New Internet Hero - Girl blows .341 bac

kids still think the internets are just talking to their friends.

Poor kid is going to be very unhappy with the results she gets.
Desh, Legion is a troll. One account he is a liberal another account he is a conservative. His whole purpose of being here is to stir shit up. You are free to do what you want but I ask respectfully to please not respond to him on a thread I start.
It took 2 years of nearly daily drunk driving for them to get me. Those were the worst days of my life, and the end of any sentiment I shared with my rather liberal upbringing. I arose out of the ashes of the pathetic subsistence lifestyle I endorsed, learning anew the value of hard work and merit. You, being a static twit, wouldn't understand personal growth. I can joke about my past because I have come to terms with my failings. You . . . I've read your shitty blog. It was full of so much self-righteous hate.
I'm sure you're very proud of yourself.

As is this girl, another poster child for white trash.

Just like you are the poster child for dumb queers. Tell us again how 60 million niggers were killed during slavery when there were only 3 million in 1960?

You dumbass.

Isn't it awesome that I get to say whatever I want and your queer ass has been banned three times? I think so

Desh, Legion is a troll. One account he is a liberal another account he is a conservative. His whole purpose of being here is to stir shit up. You are free to do what you want but I ask respectfully to please not respond to him on a thread I start.

Enlighten us. Which is which?

It took 2 years of nearly daily drunk driving for them to get me.

Awww....were the meany police bothering you? Next time you go on a bender, and considering your fragile mental state - you will, try not to run over any more innocent children, mkay?

I've read your blog. It was full of so much intelligence.

Why, thank you!
Damn, when did you pull that off? How long did it take you to recover.

Camping a couple years back. No hang over, but I couldn't even stand the taste of booze for two days. When I go camping I average mid-high .20's.
Just like you are the poster child for dumb queers. Tell us again how 60 million "niggers" were killed during slavery when there were only 3 million in 1960?

You dumbass.

Isn't it awesome that I get to say whatever I want and your queer ass has been banned three times? I think so


But you cry foul when you're called a racist....:rolleyes:

Slavery spanned what? 150-200 years or so before it was abolished? How does the black population relevant? Answer: it's not....just one more example of your bigoted idiocy.
But you cry foul when you're called a racist....:rolleyes:

Slavery spanned what? 150-200 years or so before it was abolished? How does the black population relevant? Answer: it's not....just one more example of your bigoted idiocy.

I don't cry foul when you douche tips call me racist. I revel in it.

Slavery has spanned thousands of years. You dipshits act like America invented it. It was Christianity that ended it.

HowAIDS made a claim that 40-60 million niggers were killed during slavery. That is nonsense. It is a lie. It doesn't add up.

Based on HowAIDS numbers they had to have killed 200,000 niggers a year. That isn't even plausible.

First of all the niggers were property. The good white folk didnt get the niggers for free did they? No. Those niggers cost money. They needed those niggers to work. It would have been foolish to just kill them randomly.

You have been fed a pack of lies.
I don't cry foul when you douche tips call me racist. I revel in it.

Slavery has spanned thousands of years. You dipshits act like America invented it. It was Christianity that ended it.

HowAIDS made a claim that 40-60 million niggers were killed during slavery. That is nonsense. It is a lie. It doesn't add up.

Based on HowAIDS numbers they had to have killed 200,000 niggers a year. That isn't even plausible.

First of all the niggers were property. The good white folk didnt get the niggers for free did they? No. Those niggers cost money. They needed those niggers to work. It would have been foolish to just kill them randomly.

You have been fed a pack of lies.

How many died on the boats over? How many died being round up and captured? cry foul ALL the time when called out on your racism. You are one of the BIGGEST of the racist Pussies on this board. Like I said....Only Racistx stands up for his racist convictions.
How the hell does a thread on a(n) (attractive) college chick blowing a .341 end up as a discussion about slavery? Damn.