My opinion on Rand Paul is evolving...


Well-known member
I am starting to like some things about Rand Paul....

Can some of you liberals tell me what is not to like?

Does he have a chance at the Republican nomination?

Is he a social conservative?

I am going to do my own looking into these questions, but can anyone here share their opinions? Funny, I seem to be liking both of the Republican 16' frontrunners Paul and Christie, even though they don't seem to like each other.
He has been too cozy with the social conservatives and proposed a "personhood" bill which is just beyond stupid. The personhood bill might just be politics as I don't think he really expects it to pass and he is not real vocal about it. Still, he won't have any more support from me until he repudiates it. I could tolerate vague arguments calling for it to be left to the states, which a President has little control of, anyway.

He does not stand a chance of winning the GOP primary. But, he should do better than his father. The theocons are going to cut him down, because he is not a firm supporter of their warfare and police/surveillance state.
one of the few sane public officials around that aren't neo-cons; whether (D.) or (R.)

damining with faint praise; but praise nontheless
Rand Paul, like his father, is a nutcase that is right on a very few issues, not a sane person with a few wacky ideas.
I like his independence, but he appears to be very arrogant and full of himself.

Hes taken some positions I really dislike, like advocating for a national ban on Gay Marriage and abortion. He seems to want to keep the military budge the same, but he is correct on immigration, drones, surveillance, and the 4th Amendment which is counter to the general standing in the Tea Party... yet he has Sara Palin's support which makes me unsure about him.
I like his independence, but he appears to be very arrogant and full of himself.

Hes taken some positions I really dislike, like advocating for a national ban on Gay Marriage and abortion. He seems to want to keep the military budge the same, but he is correct on immigration, drones, surveillance, and the 4th Amendment which is counter to the general standing in the Tea Party... yet he has Sara Palin's support which makes me unsure about him.

Um, look into his eyes, he is bug-fucking nuts.
HE looks crazy in the eyes sometimes and looks like bozo the clown others, but I try not to vote based on looks.

Yeah that's cool, if we're talking about looks=hotness. But I'm talking about someone so crazy I would cross the street to get away from them. Maybe it's a woman thing, but it's important. Someone looks fucking crazy? Get away from them. Plenty of freaks might as well as be walking around with signs "Hey I'm a Freak!". I don't care if it's fair.
I like his independence, but he appears to be very arrogant and full of himself.

Hes taken some positions I really dislike, like advocating for a national ban on Gay Marriage and abortion. He seems to want to keep the military budge the same, but he is correct on immigration, drones, surveillance, and the 4th Amendment which is counter to the general standing in the Tea Party... yet he has Sara Palin's support which makes me unsure about him.
In bolded your quote - you got it ( don't know his position on immigration)
The rest of your post is lucid too.
There's a reason it was one of his campaign workers who curb stomped a woman guys.

Well, there you go, I guess it is a woman thing. The guy is crazy, and he has a real problem with women, just like dear old dad.
There's a reason it was one of his campaign workers who curb stomped a woman guys.

Well, there you go, I guess it is a woman thing. The guy is crazy, and he has a real problem with women, just like dear old dad.

He strikes me as a macho arrogant sexist.
I am starting to like some things about Rand Paul....

Can some of you liberals tell me what is not to like?

Does he have a chance at the Republican nomination?

Is he a social conservative?

I am going to do my own looking into these questions, but can anyone here share their opinions? Funny, I seem to be liking both of the Republican 16' frontrunners Paul and Christie, even though they don't seem to like each other.

hes playing you.

Remember when Bush was a compassionate conservative?

How many times you going to buy the lies they spew when they need to not sound like nutters?
hes playing you.

Remember when Bush was a compassionate conservative?

How many times you going to buy the lies they spew when they need to not sound like nutters?

Don't get me wrong, I am not going to vote for him, but there are some things I like about the guy. He is not afraid to call out some of the wackos in his party.

He is still a Republican in Sheep, I mean, Libertarian clothing.
Don't get me wrong, I am not going to vote for him, but there are some things I like about the guy. He is not afraid to call out some of the wackos in his party.

He is still a Republican in Sheep, I mean, Libertarian clothing.

He's called out Chris Christie. Do you believe Christie to be a wacko?
Rand Paul, like his father, is a nutcase that is right on a very few issues, not a sane person with a few wacky ideas.

Sums it up. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Social conservative and way too anti-interventionist for me. No, I don't want to go to war in Syria, but he takes it too far the other way.