name my new cat.


100% recycled karma
I think I mentioned my very best cat Sneakers passed away aound Labor day. He is irreplacable, used to walk along the sidewalk with me without a leash.

After a whol lot of grieving I finally contacted my vet, who was bugging me to take in a cat she was feeding outside.

He is a grey neutered male, with just a smattering of white on his back paws.

I've had him for almost a week ( this is going to be an inside cat only), but cannot think of a good name.

I've had a tradition of naming cats that began with the letter 'S" (Sneakers/Sooty/Spooky, etc) and am willing to break that tradition,
if I can get a decent name for him.

As of now it's "here Little Little", as he's only 10 pounds, and 1 1/2 years old.
any suggestions would be appreciated, something whimiscal but not too weird is what I'm looking for.

I 'll let you all know when i decided if you want to mention any names - TY ; annata
I hope you get hit by a bus.

of course, only white names allowed in your failing power structure.....asian names causes you to wish violence. Where does that come from? Your ignorance and fear does not surprise me.....I've come to expect it. Of course a mental midget like you would never catch on.....your hate may run deep but not deeper than my foot in your ass. LOL.
I have to try to sleep, early workday. it was good seeing my old friends again, I stil like this board. please, more names !!! lol..
of course, only white names allowed in your failing power structure.....asian names causes you to wish violence. Where does that come from? Your ignorance and fear does not surprise me.....I've come to expect it. Of course a mental midget like you would never catch on.....your hate may run deep but not deeper than my foot in your ass. LOL.

Yeah, that's it. It's not because I fucking hate the Sox or anything.
