My Biological Mission Statement Declaring Homo Sapien Independence From Humanity


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you all ever here "Cannot unring a bell.".

What can be done is to stop what took place so far from now on. get this into your brain and stop reciting ideas you mind without navigating space living mutually evolving so far.

I am sick and tired of ancestors playing social roles so they can feel more significant than what life delivers from now on, equally timed apart replacements to those made reproductions happen is a compounding total sum never the same details twice from now on.

damn it, navigate real time. You are the last generation added of your parents or are your grandchildren the life after your children die? You will not look at what eternity is in plain sight demanding everyone abide by your wishes, life is more socially than genetically timed apart so far.

No it isn't.
to the two diverionists that won't touch the topic, It takes a mob dedicated to never wanting to know life in plain sight to discredit a lifetime from now on, but it only takes an ancestor to remove doubt historically governed ancestries for thousands of years so far.
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