New BAC Panther Party down wit da struggle

Gotta love Detroit; the city that Progressive leftism brought down. Given enough time, the rest of AmerIKa might be close behind. Chicago? East St. Louis? Oakland? What do all these cities have in common?
bask in the glory of that which is the republican party base.

you allowed your party to court these assholes for decades now.

welfare queens with caddys and the like have drawn them to your party like flies on a dead elephant.

Now you get to reap what you have sown.

You cant even cheat enough to win now with this group glued to your side.

See how dishonesty and being lowlife central at recruiting has helped your party?

pretty soon even your wealthy backers will dump your racist party
bask in the glory of that which is the republican party base.

you allowed your party to court these assholes for decades now.

welfare queens with caddys and the like have drawn them to your party like flies on a dead elephant.

Now you get to reap what you have sown.

You cant even cheat enough to win now with this group glued to your side.

See how dishonesty and being lowlife central at recruiting has helped your party?

pretty soon even your wealthy backers will dump your racist party

So I guess you are supportive of their actions? Are you so politically correct you won't call out aberrant behavior in the negro community?
bask in the glory of that which is the republican party base.

you allowed your party to court these assholes for decades now.

welfare queens with caddys and the like have drawn them to your party like flies on a dead elephant.

Now you get to reap what you have sown.

You cant even cheat enough to win now with this group glued to your side.

See how dishonesty and being lowlife central at recruiting has helped your party?

pretty soon even your wealthy backers will dump your racist party

Another dimwitted post by the forums pet asshat; say it isn't so.

You give stupid a bad name.
your a pack of fucking racists

your party would fall off the radar screen without your racist base.

racism is not going to last forever.

your party will die with all you idiot racists.
do you think sociopaths only come in one color?

Well, then what are you complaining about? I have asked you to match me tit for tat with similar stories about white on black crime and you have failed to do so.

Your and your BAC Panther boyfriend have claimed that it is "open season" on da negro. Well, it would appear that it is open season on whitey. I am merely pointing that out which makes your liberal ass hot and uncomfortable.

No worries, you are headed for the grave soon. So your ilk will no longer be able to damage this country
So I guess you are supportive of their actions? Are you so politically correct you won't call out aberrant behavior in the negro community?

Lefttards cannot acknowledge the plague of single parent breeding and black on black murder in the black community. You see, acknowledging reality is racist. So we must show our deep concern for the plague of immorality of the inner cities black communities and demand everyone else to send more money to the Gubuhmint so they can ensure a reliable voting block for corrupt Democrat politicians.

The same can be said for illegal aliens from South of our border. The California Dimmowits have passed several new laws that basically tell the Feds their enforcement efforts can go pound sand by giving them licenses, and, telling police that they cannot turn over illegals to ICE for mere traffic violations. You cannot make this shit up.

I wonder if, after the sheeple realize their communities look like Detroit, they realize finally what a huge mistake they made voting for these dimwitted Progressives.