neighborhood douchebags

Actually, we don't know if STY's branches (and the neighbor's branches) really are too low. I doubt the city went out to look before mailing the violations. I doubt every person on the street is in violation.

Do cities actually have ordinances re tree branches?

We have a sign ordinance in town... but it's only enforced when someone complains. Which means if someone doesn't like the owner/proprietor of a business, they will report them for a sign violation, when right next door is a worse violation and that doesn't get reported.

Guess that wasn't massively relevant, except - people are strange and vindictive.

And turning people in just to drum up business for yourself is assholish. It's not a bad strategy if they don't know it's you - but it's still assholish.

Oh and firetrucks? I doubt any branch can stop a fire truck... truck will barrel right through them.

Now a steep hill... sigh. We had a fire once in our county that a couple of our water trucks couldn't get to because the road was too steep. Luckily we're getting some new equipment..

To answer one of your questions...yes.

Many cities have ordinances requiring home owners to keep trees from obstructing the right of way.
Who cares? Only a really stupid, shallow, boring, and irritating person would have anything to do with an HOA. Here, we'll take $30 every month from you so that we can spend the rest of your days in our community slapping you with random penalties, code violations, and notices about new rules which will inevitably piss you off. Welcome to the neighbourhood!
Who cares? Only a really stupid, shallow, boring, and irritating person would have anything to do with an HOA. Here, we'll take $30 every month from you so that we can spend the rest of your days in our community slapping you with random penalties, code violations, and notices about new rules which will inevitably piss you off. Welcome to the neighbourhood!

We understand that you still live in your parent's basement and therefore might not realize that MOST neighborhoods these days are governed by these HOA's.
And turning people in just to drum up business for yourself is assholish. It's not a bad strategy if they don't know it's you - but it's still assholish.

yes it's clearly a dick move and a selfish one at that, but zappas is too busy circlejerking and spouting faux outrage like the troll he is.
And yet it was YOUR improperly worded comment which led to accusations of word games.

Nice to see another "personal responsibility" advocate taking responsibility for your own glaring stupidity.

the first person to bring up HOA was you. You were clearly implying you thought the branches were in violation of HOA rules.
We understand that you still live in your parent's basement and therefore might not realize that MOST neighborhoods these days are governed by these HOA's.

Actually I've never lived in a neighborhood with an HOA. That's one of the things I avoid. However, of course, there were still city ordinances in the past that I needed to follow, I suppose, although have to say I never paid much attention to them... but guess I didn't break any. Now I guess I'm covered by county ordinances, but there aren't a lot of them.

HOAs... can be good, can be horrible.
start in impromptu group to cut everyones branches free of charge. the least you can do is make sure this guy doesn't make any money.
pretty much what we did. 6 of us on our street all teamed up today. trimmed up everyones trees with him watching from his house. I hope it pissed him off. next week I will wait til he goes out on a job and leave a trash bag in his driveway, then call the city on him for trash in public view.
pretty much what we did. 6 of us on our street all teamed up today. trimmed up everyones trees with him watching from his house. I hope it pissed him off. next week I will wait til he goes out on a job and leave a trash bag in his driveway, then call the city on him for trash in public view.

I would have gone and read the exact wording of the ordinance and anyone he filed a complaint against, who wasn't in violation, should take him to task for false reporting.
We understand that you still live in your parent's basement and therefore might not realize that MOST neighborhoods these days are governed by these HOA's.

Last year I posted a thread about my home-buying adventure. Anyway, while I was searching Redfin, I simply clicked back everytime a listing showed HOA fees. Catastrophe averted.
pretty much what we did. 6 of us on our street all teamed up today. trimmed up everyones trees with him watching from his house. I hope it pissed him off. next week I will wait til he goes out on a job and leave a trash bag in his driveway, then call the city on him for trash in public view.

Every city requires a permit for this. I'm sure you got one, right?
the first person to bring up HOA was you. You were clearly implying you thought the branches were in violation of HOA rules.

And yet it was STY's claim that he lived IN an HOA, which is CLEARLY IMPOSSIBLE, which created the confusion.

Whether it was HOA rules or City/County Ordinance, the fact remains if people were violating the rules, they should be cited.

Sadly it's obviously still more important to you to hurl a couple more insults my way than it is to have an honest discussion...and you were the one whining that I never debate.

Another shining example of the typical Grind double standard in action.
start in impromptu group to cut everyones branches free of charge. the least you can do is make sure this guy doesn't make any money.

Because that's what's important, isn't it?

Screwing over the guy who filed the complaints.

Grind...just another petty, shallow example of the worst traits in humans.
pretty much what we did. 6 of us on our street all teamed up today. trimmed up everyones trees with him watching from his house. I hope it pissed him off. next week I will wait til he goes out on a job and leave a trash bag in his driveway, then call the city on him for trash in public view.

After Hurricane Ike downed trees in our neighborhood, me and some other guys went around and cut up our neighbors fallen limbs for free because it was THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

And yet again we find it is SPITE that motivates a douchebag like STY.