Nah...Not Racist At All!


What a sad, sad commentary on the 50th anniversary of MLK's famous words.

Michael Brown says he was celebrating his cousin's last day in Charleston last month at Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston. He says after his party of 25 waited two hours for a table, the shift manager told them there was a "situation."

"She said there's a situation where one of our customers feels threatened by your party, so she asked us not to seat you in our section, which totally alarmed all of us because we're sitting there peaceably for two hours," explains Brown. "Obviously, if we were causing any conflict, we would have been ejected out of the place hours before."

Brown says while he was talking to the shift manager, someone in his group began videotaping the conversation. Brown says that's when the manager became upset and refused to seat them.

"I asked her I want to be clear with you," says Brown. "I said so you're telling me I have to leave. She said I have a right to deny you service. I said so you're asking me to leave because you're upset because he was recording you, after we've waited for two hours, and after you've already pretty much discriminated on us, and she answered yes."

Brown says several calls were made to the corporate office in Mt. Pleasant, but he says they did not receive a call back, so he took to Facebook with this post Thursday.
Would I be racist if I inquired the setting of the restaurant and the appearance of the clientele?

For instance, was it a tie and jacket and establishment and a loud crew came in wearing baggy pants, du rags, and calling each other "niggah"?

There's two sides to every story.
Would I be racist if I inquired the setting of the restaurant and the appearance of the clientele?

For instance, was it a tie and jacket and establishment and a loud crew came in wearing baggy pants, du rags, and calling each other "niggah"?

There's two sides to every story.

They were made to wait for two hours first and then asked to leave when a white woman complained. I can guarantee that Wild Wings won't like all the bad publicity.
I don't suppose any business wants bad publicity.

The problem is that so many things presented to us as "racism", usually do not stand up to the least bit of scrutiny.

Then, things that are so clearly racist are ignored due to the roles not fitting the narrative the media wishes to present.

Forgive my use of the term "boy"... but "the boy who cried wolf" carries a lesson worth remembering.
Would I be racist if I inquired the setting of the restaurant and the appearance of the clientele?

For instance, was it a tie and jacket and establishment and a loud crew came in wearing baggy pants, du rags, and calling each other "niggah"?

There's two sides to every story.

Yeah a place called "Wild Wings' is where all the glitterati hang. Moron.
Would I be racist if I inquired the setting of the restaurant and the appearance of the clientele?

For instance, was it a tie and jacket and establishment and a loud crew came in wearing baggy pants, du rags, and calling each other "niggah"?

There's two sides to every story.

No, but you would be racist if you assumed this family were a "loud crew...wearing baggy pants, du (sp) rags, and calling each other "niggah".

I don't suppose any business wants bad publicity.

The problem is that so many things presented to us as "racism", usually do not stand up to the least bit of scrutiny.

Then, things that are so clearly racist are ignored due to the roles not fitting the narrative the media wishes to present.

Forgive my use of the term "boy"... but "the boy who cried wolf" carries a lesson worth remembering.

Don't worry. Your intentions have come across loud and clear.
Would I be racist if I inquired the setting of the restaurant and the appearance of the clientele?

For instance, was it a tie and jacket and establishment and a loud crew came in wearing baggy pants, du rags, and calling each other "niggah"?

There's two sides to every story.
When has that ever happened? Anecdote? Documentation?

We have all seen it, anytime more than five of them are in a group at a restaurant they are the most obnoxious, rudest and loudest around.
When has that ever happened? Anecdote? Documentation?

Pretty much any day of the week here in NYC, especially at Red Lobsters.

We've had female free-for-alls at Chuck E. Cheese's here quite often, in front of the kids. STABBED AT BIRTHDAY KID'S BASH

A family birthday celebration at a Brooklyn Chuck E. Cheese turned bloody last night when a fight between two kids escalated to a wild melee among adults, and the birthday boy's father and a friend - both innocent bystanders - were stabbed, police said.

The rumble broke out around 8:30 p.m. amid the restaurant's famed singing-and dancing animatronic rodents when two little girls started fighting and one kicked the other in the back, investigators at the scene said.

A woman contacted Radio Facts who works at the Wild Wings restaurant that asked the black patrons to leave. and asked that we allow her to be anonymous. She states there are several reasons the group was asked to leave (below),

You’re only getting one side of story here. I work at the restaurant and your representation of the events is way off base. The group was being loud and obnoxious to both customers and staffers. They kept complaining about their long wait and were talking about how “whitey” was able to get seated, but they were not. The problem was that they had a large group and insisted on sitting next to each other. We only had one area that could accommodate their large group and the patrons in that area were not done. So yes, some “whities” were able to be seated before them, but only because they were going to a different area. We also seated non-whites in other areas too…They made this a racial issue before anything. One of the guests also insulted a deaf white girl because she didn’t respond to one of them telling her to move (she was deaf and didn’t hear them) They were also all standing in the middle of the walk way, making it difficult for customers to leave. We asked them if they could move over, but they said they can stand wherever they want, and if we wanted them out of the way then we should seat them. The customer that was offended was offended by a particular individual’s constant uses of the word “n*gger” When asked to stop, he threw out a long string of racial epithets against
one of my co-workers.

Just like I said in my earlier post, they were rude, loud and obnoxious.