Help me understand, here.
You say you are not opposed to the death penalty -- you simply have reservations about its use. In other words, you agree there might be SOME cases where it MAY be justified. Is that correct? Now, here I am saying a man who killed thousands of innocent farmers, and/or stole their land, and oppressed a large group of people based on the color of their skin, and killed Blacks who did not agree with him, should be executed; and then you have the nerve to suggest that I am not a Christian -- that I am "judging" Nelson Mandela, who is a genocidal maniac in the image of Adolf Hitler. Naturally, that leads to ask you the question: if Mandela does not deserve the death penalty, WHO DOES?
Also, per usual, you never forget to emphasize what a PERFECT Christian you are. You talk of Grace, but you do not show any Grace towards me. Did you ever stop to consider that, even if the death penalty is wrong, that GOD simply has not spoken to me regarding this matter?
I see nothing in the Bible condemning the death penalty. Nothing. And the Spirit has never convicted me to believe otherwise. So what the hell do you expect me to do?
If you want to talk, respond rationally. "You are not a Christian, you're from Satan" is not going to cut it. Look, I can respect that you have reservations about the death penaly, but don't you DARE suggest that I am not a Christian because I believe the death penalty is OK with God. Especially considering I have Biblical passages to support my beliefs.
So let's see who is rational now.
If you plan on responding as you've done thus far, don't even bother, because I do not plan on responding to you, and you'll immediately find yourself on my ignore list. That wouldn't be a very good testimony, now would it? But if you wish to discuss our beliefs, and explain your convictions, rather than judging me because I do not share your convictions, THEN we can talk.