NEWS ALRET: Windex WITH AMONIA found under Saddams sink... Dixie vindicated!


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Dixie thinks that some remenants of old munitions that had become unusable and were "about as dangerous as chemicals found under your kitchen sink" he has an argument that we FOUND WMD in Iraq!
“Since 2003 Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent,” states a June 21 declassified summary of a report from the National Ground Intelligence Center. “Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq’s pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist.”

Are these weapons old and inert? The Pentagon unit warns, “While agents degrade over time, chemical warfare agents remain hazardous and potentially lethal.”

“Iraq was not a WMD-free zone,” said House Intelligence chairman Peter Hoekstra (R.-Mich.). “Weapons have been discovered. More weapons exist.” Hoekstra and Senator Rick Santorum (R.- Pa.) have pressured the administration to detail its WMD findings.

What if terrorists acquired a few of these shells? “You’re not talking about transferring hundreds to make an impact in New York, in a subway, or anything like that,” Hoekstra told reporters June 21. “One or two of these shells, the materials inside of these, transferred outside of the country can be very, very deadly.”

Here and there, other potentially deadly things have emerged from Iraq’s sands.

Former weapons inspector David Kay declared on October 2, 2003 that U.S. personnel discovered “a vial of live C. botulinum Okra B. from which a biological agent can be produced.” This was, Kay said, “hidden in the home” of an Iraqi biological weapons researcher.
In January 2004, according to a New York Sun editorial published that June 1, a 7-pound block of cyanide salt popped up in Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s Baghdad safe house.
On May 2, 2004, U.S. forces in Iraq found a mustard-gas shell, rigged as an Improvised Explosive Device. The ISG dismissed this as “ineffective” due to improper storage. Of course, the effectiveness of Hussein’s weapons was not the issue. He was supposed to prove they had been destroyed or open his facilities for inspection. Instead, Hussein failed to account for 550 mustard-gas projectiles. This may have been among them.
“The Iraqi Survey Group confirmed today that a 155-millimeter artillery round containing sarin nerve agent had been found,” also reworked as an IED, Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt told reporters that May 15. Two soldiers exposed to the device “displayed ‘classic’ symptoms of sarin exposure, most notably dilated pupils and nausea,” Fox News reported. Officials also told the network that the shell contained three to four liters of sarin, roughly three-quarters of a gallon.
Weapons sleuth Charles Duelfer told Fox News June 24, 2004: “We found, you know, 10 or 12 sarin and mustard rounds.”
That July 6, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that a joint effort with the Pentagon removed 1.77 metric tons of low-enriched uranium from Iraq “that could potentially be used in a radiological dispersal device or diverted to support a nuclear weapons program,” said a DOE statement. Those 3,894 pounds of uranium were in “powdered form, which is easily dispersed,” DOE spokesman Bryan Wilkes told Hudson Institute adjunct fellow Richard Miniter, author of “Disinformation: 22 Media Myths that Undermine the War on Terror.” As Miniter concludes: “The materal would have been ideal for a radioactive dirty bomb.”
So, Americans in Iraq have found 500 sarin- and mustard-gas-filled artillery shells, live botulinum toxin, cyanide salt, and nearly two tons of uranium. Yet, no, Virginia, there were no WMDs in Iraq.
Iraq Survey Group Report - Bush's Chief WMD Inpsector, Charles Duelfer:

While a small number of old, abandoned chemical munitions have been discovered, ISG judges that Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared chemical weapons stockpile in 1991.

But the ones which have been found are left over from the Iran-Iraq War. They are all almost 20 years old, and they are in a decayed fashion. It is very interesting that there are so many that were unaccounted for, but they do not constitute a weapon of mass destruction, although they could be a local hazard.
The discovery of those spent munitions does not supoort the idea around the central reason for attacking Iraq because of the threat of those weapons.

The primary reason for the war being pursued was the belief that Iraq was stockpiling dangerous weapons that would be used agains us and our allies.

Without that central concern no one would have voted to go to war. The other broken UN resolutions would be tolerated so they are immaterial.

Does this discovery fit with the idea that Saddams weapons programs were a threat to us? No.

Even Bush himself does not use this discovery to say he was right about WMD so why would you use this discovery to defend him.

Lets provide an analog. Lets say the central reason we attacked Iraq was because of Al-Queda ties to Iraq. If we discovered that Saddam once donated 10 dollars to an affiliate of Al Queda could we use that to say "Ah ha see there is a link between Al Queda and Saddam."

Yes technically there would be but it wouldn't matter because that isn't anything remotely close to the scope of what we are talking about.

This talk about the cache of old degraded weapons is nothing more than an attempt at a gotcha technicality and is disingenuous.
This talk about the cache of old degraded weapons is nothing more than an attempt at a gotcha technicality and is disingenuous.

No, what's disingenuous, is continuing to claim that no WMD's were found in Iraq when they were, then pretending the argument was over how potent they are, or when they were made.

The discovery of those spent munitions does not supoort the idea around the central reason for attacking Iraq because of the threat of those weapons.

They weren't "spent" munitions, and they do indeed support the idea around the reason for attacking Iraq, they were not supposed to exist, according to Liberals and Saddam.

Does this discovery fit with the idea that Saddams weapons programs were a threat to us? No.

That he lied to us about destroying old weapons? Sure it does! If he would lie about old weapons, what makes us think he would be honest about new ones, or the weapons programs he had covered up for 30 years?

The primary reason for the war being pursued was the belief that Iraq was stockpiling dangerous weapons that would be used agains us and our allies.

No, the "primary" reason, was Saddam's non-compliance with UN 1441, and the 17 previous resolutions, and the subsequent threat he posed to the middle east region. The secondary reason, was the risk that his WMD's, which were hidden all over his country, or the technology to make them, would fall into the hands of alQaeda and be used in a terror attack on us or our allies. Another underlying reason, was to eliminate any interference from Saddam, should we have to take action against Iran or Syria, his neighbors, in the War on Terror, which looks like we may have to do.

What is completely disingenuous, is the continued repeated attempts to paint the Iraq war, as being based on the issue of newly-created stockpiles of WMD's and nothing more.
Thanks for the spin dixie:

But, I'll believe the experts - Bush's own top two Inspectors - Kay and Duelfer - say no WMD was found in iraq.

And Bush, Rice, Rumsfeld, and Cheney also agree: no WMD was found.

Cyberwarrior dixie's "opinion" isn't credible
again.... technically speaking...for something to be considered a Weapon of Mass Destruction, it has to be capable of massive destruction. some old degraded sarin cannisters are perhaps "hazardous".... but so is a bottle of whiteout.... that does not mean that every secretary in America has WMD's at her desk. The guys doing the inspecting FROM OUR SIDE - Kay and Duelfer - both agree that Saddam did NOT have any WMD's...

but you guys should give up trying to get Dixie to admit he has made a mistake. I have been posting on the same boards with him for nearly four years now and I have NEVER seen him admit he fucked up. Christ, I whipped him like a redheaded stepchild for weeks on end about the Geneva Convention and in the end, after every single one of his points of argument had been soundly refuted, he finally claimed that he had only carried on the argument to show me how technical the defense of John Kerry's actions in Vietnam had to be.

He is a man devoid of ethics, limited in intelligence, and breeding.
Dixie, one simple question, lets see if you can answer it???

Dixie were these degraded munitions you keep trumpiting capable of massive destruction?

If you say yes, Id like to see a cite!
Bush's own Chief WMD Inspector, Charles Duelfer:

CHARLES DUELFER: "No, these do not indicate an ongoing weapons of mass destruction program as had been thought to exist before the war. These are leftover rounds, which Iraq probably did not even know that it had....They are almost 20 years old, and they are in a decayed fashion. It is very interesting that there are so many that were unaccounted for, but they do not constitute a weapon of mass destruction, although they could be a local hazard."
Dr. David Kay, George W. Bush's chief weapons inspector said these munitions MIGHT burn your skin to the same degree as a bad rug burn!
I know, I did it once in a mop sink and it made me very sick! Damm I guess that means the womans Gymnastics team at Auburn University has WMD in the Gym!