Neandertal Joe puts foreign Children in Shipping Containers as Dems seek to Lure more

Human trafficking, human slave trade, fentanyl smuggling, MS13 torture murder, ... all supported by rich white libs.
I can think of a few reasons why the DEMOCRATS (and the Biden family in particular) want human trafficking, human slave trading, and fentanyl smuggling, Bigdog.

Do I need to spell them out?
"the Biden administration needed to make a drastic change — so they switched out the Obama-built cages and opted for shipping containers."

And Pelosi Democrats dump infected foreigners into poor minority communities to spread Bidenvirus across America again.

The Neanderthal such as a lower repuke version are incapable of doing things like what President Biden and Team have done in just two months:

Biden inherited a mess, but his first 50 days as president have been a historic success

President Joe Biden was inaugurated two weeks after a violent insurrection at the Capitol and at the height of a pandemic that had already claimed over 400,000 American lives and dealt serious damage to the economy by the time he was sworn in.

But 50 days into his presidency, Biden already has a major legislative achievement under his belt. The House on Wednesday passed his $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus package, which economists have predicted will provide a massive jolt to the economy. Biden signed the bill — one of the largest economic relief measures in US history — on Thursday.

The legislation includes $1,400 direct payments to eligible Americans, a boost to unemployment benefits, an expansion of the child tax credit, funding for vaccine distribution, and billions to help schools, colleges, and universities reopen.

Republicans overwhelmingly opposed the $1.9 trillion stimulus, painting it as too costly. But Democrats pushed it through the Senate via a tactic known as budget reconciliation, which protected the bill from a filibuster and only required a simple majority for it to pass.
The Neanderthal such as a lower repuke version are incapable of doing things like what President Biden and Team have done in just two months:

Biden inherited a mess, but his first 50 days as president have been a historic success

Meaningless pablum.

The checks could have been sent out back in August, but Pelosi held the American people hostage.

Obviously, you never cared about the children and will deny anything has changed at the border.

And now, infected South Americans are traveling 1500 miles, spreading the Biden plague thru out Mexico. No wonder Mexico has always been like ... FU to the u.S. when it came to border security, until pres. Trump was elected.

Of course white libs don't care about stopping the plague or the child sex slave trade.
You're a fucking moron.

Oh howdy boy. You true to form. Good for you. Now off you go now, go and play. The naughty pedo's are loose in the streets so you best stay in doors. Ho HO HO HO...
Unless of course you ................???????? fill in the blanks. Ha Ha Ha
Oh howdy boy. You true to form. Good for you. Now off you go now, go and play. The naughty pedo's are loose in the streets so you best stay in doors. Ho HO HO HO...
Unless of course you ................???????? fill in the blanks. Ha Ha Ha

You're an idiot cordeela(sic)
Gee thanks boy..... you stay safe now boy. Anytime you want to ACTUALLY knuckle down and have an argument --- just let me know boy.....
now get back in doors and dont take any risks...

I tried that with cordeela(sic), it decided not to. You're a dumbass cordeela(sic)
Meaningless pablum.

The checks could have been sent out back in August, but Pelosi held the American people hostage.

Obviously, you never cared about the children and will deny anything has changed at the border.

And now, infected South Americans are traveling 1500 miles, spreading the Biden plague thru out Mexico. No wonder Mexico has always been like ... FU to the u.S. when it came to border security, until pres. Trump was elected.

Of course white libs don't care about stopping the plague or the child sex slave trade.
Deal with the reality of it all as some more trolladite bs when it comes to your former fake president and lawlessly hacked in Putin puppet tRump: 'Blood on his hands': As US surpasses 400,000 COVID-19 deaths, experts blame Trump administration for a 'preventable' loss of life

Besides being the first president to get impeached twice, Donald Trump will have a stain on his legacy with arguably longer-lasting consequences: He's the only American leader in a century with more than 400,000 deaths from one event on his watch.

The USA crossed that somber threshold Tuesday, yet another reminder of how poorly the nation with the world's largest economy has fared during the coronavirus pandemic. As of 2:52 p.m. EST Tuesday, the COVID-19 death toll was at 400,022, according to the Johns Hopkins University dashboard.

Not since Woodrow Wilson was in office during the 1918 flu pandemic – which killed about 675,000 in this country and 50 million worldwide – had a president overseen the loss of so many American lives.

That total is fast approaching the 405,000 U.S. fatalities from World War II – thousands of them recorded when Harry Truman was president after Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in April 1945 – to rank as the third-deadliest event in the history of the republic. About 618,000-750,000 were killed in the Civil War of 1861-1865."
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Meaningless pablum.

The checks could have been sent out back in August, but Pelosi held the American people hostage.

Obviously, you never cared about the children and will deny anything has changed at the border.

And now, infected South Americans are traveling 1500 miles, spreading the Biden plague thru out Mexico. No wonder Mexico has always been like ... FU to the u.S. when it came to border security, until pres. Trump was elected.

Of course white libs don't care about stopping the plague or the child sex slave trade.

I can think of a few reasons why the DEMOCRATS (and the Biden family in particular) want human trafficking, human slave trading, and fentanyl smuggling, Bigdog.

Do I need to spell them out?

'The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler' offers insight into the dictator's gay partners"

ADOLF HITLER, the man responsible for the deaths of more than 70 million people continues to divide historians and researchers. What was the origin of his evil? How could such a thing have happened?

A few years ago, I wrote an article for called ‘The real Adolf Hitler’. The article received over 30,000 hits on the internet in the days following publication. It seems people continue to be fascinated by him. During my research, I discovered that the German dictator liked Catholic convent school girls and had many homosexual partners. My interest in his life increased. If a man’s sexuality cannot tell you who he really is or was, then nothing else will.

The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler is the culmination of almost two years writing and research. It analyses all the phases of Hitler’s sexual experiences: His early mother fixation, his long-term homosexual phase, and his final years as a “reluctant heterosexual”.