not nihilism itself that is the tool, that is just reality, it is the knowledge of nihilism that is the tool we can use... to build our own meaning and moral structures.
99% percent of nihilists use it to justify various totalitarian / genocidal "improvements" to the world.

Roflmao! Ok, Where did you get this from? And what do you think nihilism actually is? What nihilists have used nihilism to justify such things?

Traditionally, reasoning and planning has been oriented towards improving one's lot in life. Since the elitists of today are hostile to the common man, they've perverted the discourse on selfishness such that selfishness itself, or the very instinct to survive, is villified and deemed "irrational". This is how reason has changed: it used to be oriented around life affirmation and survival, now many are trying to change reason so that may only have, anti-white, anti-male, anti-christian, or anti-individual conclusions. For instance, "blacks can't be racist, because racism is about power, and blacks have no power".

This is reasoning being perverted to justify racism.

Reasoning is the act of presenting your conclusions and then presenting the reasons why you believe that conclusion. It is quite ironic that you are using reasoning to decry the act of reasoning as corrupt. What makes you think that reasoning has been preverted? Can you present examples?

Reason isn't anti anything, it is amoral. You cannot change the notion of putting forward a conclusion supported by reasons that are tested. If you are arguing that people are putting forward conclusions that you don't like, that you believe are anti-everything, then argue against the reasons themselves, not the ability to reason.

It is the ability to reason that seperates us from other animals.

The example you presented... ""blacks can't be racist, because racism is about power, and blacks have no power"." It is not the act of reasoning that you disagree with, but the conclusion and reasons reached in that argument. You could challenge it, and defeat it, but only using reason...

Reason has neither changed nor been corrupted. It isn't possible to do so.