New JFK documentary alleges that the Secret Service shot JFK by accident

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cancel2 2022

Many conspiracy theorists unhappy with the official account of the assassination of John F. Kennedy have pointed to evidence they believe shows that the president was shot twice, from different directions. Now a new documentary has come up with a new twist on the conspiracy theory, claiming that a Secret Service agent was the man who fired that shot... by accident. JFK: The Smoking Gun claims that George Hickey, a Secret Service man riding in the car behind Kennedy, accidentally fired his weapon on November 22, 1963.


What really happened? Secret Service agent Clint Hill stands on the rear bumper of JFK's car as Jackie bends over her husband moments after he was shot as they drove through Dallas, Texas

It alleges that a cover-up was then carried out to save the blushes of the agency whose main role is to protect serving and former U.S. leaders - leaving the many loose ends that have long raised suspicions. It is said that as much as 75 per cent of the American public do not believe the official account of the Kennedy assassination.

The new documentary is based on the work of Colin McLaren, a veteran Australian police detective who has undertaken a four-year investigation into the killing. His theories are based on the work of Howard Donahue, who spent two decades probing the assassination and whose work was presented in the book Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK, by Bonar Menninger. Both Mr Menninger and Mr McLared spoke yesterday about the film at the Television Critics Association press tour in Los Angeles, California.
Let me clue y'all in to what actually happened.

Kennedy told the world we never went to the moon. He did that after his second term in the Whitehouse. Now I hear you all saying "But Kennedy was shot during his first term!". Yes he was. The aliens didn't want the world to know we were not being allowed to leave this planet, so they killed Kennedy. But they went back in time to do it so no one would suspect the reptiloids of the assasination.
Let me clue y'all in to what actually happened.

Kennedy told the world we never went to the moon. He did that after his second term in the Whitehouse. Now I hear you all saying "But Kennedy was shot during his first term!". Yes he was. The aliens didn't want the world to know we were not being allowed to leave this planet, so they killed Kennedy. But they went back in time to do it so no one would suspect the reptiloids of the assasination.

Did the aliens force you to post the same thing twice?
Many conspiracy theorists unhappy with the official account of the assassination of John F. Kennedy have pointed to evidence they believe shows that the president was shot twice, from different directions. Now a new documentary has come up with a new twist on the conspiracy theory, claiming that a Secret Service agent was the man who fired that shot... by accident. JFK: The Smoking Gun claims that George Hickey, a Secret Service man riding in the car behind Kennedy, accidentally fired his weapon on November 22, 1963.

What really happened? Secret Service agent Clint Hill stands on the rear bumper of JFK's car as Jackie bends over her husband moments after he was shot as they drove through Dallas, Texas

It alleges that a cover-up was then carried out to save the blushes of the agency whose main role is to protect serving and former U.S. leaders - leaving the many loose ends that have long raised suspicions. It is said that as much as 75 per cent of the American public do not believe the official account of the Kennedy assassination.

Read more: [URL][/URL]

Hickey was supposed to shoot jfk in the back of the head. The exact opposite really happened, as you can see with these slow motion closeups that depict the rear detaching, opening, and gaping in the moments after Greer's shot impacted the President's right forehead. They are promoting a rear shot which is clearly false.


Jfk was shot from the front which is why most don't believe Oswald killed him. Three videos prove just that.

President Kennedy was first struck by a bullet which entered at the back of his neck and exited through the lower front portion of his neck, causing a wound which would not necessarily have been lethal. The President was struck a second time by a bullet which entered the right-rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound.
Governor Connally was struck by a bullet which entered on the right side of his back and traveled downward through the right side of his chest, exiting below his right nipple. This bullet then passed through his right wrist and entered his left thigh where it caused a superficial wound.

I will be responsible for telling the real truth, but my discovery of the rear gaping and exploding in Zapruder is something that Bob Harris and most jfk researchers will likely never acknowledge because they know where it leads. It leaves no doubt about the exit location and leads to a conclusion that they don't want. It's coming whether they like it or not. There may have been some missing temporal bone below and left of the right ear but not the right side of the head. Audrey Bell confirms this important fact.

His rear skull first gapes open, then skull detaches. In the loop you can see the lane through his open skull, then it blackens. That is followed by his skull open and closing yet again. His rear skull opens and closes twice between frames 312-322, about a half a second.

"-Although only in Trauma Room One for 3-5 minutes, she did see the head wound. After asking Dr.
Perry “where is the wound,” she said he turned the President’s head slightly to the President’s anatomical
left, so that she could see a right rear posterior head wound, which she described as occipital in both her
oral remarks, and in her drawings
-She said she could see brain and spinal fluid coming out of the wound, but could not tell what type of
brain tissue it was;
-She said it was her recollection that the right side of the President’s head, and the top of his head,
were intact
, which is why she had to ask Dr. Perry where the wound was in the first place."(04/l 4/97 Summary of ARRB interview)

President Kennedy was first struck by a bullet which entered at the back of his neck and exited through the lower front portion of his neck, causing a wound which would not necessarily have been lethal. The President was struck a second time by a bullet which entered the right-rear portion of his head, causing a massive and fatal wound.
Governor Connally was struck by a bullet which entered on the right side of his back and traveled downward through the right side of his chest, exiting below his right nipple. This bullet then passed through his right wrist and entered his left thigh where it caused a superficial wound.

President Kennedy was first struck by a bullet which entered at the front of his neck and exited through the lower front portion of his neck, causing a wound which would not necessarily have been lethal. The President was struck a second time by a bullet which entered the right forehead portion of the head, causing a massive and fatal wound on the right rear portion of his head.

I will be responsible for telling the real truth, but my discovery of the rear gaping and exploding in Zapruder is something that Bob Harris and most jfk researchers will likely never acknowledge because they know where it leads. It leaves no doubt about the exit location and leads to a conclusion that they don't want. It's coming whether they like it or not. There may have been some missing temporal bone below and left of the right ear but not the right side of the head. Audrey Bell confirms this important fact.

His rear skull first gapes open, then skull detaches. In the loop you can see the lane through his open skull, then it blackens. That is followed by his skull open and closing yet again. His rear skull opens and closes twice between frames 312-322, about a half a second.

"-Although only in Trauma Room One for 3-5 minutes, she did see the head wound. After asking Dr.
Perry “where is the wound,” she said he turned the President’s head slightly to the President’s anatomical
left, so that she could see a right rear posterior head wound, which she described as occipital in both her
oral remarks, and in her drawings
-She said she could see brain and spinal fluid coming out of the wound, but could not tell what type of
brain tissue it was;
-She said it was her recollection that the right side of the President’s head, and the top of his head,
were intact
, which is why she had to ask Dr. Perry where the wound was in the first place."(04/l 4/97 Summary of ARRB interview)

I am finding what you are saying to be very puzzling. Can you please spell it out?
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