I said Neo-Connish... because of his ties to the Bush family circle ...
You seem to confuse Neo-Cons with Conservatives.... two different breeds.
Take me for instance... Im not "Pro-Gay marrage" in the religous sense... but I can give two shits whether two adult men or women legally tie the knot ....and I believe the Fed Gov. should not have a say in the matter. Im not "Pro-Choice" but I would support measures to allow the termination of a pregnancy under extenuating common sense conditions, and as far as moving a girl friend into a home while still married... big deal.
Do my views make me a Neo-Con? No...of course not...because none of these issues have anything to do with Neo-Con poliicies....
So...just what is a Neo-Con? These are individuals who embrace the Project for the New American Century .... aka ...Nation Building on a World Wide Scale ..with its main goal set out to Americanize the World..... by political and Corporate means. There are Neo-Cons on the liberal side of the isle just as there are Neo-Conservatives.