New York, New Jersey now lead the country in COVID-19 infections


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New York, New Jersey now lead the country in COVID-19 infections

ew York and New Jersey now have the highest rates of COVID-19 infection in the country.

The Empire State has averaged 548 cases for every 100,000 residents over the past 14 days — only surpassed by the Garden State with 647 cases.

Despite vaccination efforts, New York has not seen a dramatic reduction in infections. Daily cases have averaged about 50,000 people per week since mid-February.

And across the Hudson River in New Jersey, the number of new infections has climbed by 37 percent in a little more than a month, to about 23,600 every seven days.

So while our left of center friends keep screaming that republicans in Fl are irresponsible for their spike (*even though the truth is the numbers are going down), by their logic, the democrats in NY, NJ, and michigan, 1,2, and 3, are far more responsible for covid spread than "republicans" in florida.
Anti-maskers are to blame.

Anybody seen people with a 'chin mask?'

What the heck good does THAT do?

You've seen 'em.

Oh, they've got the mask, but it's not over the nose. Heck, it's not even over the mouth! It's down there on the chin.

Hey, they are supposed to be wearing a mask, right?

There are no requirements as to just HOW it is supposed to be worn, right?

Some of them even end up on TV or in other pictures.

Who in the world wants to be in pictures or video looking like a total idiot?

Lot's of people, apparently.

You have to wonder if they have any idea of how stupid they look on TV with the chin mask.

And what is with these people who refuse to remain distant?

They want to get real close, and they don't care. It's like they are oblivious to the news. "Pandemic? What's a pandemic? We're IN ONE??? Who knew?"

You get in line for something, you need to space it out. If people are in line, they are in line. A line is obvious. It doesn't matter how much space there is between people in line. Nobody is going to come cut in front of you if you leave enough social distancing space for COVID safety. What is it with these people who have to be breathing down the back of your neck? Are they THAT afraid of somebody coming to cut the line? Must suck to live a life in such fear.

And another apparently little understood fact about lines. The amount of space between the people in line has nothing to do with how fast the line goes. What do these people think? If they get real close to the person in front of them that this will somehow make the whole line go faster?

The whole idea behind masks and distancing is to avoid sharing air. You don't want to breathe somebody else's breath. You don't want to force somebody else to breathe your breath. It's a simple concept. I am amazed at how many people struggle with this. It is so easy for humans to prevail in the war on COVID. Or at least it would be if everybody would understand these simple concepts. That's why we have a pandemic. Too many humans are unable to grasp these very basic concepts.
New York, New Jersey now lead the country in COVID-19 infections

ew York and New Jersey now have the highest rates of COVID-19 infection in the country.

The Empire State has averaged 548 cases for every 100,000 residents over the past 14 days — only surpassed by the Garden State with 647 cases.

Despite vaccination efforts, New York has not seen a dramatic reduction in infections. Daily cases have averaged about 50,000 people per week since mid-February.

And across the Hudson River in New Jersey, the number of new infections has climbed by 37 percent in a little more than a month, to about 23,600 every seven days.

So while our left of center friends keep screaming that republicans in Fl are irresponsible for their spike (*even though the truth is the numbers are going down), by their logic, the democrats in NY, NJ, and michigan, 1,2, and 3, are far more responsible for covid spread than "republicans" in florida.

I'm pretty sure this is Trump's fault...

...he's a Republican in Florida after all.
Anti-maskers are to blame.

China is to blame.

They wouldn't allow in international doctors at the onset.

They jailed whistle blowing doctors.

They threw out the press.

They assured the WHO there was no evidence of person to person transmission.

But you already know all of this and just choose to ignore it because you are dishonest.