New Republican Leader


Having lived in NY all my life, I know so much more about this guy than the rest of the country. And it's all waiting to come out. His wife? The leading Republican candidate for "first lady"? Allowed her married boyfriend to move her into his home that his wife and children still lived in, in full view of the public. Our tax dollars here in NY, were being spent to pay security people for keeping Donna (his wife) off of Miss Judy. Reports were they had to hold her back. (well, they'd have to hold any woman back under those circumstances). The leading Republican candidate for first lady? Did not bother to hide her face behind newspapers as she tried to run into her apartment building. Oh no. She went out nightly, to walk her dog, and literally paraded herself up and down in front of the cameras, waivinig and smiling at the reporters. She also, proudly showed off her "engagement" ring, while her "finance" was still living with his wife and children.

And now, the leading candidate for the Republican party's Presidential nominee, has scrubbed all signs of his two children from his website, and we come to find out that he is and has been enstranged from them both. Seems, they had a slight problem with the way he treated their mother.

And the media is worried about where Bill Clinton is sleeping. This is an actual circus, and I can only pray this guy gets the nomination from the party of "FAMILY VALUES". America does not even know the half of it, still.

Love it, baby, love it.

Noticeably Absent From the Giuliani Campaign: His Children
As he embarks on a campaign for the presidency, former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani is going forward without two people who once played supporting roles in his political life: his children, Andrew, 21, and Caroline, 17.

Andrew Giuliani has been at his father’s side in campaign commercials and inaugurations since he was a toddler, famously bounding across the stage in a rambunctious manner and mimicking his father’s rhetorical flourishes during Mr. Giuliani’s 1994 mayoral inauguration.

But Mr. Giuliani’s relationship with Andrew has grown strained and distant since his very public and bitter divorce from Andrew’s mother, Donna Hanover, and his marriage to Judith Nathan, according to Andrew and others familiar with the relationship.

In a telephone interview yesterday, Andrew, a sophomore and member of the golf team at Duke University, acknowledged having had difficulties with Ms. Nathan, and said that he and his father had recently tried to reconcile after not speaking “for a decent amount of time.”

“There’s obviously a little problem that exists between me and his wife,” the younger Mr. Giuliani said. “And we’re trying to figure that out. But as of right now it’s not working as well as we would like.”

Andrew Giuliani said he would not participate in his father’s campaign, saying his devotion to becoming a professional golfer within three years allows no time for distraction.

While he would not say how long he had been estranged from his father, others close to the family said it appeared to have been for at least a year.

Similarly, a distance appears to have developed between Mr. Giuliani and his daughter, now a high school senior who is to attend Harvard University in September.

The familial tensions come as Mr. Giuliani prepares to run for president and as other Republican contenders deploy their children as campaign assets.

Mr. Giuliani’s three marriages have already bubbled up as an issue. In February, Ann Romney, the wife of Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, noted that her husband “had only one wife” — comparing him to other leading Republican candidates who had gone through divorces.

Some campaign Web sites highlight pictures of candidates with family members, but Mr. Giuliani’s does not mention his children, though it includes photographs and mentions of Ms. Nathan.

The Giuliani campaign declined to comment about the former mayor’s relationship with his children, and Ms. Hanover did not respond to messages left at her home and office.

Mr. Giuliani once prided himself on attending all his children’s events and went to Andrew’s high school football games and Caroline’s plays. But he stopped at some point after his marriage to Ms. Nathan in 2003. He missed his son’s graduation, in 2005, and his daughter’s plays in the last 18 months, said people who attended those events.

In the interview, Andrew Giuliani spoke of his father’s campaign, aware that he would have to address his absence. He said the decision not to participate hinged on his goal of becoming a professional golfer.

“I am going to be focused on my golf for the next, well really I don’t even know for the next how long, but definitely over the next bunch of years,” he said. “So I’m not going to have time to, even if I wanted to, be in the campaign.”

He said that he and his father had recently begun trying to reconcile. “For a while there, we weren’t talking, for a decent amount of time,” Andrew said. “But lately we’ve been having more contact and trying to figure things out.”

In 1989, Ms. Hanover and Andrew, then 3, were at Mr. Giuliani’s side when he declared his mayoral candidacy. Caroline appeared with the family in campaign commercials after her birth in August that year.

When Mr. Giuliani ran in 1993, he and Andrew were featured playing baseball; Caroline appeared in a commercial blowing soap bubbles.
What was it that somebody said on another thread. I know they feel threatened when they start bringing up the "private life"...

Well, it was something like that. Most in the R party already know about the guy's past. It seems that at this moment they don't particularly care. But remember, last primary for Rs at this time McCain held a "commanding" lead over Bush who was somehow getting all the money.
Divorce, incest (wasn't Rudy married to his cousin at one time?), and infidelty are all long as a republican does it.

God help any democrat who gets a blowjob.
rudy's going to be a ''problem'' for the republicans....if he is not, then i will be very surprised....and the tittle of hypocrite will branded on them forever!

and i am not just speaking about the religious right republicans, but all of the republicans that persued clinton's impeachment.
rudy's going to be a ''problem'' for the republicans....if he is not, then i will be very surprised....and the tittle of hypocrite will branded on them forever!

and i am not just speaking about the religious right republicans, but all of the republicans that persued clinton's impeachment.
Which of them were they? I know I couldn't care less about the BJ and thought it distracted loudly form the Chinese funding thing...
LOL. Cousin? Linketh us up!

Wierd, huh? This is common knowledge, although I'm sure Fox News doesn't mention it. His first wife was his second-cousin. Although, to be fair, I don't think Rudy knew it at the time he married her.
rudy's going to be a ''problem'' for the republicans....if he is not, then i will be very surprised....and the tittle of hypocrite will branded on them forever!

and i am not just speaking about the religious right republicans, but all of the republicans that persued clinton's impeachment.

Agreed, but not only that.

Let's face it. Women are not going to like this story, and they are not going to like Judith Nathan.

I mean, I pay very little attention to sex scandals, but when this went down, my eyebrows raised. It was ugly, and it was outright cruel. To both his wife (who found out that she was being divorced when rudy held a press conference), and to his then, very young, children.

Women are not going to go for the Rudy and Judy show.
Wierd, huh? This is common knowledge, although I'm sure Fox News doesn't mention it. His first wife was his second-cousin. Although, to be fair, I don't think Rudy knew it at the time he married her.

I haven't read that he didn't know that she was his cousin. Sounds a little fishy to something made up in order to garner an "annulment" of a ten year marriage?

But, perhaps it's true. I don't know about that part of it, but if he gets the nomination Cypress, the really cool thing is, we are going to find out everything! He certainly will be the most entertaining, soap-opera like candidate that either party could come up with.
yeah, Cypress is right. There was an annulment. Of a ten year marriage to a cousin. that was before the debacle that was his second marriage.
Well, if he didn't know why would it matter and an annulment means he wasn't married doesn't it?

I was sure he was right. It just sounds funny so I wanted a link. The foibles of leadership always is amusing to me. One benefit for Giuliani is he didn't spend time worrying about Clinton's penis...
Well, if he didn't know why would it matter and an annulment means he wasn't married doesn't it?

I was sure he was right. It just sounds funny so I wanted a link. The foibles of leadership always is amusing to me. One benefit for Giuliani is he didn't spend time worrying about Clinton's penis...

True...he can't be called a hypocrite.

I think it would matter if you wanted an annulment, but I'm really not sure.
Well, if he didn't know why would it matter and an annulment means he wasn't married doesn't it?

I was sure he was right. It just sounds funny so I wanted a link. The foibles of leadership always is amusing to me. One benefit for Giuliani is he didn't spend time worrying about Clinton's penis...

I can't make any moral judgement on him being married to his cousin. I don't know all the details.

But, its kinda wierd. And its the kind of wierd that GOP social conservatives won't like, I think. Whether he meant to marry his cousin, or not - its pretty wierd.

And GOP social conservatives aren't as tolerant as you or me damo.
I can't make any moral judgement on him being married to his cousin. I don't know all the details.

But, its kinda wierd. And its the kind of wierd that GOP social conservatives won't like, I think. Whether he meant to marry his cousin, or not - its pretty wierd.

And GOP social conservatives aren't as tolerant as you or me damo.
No, they aren't. I've never believed that Giuliani would get the nod. I still think it will be Mitt or Hagel depending on how the war progresses with the new strategy.
No, they aren't. I've never believed that Giuliani would get the nod. I still think it will be Mitt or Hagel depending on how the war progresses with the new strategy.

I've been expecting Romney to be the dark horse. That's why I'm so amazed at how Rudy's numbers are holding.

But I read a recent poll, forgot where, and Americans apparently aren't going to vote for anyone who is over 70, or who is a Mormon. So once again, I appear to have miscalculted the "average American". It's hard when you're so far out of the mainstream.

Even still, this Rudy thing is taking me by surprise. I keep waiting for him to crater. But, there is a long time until the primary. We'll see.
I've been expecting Romney to be the dark horse. That's why I'm so amazed at how Rudy's numbers are holding.

But I read a recent poll, forgot where, and Americans apparently aren't going to vote for anyone who is over 70, or who is a Mormon. So once again, I appear to have miscalculted the "average American". It's hard when you're so far out of the mainstream.

Even still, this Rudy thing is taking me by surprise. I keep waiting for him to crater. But, there is a long time until the primary. We'll see.

It doesn't suprise me that much. It's all name recognistion at this point. On the other hand, you might be right, that GOPers are willing to sacrifice every principle they allegedly have, to keep the Clintons out of the white house.

As I recall, Joe Lieberman was the front runner in the polls, two years out from the Demo nomination - even though he's too conservative for a democratic primary electorate. And I think John Kerry was in third place, behind lieberman and gephardt. Of course, no one (but me ;)) knew who Howard Dean was in 2003.

I've been expecting Romney to be the dark horse. That's why I'm so amazed at how Rudy's numbers are holding.

But I read a recent poll, forgot where, and Americans apparently aren't going to vote for anyone who is over 70, or who is a Mormon. So once again, I appear to have miscalculted the "average American". It's hard when you're so far out of the mainstream.

Even still, this Rudy thing is taking me by surprise. I keep waiting for him to crater. But, there is a long time until the primary. We'll see.
Last R Primary at this time McCain seemed to have an insurmountable lead. So early is as early does. The Press has a lot to do with the original numbers.
Ahhhh C'mon .... a hypocrisy thread about hypocrisy.... Giuls was a fantastic Mayor who I do not want to see as President. He simply does not have the temperament for the Position of Commander in Chief... , and I suspect him of being too close to the Bush factor..aka.. Neo-Con Global project for spreading the "American Way".
If we are going to have a NYC Mayor as President... Bloomberg just may be the guy... no strings attached.
It doesn't suprise me that much. It's all name recognistion at this point. On the other hand, you might be right, that GOPers are willing to sacrifice every principle they allegedly have, to keep the Clintons out of the white house.

As I recall, Joe Lieberman was the front runner in the polls, two years out from the Demo nomination - even though he's too conservative for a democratic primary electorate. And I think John Kerry was in third place, behind lieberman and gephardt. Of course, no one (but me ;)) knew who Howard Dean was in 2003.


I guess I believe that some of the are willing to do that, but not enough of them to nominate Rudy. Ok, I'm out of the mainstream politically, but not as a woman. A woman, is a woman. And I cannot see women finding out the details about this guy, and being able to vote for him. I'm telling you, I couldn't pull the lever for Howard Dean (whom I too really like), if he had that in his very recent past. A divorce is one thing (who cares). Even cheating, is one thing. Having NO respect for your wife and degrading her in public like that (not to mention your children), treating her (or any woman) as if she was yesterday's garbage, well, that's another thing again. So hopefully, you are right. I think you probably are.