Next game decides it...


New member
Whoever wins this next one, between Detroit and Boston, probably takes the series.

Ortiz's slam was something. But they need more out of him.

Anybody who thinks the Sox should be up is a doughy idiot that knows nothing about baseball. The Red Sox are very fortunate to be tied. They have won two games on three hits.
thanks for your vote of confidence baxter!
(i actually opened up another browser to read his post quickly saw it and blocked it from my mind over how dumb it was).

good thing I don't care what a member of the most ignorant, stupid, fairweather bandwagoner fanclubs that can't even fill the stadium even half past full when they are a playoff team has to say. annoying cowbells, stupid uneducated opinions.

But in any case.

i actually don't hate the tampa ban team, just their dumb fans. although I see their fans as sort of just unconscious and not "mean." Recently I have been reading stuff from detroit fans and they are by far just total assholes. Ridiculously arrogant too.

Sox fans are conditioned to being humble (until after we win) because we are so used to having shit blow up in our faces. Red sox nation is still majorly apprehensive right now and we don't want to jinx shit.
thanks for your vote of confidence baxter!
(i actually opened up another browser to read his post quickly saw it and blocked it from my mind over how dumb it was).

good thing I don't care what a member of the most ignorant, stupid, fairweather bandwagoner fanclubs that can't even fill the stadium even half past full when they are a playoff team has to say. annoying cowbells, stupid uneducated opinions.

But in any case.


This is nothing but a bunch of stupid collectivist ad homs. Your generalization is based on a very trivial trait and it's not even accurate.

Boston and New York fans are the worst. They have zero loyalty to players or coach and will turn on them very quickly. Witness your blaming of Peavy, who is a quality pitcher when he is on, but a little less consistent at this point in his career. The fact that you have a much bigger population / market does not make you superior individually. But being a fat doughy loser I see you need to assume some unearned credit for your group identity.

Boston was very fortunate to win game two. That one will likely be very decisive. Frankly, I think Leyland was foolish to pull Scherzer but then he had access to information that I did not. An obviously stronger bullpen has been very helpful for Boston as well. They are without question a very good team, after having rebuilt the team following the Rays model. Now they are in the driver's seat with only one to win in two at home. But they were dangerously close to being down by two games and but for three hits could have been swept.