National Geographic climate disaster school for Denier Dumbasses


Satire for Sanity
Natural Disasters and Climate Change
Students use maps and graphs to understand how the frequency of billion-dollar natural disaster events has changed over time. They analyze how climate change affected the 2017 California wildfires and the flooding from Hurricane Harvey.

Directions here;

U.S. 2020 Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters: Overview

2020 in Context…
In 2020, there were 22 weather/climate disaster events with losses exceeding $1 billion each to affect the United States. These events included 1 drought event, 13 severe storm events, 7 tropical cyclone events, and 1 wildfire event. Overall, these events resulted in the deaths of 262 people and had significant economic effects on the areas impacted. The 1980–2020 annual average is 7.0 events (CPI-adjusted); the annual average for the most recent 5 years (2016–2020) is 16.2 events (CPI-adjusted).


2020 sets the new annual record of 22 events - shattering the previous annual record of 16 events that occurred in 2011 and 2017. 2020 is the sixth consecutive year (2015-2020) in which 10 or more billion-dollar weather and climate disaster events have impacted the United States. Over the last 41 years (1980-2020), the years with 10 or more separate billion-dollar disaster events include 1998, 2008, 2011-2012, and 2015-2020.


Citing this information:
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) U.S. Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters (2021)., DOI: 10.25921/stkw-7w73

Maybe observing the evolving catastrophe in terms of dollars will elevate the banshees of the Denier Choir into the realms of the castrato.
Maybe observing the evolving catastrophe in terms of dollars will elevate the banshees of the Denier Choir into the realms of the castrato.

Maybe, we'll see. This was always my argument with the derp deniers from the git-go: Doesn't matter if you *believe* it or not, it's happening and it's getting worse. If you want to pass laws forbidding legislatures from even *talking* about it, how are you going to address mitigation and cost measures? How will you deal with displaced populations, crop failures, droughts?
National Geographics majority owner is Disney, one of the most WOKE corporations around, and which is primarily in the entertainment business.

They were willing to ruin Star Wars for the WOKE religion, they would do anything.
National Geographics majority owner is Disney, one of the most WOKE corporations around, and which is primarily in the entertainment business.

They were willing to ruin Star Wars for the WOKE religion, they would do anything.

You're just pist that you didn't get the Wookiee gig.

Haw, haw.............................haw.
You do realize it's called climate change not climate worsening don't you?

These disasters are not new disasters added onto ones that were already going to happen they just moved to new seasons or areas.

Overall natural disasters are actually going down globally.

They are simply being overly hyped by the left like they always do.

Remember that climate change affects all climate and not just the good parts. Traditional bad climates are getting better like here in Pheonix the yearly scorching heat and dust storms are happening less frequently saving billions of dollars.

Do not let the liberals scare you.
Maybe observing the evolving catastrophe in terms of dollars will elevate the banshees of the Denier Choir into the realms of the castrato.

Great. Now make another post titled:

National Geographic Election Fraud school for Election Denier Dumbasses
You do realize it's called climate change not climate worsening don't you?

These disasters are not new disasters added onto ones that were already going to happen they just moved to new seasons or areas.

Overall natural disasters are actually going down globally.

They are simply being overly hyped by the left like they always do.

Remember that climate change affects all climate and not just the good parts. Traditional bad climates are getting better like here in Pheonix the yearly scorching heat and dust storms are happening less frequently saving billions of dollars.

Do not let the liberals scare you.

An interesting claim. Your evidence?

This is what I found which clearly contradicts your unsupported claim. weather
You do realize it's called climate change not climate worsening don't you?

These disasters are not new disasters added onto ones that were already going to happen they just moved to new seasons or areas.

Overall natural disasters are actually going down globally.

They are simply being overly hyped by the left like they always do.

Remember that climate change affects all climate and not just the good parts. Traditional bad climates are getting better like here in Pheonix the yearly scorching heat and dust storms are happening less frequently saving billions of dollars.

Do not let the liberals scare you.

Fascinating. You should be more specific. Demonstrate how increased frequency and force of hurricanes, droughts, floods, coastal erosion, ocean current collapses, loss of habitat, loss of species, locust plagues, famines, water wars and migration disasters will be offset by, say, deck-chair sales in Alberta.
You do realize it's called climate change not climate worsening don't you?

These disasters are not new disasters added onto ones that were already going to happen they just moved to new seasons or areas.

Overall natural disasters are actually going down globally.

They are simply being overly hyped by the left like they always do.

Remember that climate change affects all climate and not just the good parts. Traditional bad climates are getting better like here in Pheonix the yearly scorching heat and dust storms are happening less frequently saving billions of dollars.

Do not let the liberals scare you.

Was your claim about Phoenix meant to be satire? I have relatives there that were talking about some of the worst heat ever last year.
PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) - The holiday weekend is starting off with hot weather for the history books.

Temperatures reached 114 degrees at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport on Friday afternoon, setting a record. The previous record of 112 was set in 1945 and 2019. Friday also marks the 51st day that Phoenix has seen temperatures reached more than 110 degrees. That's an all-time record we've been adding to since the previous record was 33 days.
Fascinating. You should be more specific. Demonstrate how increased frequency and force of hurricanes, droughts, floods, coastal erosion, ocean current collapses, loss of habitat, loss of species, locust plagues, famines, water wars and migration disasters will be offset by, say, deck-chair sales in Alberta.


There wasn't an increase in all those things lol.
An interesting claim. Your evidence?

This is what I found which clearly contradicts your unsupported claim. weather

Your own stupid link shows we are well below 1980 in disasters and are currently at a low point since then.

How in the fuck do you expect people to buy that the climate is getting worse b3cause your own data says it is better now than in the past.
