New York State Referendum Ballot re: Casino Gambling


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There is controversy as to whether the language of the NYS ballot referendum on casino gambling contains advocacy language, and whether the referendum language itself should advocate a position.,_Proposal_1_(2013)

Authorizing Casino Gaming

The proposed amendment to section 9 of article 1 of the Constitution would allow the Legislature to authorize up to seven casinos in New York State for the legislated purposes of promoting job growth, increasing aid to schools, and permitting local governments to lower property taxes through revenues generated. Shall the amendment be approved?

The language could just as easily read:

The proposed amendment to section 9 article 1 of Constitution would allow the Legislature to authorize up to seven casinos in New York state for the legislated purposes of imposing a regressive tax, unfairly burdening the poor with gambling losses, creating gambling addictions, and spreading misery throughout the state. Shall the amendment be approved?
What regressive tax are you talking about?

Casino gambling is considered a regressive tax that fills the government's coffers at the expense of the less fortunate, like; cigarette taxes, beer taxes, lotteries, etc.

But that's not the issue being discussed here, so can we make an effort to get through at least the first one or two posts of the thread without hijacking it?

The issue was the language of the referendum and whether or not it is appropriate?
There is controversy as to whether the language of the NYS ballot referendum on casino gambling contains advocacy language, and whether the referendum language itself should advocate a position.,_Proposal_1_(2013)

The language could just as easily read:

Cant deny casinos have made tons of cash in Jersey off of NY gamblers and Pa and Conn. Gamblers are gonna gamble might as well keep their cash home. I also find it amusing that some that rail on casino gambling never mention State Lotteries that do the same thing only more insidiously that Casinos
Cant deny casinos have made tons of cash in Jersey off of NY gamblers and Pa and Conn. Gamblers are gonna gamble might as well keep their cash home. I also find it amusing that some that rail on casino gambling never mention State Lotteries that do the same thing only more insidiously that Casinos

Lotteries are for people who failed statistics. :)
Lottos are for the poor people.

They take advantage of them but they love them.

the phsycology of being poor is surrounded by having no hope.

when a poor person buys a lotto ticket they hold for a few seconds HOPE that they will be transported into a life of freedom from want.

I never bought into though I was dirt poor for many years.

I was always to much a cheapskate to buy lottos
Lottos are for the poor people.

They take advantage of them but they love them.

the phsycology of being poor is surrounded by having no hope.

when a poor person buys a lotto ticket they hold for a few seconds HOPE that they will be transported into a life of freedom from want.

I never bought into though I was dirt poor for many years.

I was always to much a cheapskate to buy lottos

So when you were dirt poor did you have no hope?

You claim that being poor is surrounded by having no hope?

How was it that you worked your way to slum lord? Did you get lucky? Inherit a bunch of money?
Lottos are for the poor people.

They take advantage of them but they love them.

the phsycology of being poor is surrounded by having no hope.

when a poor person buys a lotto ticket they hold for a few seconds HOPE that they will be transported into a life of freedom from want.

I never bought into though I was dirt poor for many years.

I was always to much a cheapskate to buy lottos

I couldn't agree more. People need to have dreams, otherwise the world's a pretty hopeless place.

I don't buy them either although here all the proceeds are used on programs for the elderly. Sometimes it's like being caught between a rock and a hard place, do I buy a ticket to help those people even though I think there are lots better ways to do so.
why should I tell you anything about my life?

when I do all you do is LIE about what I said.

Your a terrible person who gleens joy out of imagining your giving pain to another person.

You sit in your tiny room rubbing the side of your computer and licking the imaginary blood off the screen when you think your words have caused pain.

There is a reason you feel so ALONE no matter how many people surround you.

enjoy your self created curse.

I unlike you hope you someday figure this world all out and no longer need to seek the pain of others to feel alive.

grind likes to imagine people buring to death and their eyeballs popping.

He will be you in 30 years.

I actually hope he finds a way NOT to repeat your miserable life pattern.

why should I tell you anything about my life?

when I do all you do is LIE about what I said.

Your a terrible person who gleens joy out of imagining your giving pain to another person.

You sit in your tiny room rubbing the side of your computer and licking the imaginary blood off the screen when you think your words have caused pain.

There is a reason you feel so ALONE no matter how many people surround you.

enjoy your self created curse.

I unlike you hope you someday figure this world all out and no longer need to seek the pain of others to feel alive.

grind likes to imagine people buring to death and their eyeballs popping.

He will be you in 30 years.

I actually hope he finds a way NOT to repeat your miserable life pattern.


Have you got the world figured out, evince? Why is there hopelessness amongst the poor? What is the ideology on both sides of the aisle that demands poverty and destruction? Why does the left who claims to care about the working class still allow their minds to be hijacked by the eugenic nazi globalists who believe the middle class of the first world needs to be sacrificed on the altar of globalization?
Casino gambling is considered a regressive tax that fills the government's coffers at the expense of the less fortunate, like; cigarette taxes, beer taxes, lotteries, etc.

But that's not the issue being discussed here, so can we make an effort to get through at least the first one or two posts of the thread without hijacking it?

The issue was the language of the referendum and whether or not it is appropriate?
I see. So it is your OPINION that gambling is a regressive tax? And you put that opinion in your first post, when you offered your version of what the language should be.

And now you whine when I address your language?

I think I understand your problem, but I still don't understand what regressive tax you referenced?

Supposedly, casinos will lower local school/property taxes, if all promises are kept. Whereas I have no faith that they will, I still anxiously await your data to support your silly OPINION from the OP
Have you got the world figured out, evince? Why is there hopelessness amongst the poor? What is the ideology on both sides of the aisle that demands poverty and destruction? Why does the left who claims to care about the working class still allow their minds to be hijacked by the eugenic nazi globalists who believe the middle class of the first world needs to be sacrificed on the altar of globalization?

fuck off

your a fool with little understanding of the world.

Your a bit better than you used to be when I labeled you the mind pretzel biting fly.

You actually thought is was a compliment.
fuck off

your a fool with little understanding of the world.

Your a bit better than you used to be when I labeled you the mind pretzel biting fly.

You actually thought is was a compliment.

But seriously. Why are you unable to speak against the globalization that is destroying the nation? think about it. Why? you're a globalist fascist first, an advocate of the american poor second. How did this happen to you?
I couldn't agree more. People need to have dreams, otherwise the world's a pretty hopeless place.

I don't buy them either although here all the proceeds are used on programs for the elderly. Sometimes it's like being caught between a rock and a hard place, do I buy a ticket to help those people even though I think there are lots better ways to do so.

In California they initially claimed lotto ticket revenue was 'additional revenue' going to help the schools. What they eventually did is use the lotto money to replace the funds directed towards the schools. Total scam.
In California they initially claimed lotto ticket revenue was 'additional revenue' going to help the schools. What they eventually did is use the lotto money to replace the funds directed towards the schools. Total scam.
Yep...same here. They pushed the lottery as a winner for education. Never happened

No, you don't. Not a bit. Stop changing the subject you idiot.

Here, try this referendum on for size and maybe you'll get the point of the thread:

The proposed amendment to section 9 article 1 of Constitution would allow the Legislature to eliminate all state taxation for the legislated purposes of promoting job growth. Shall the amendment be approved?