NFL Predictions


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First Off my Niners are the most talented team in league....fact.

AFC East:weakest division in football

1. Patriots-even with the loss of all the receivers you could put Mickey Mouse out wide and Brady will get the ball to them.
2. Buffalo
3. Miami
4. N.Y. Jets_Mark Sanchez....need I say more?

AFC North
1. Cincinnati-if they can't win this division this year they never will
2. Baltimore-team had the worst free agency in NFL history, oiverpaid an average QB which led to gutting of team, Pitta out for season and the beast Boldin gone, they struggle to make wildcard.
3. Pittsburgh-no offense
4. Cleveland

AFC South
1. Houston
2. Indianapolis
3. Tennessee
4. Jacksonville

AFC West
1. Denver-on a mission, highly talented
2.San Diego
3. Kansas City
4. Oakland-worst fucking team in league hands down

NFC East
1. N.Y. Giants-every other year they step up
2. Washington
3. Dallas-until Tony Choko is not the QB the team is perennial 8-8 7-9
4. Philadelphia

NFC North
1. Green Bay
2. Chicago
3. Minnesota-can A.P. carry the team again? No QB there.
4. Detroit-what a bunch of underachievers

NFC South
1. Atlanta-will fall short again-no defense
2. Tampa Bay
3. New Orleans
4. Carolina

NFC West
1. San Francisco-most complete team in football, best defense, totally stacked on offense
2. Seattle-getting there, a few positions short........maybe the CB's can get on the juice again this year?
3. St. Louis
4. Arizona


1. Denver
2. New England
3. Houston
4. Cincinnati
5. Indianapolis
6. Baltimore

1. San Francisco
2. Atlanta
3. N.Y. Giants
4. Green Bay
5. Seattle
6. Washington


San Francisco vs Denver.....S,F. gets #6
I can't wait for the Texans, 49ers game.

I bet NE won't be as good as you have them.

Indy and Balt are going to worse than 5, and 6, and Seattle will be much better than 5 in my opinion.
I can't wait for the Texans, 49ers game.

I bet NE won't be as good as you have them.

Indy and Balt are going to worse than 5, and 6, and Seattle will be much better than 5 in my opinion.

Seattle is way overrated, couldn't even handle Atlanta, they are already behind the 8 ball with the mighty Niners residing in the NFC West............................Baltimore will sneak in in the last two weeks, N.E. has Brady, the closest thing to Joe Montana the NFL has ever seen, put Richard Simmons at wideout and Brady will get him 100 catches.
I predict SF starts off the season 0-3 and gets destroyed in the noise factory. I wouldn't complain about our corners when you just signed a FA who got busted for PEDs.

Also, why is everyone so down on Oakland? They are far from the worst team with JAC, PHI, NJJ, floating around. Also, wait until Flynn is starting for them and the media does a 180. I mean, the guy is apparently lazy in practice, which is how he lost to Wilson, and has people talking about Pryor, but give hum the ball and he lights the place up.
In case you're wondering, that's losses to GB, Seattle, and Indy. Then in week 4 you go to STL, who kind of gave you issues last year.
Seattle is way overrated, couldn't even handle Atlanta, they are already behind the 8 ball with the mighty Niners residing in the NFC West............................Baltimore will sneak in in the last two weeks, N.E. has Brady, the closest thing to Joe Montana the NFL has ever seen, put Richard Simmons at wideout and Brady will get him 100 catches.

We'll see.
I think if Brady has a phenomenal season, it will show him to be truly great, because he now has a hollow shell around him compared with the past
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I am a little concerned about my Steelers. I thought the O-line has finally resolved itself....but after the Redskins game, I am not so sure.

All I can say is that it would be interesting to see what Ben could do without having to play Fran Tarkenton every time he drops back to pass....and if they could open up some holes for the RB to get through.

I do have to remind myself that preseason is totally vanilla in gameplanning and strategy.....but still...a hat on a hat is pretty basic stuff.
I think if Brady has a phenomenal season, it will show hum to be truly great, because he now has a hollow shell around hum compared with the past

Brady doesn't have to prove anything to anybody. He's a first ballot HOFer. The only question on him is.....when does his skills diminish and how long do you wait to draft his replacement?
No, I was talking about the big picture of ranking him against the likes of Montana, Marino, etc. The better he does with the current team, the more his legacy is helped.
No, I was talking about the big picture of ranking him against the likes of Montana, Marino, etc. The better he does with the current team, the more his legacy is helped. want him to get the designation of "greatest all time"? He's up there...and he may very well get it over Manning the elder.

I personally don't give a crap about rankings. Football is a team sport. QB's get all the glory....but what's really important to a fan of a particular team is Championships.....players come and go.
I can't say that I am a huge fan, so it doesn't matter substantially. Certainly, Montana did himself favor by never losing a Super Bowl. Also, as a kid I was able to watch him play for the Chiefs. It's difficult to overcome childhood nostalgia, so I remain a Montana fan.
The Patriots lost 90% of their offense, and their defense is middlin' at best. They had a great run, but this is the 1st year of their decline.

Bills take the division this year.
My Bungles are looking good. The last three years have been shockers. Gone are the day's of recruitng parole offices. We've stacked up with some young talent. Some, Like Andrew Hawkins, John Sanu and Vontaze Burfect have been steals. We picked up Josh Johnson from Tampa Bay as a free agent this year and he has impressed in the pre-season. He'll be a quality back up and possibly role player at QB. This guy can throw and flat out run the ball. He did a 40 yard run against Atlanta that was damned impressive.

Serious high expectations for the Bungles this year. Anything less than a playoff win this year will be regarded as a failure. want him to get the designation of "greatest all time"? He's up there...and he may very well get it over Manning the elder.

I personally don't give a crap about rankings. Football is a team sport. QB's get all the glory....but what's really important to a fan of a particular team is Championships.....players come and go.
Let us all sing the praises of the place holder.
He is a player of distinction.
He plays for us every day.
In a most convienant way.
But he never gets the glory that the QB does!
Your Bungles are looking awesome! If they can overcome Denver in the play-offs, they will have the honor of losing to either Seattle or SF in Super Bowl XLVIII.
Your Bungles are looking awesome! If they can overcome Denver in the play-offs, they will have the honor of losing to either Seattle or SF in Super Bowl XLVIII.
we will see. They have the potential to win the afc north. If you can win that division you can win it all.