New peer reviwed study: Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years

Global warming is a hoax???


Ken, your meme is outdated. LOL sucks to be you. Everything skeptics argued is coming to pass. Climate sensitivity to CO2 is overestimated and you bought the propaganda. Now you are invested intellectually and you fear having to accept you were fooled.

Enjoy the coming years. I know I look forward to the change in climate
The city is SINKING, due to soil compaction.

Venice was built on alternating layers of of clay and sand which is useless as a base so the Venetians used many thousands of wooden piles up to 7 meters long to provide a firmer foundation. The sinking really started when the city started to extract water from artesian wells, that has now been stopped but the sinking carried on. It has significantly slowed in recent years.
Did your mother have a sinking feeling when you plopped out of her shit hole?

The difference between you and a refrigerator; is that refrigerator doesn't cry about it, when JB pulls the meat out. :)
(yes, I said so what...........what-what)

Pete Sinclair:

It’s no surprise that the initial line of denialist attack on the forthcoming IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), first installment due out later this month, will be the issue of “climate sensitivity”, that is, how much warming can we expect from a given level of greenhouse forcing. A number of high profile media spots have lately raised the question about whether scientists will be slightly lowering the estimates from the canonical 3° C plus or minus 1.5° or so, to maybe 2.5C or thereabouts. It’s a distinction without a difference is the first response – but even to get to that first response you have to understand something even more fundamental – a slightly lower rate of surface temperature rise over the last decade or so does not change the fact that the planet continues to gather heat. That heat is going somewhere, and has an effect on the system – surface thermometers are only one indicator of a relatively small portion of that heat imbalance.​
Poor sedan......still attending the church of bullshit.....still swallowing the load....

You know your fanatical congregation is getting smaller and smaller

Poor sedan.
Poor sedan......still attending the church of bullshit.....still swallowing the load....

You know your fanatical congregation is getting smaller and smaller

Poor sedan.
Unlike you, I don't have a congregation or a church.

I do, however, accept the science of greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect.

This science tells me that as we contribute more and more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, more and more heat will get trapped by the Earth's climate system.

This science also tells me that, over time, the Earth's sea levels will continue to rise -- as they in fact have:


This doesn't involve swallowing loads of bullshit or any other bizarre sexual fetish that may strike your fancy.

It is a simply an acknowledgement of how planetary ecosystems function in the real universe.

You should try it sometime.