Mt. Rushmore mythilogical graphitti and Do Our National Parks Need surveillance


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid

The debate on National Monuments needing to be blocked off is a good one. I volunteer at a park and due to lack of funding vandals destroy everything new.

"Conservatives" want to open National Parks on a City Park scale.

We have all been to city parks and know that even if it has a $100,000 piece of equipment there are Nihilists out there who will damage it for fun, because they were FORCED to pay for it "with a gun to their head" some would say...(yep, an imaginary tyrant with a gun comes to their house and tells them to pay for the city park or else..)

Let's talk about National parks. Should they be open to anyone and everyone with no security?

I've seen the trash at the end of a day at Yosemite, even with people monitoring the park. I can't imagine what would happen if people were in there without all the security and caretaker staff.

No. If they are open, they need to be staffed.

I've seen the trash at the end of a day at Yosemite, even with people monitoring the park. I can't imagine what would happen if people were in there without all the security and caretaker staff.

No. If they are open, they need to be staffed.

I'm curious why so many Right Wingers have lots of thoughts but when asked a simple question they scamper. Discuss this Right Wing newblets.
depends. If it is in DC or a busy place, I can see allowing some limited access, but on the whole - no -Americans cannot be trusted with their national treasured resources.
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The debate on National Monuments needing to be blocked off is a good one. I volunteer at a park and due to lack of funding vandals destroy everything new.

"Conservatives" want to open National Parks on a City Park scale.

We have all been to city parks and know that even if it has a $100,000 piece of equipment there are Nihilists out there who will damage it for fun, because they were FORCED to pay for it "with a gun to their head" some would say...(yep, an imaginary tyrant with a gun comes to their house and tells them to pay for the city park or else..)

Let's talk about National parks. Should they be open to anyone and everyone with no security?

I've seen the tards that visit parks; most look like and act like Democrats...dimwits.

I'm amazed you have to ask such an incredibly stupid question about our parks. Of course they should be open to everyone, they are paid for by the sheeple. As for security; if they didn't forbid weapons, they wouldn't need security.

Yes, I'd like to see fewer uneducated Democrat dullards visiting our parks and more of the responsible Conservative kind; but we still are not a Fascist State regardless of the efforts by dimwitted Democrats.
depends. If it is in DC or a busy place, I can see allowing some limited access, but on the whole - no -Americans cannot be trusted with their national treasured resources.

Spoken like a true believing dimwitted Fascinista.
So you are making the claim that everyone is "Innocent until proven guilty" as if you have never been to a public park full of graphitti and vandalism. Brainy stuff.

In what universe does calling the general public "proles" indicate in any way whatsoever that I believe everyone is "innocent until proven guilty?" Stop trying to think and go watch some more Fox News.
Spoken like a true believing dimwitted Fascinista.
I lived up against a state park for a while, saw the trash, beer bottles, condoms, debris from your fellow Americans, who don't mind trashing mother nature.

One reason we need to keep areas that have any remoteness locked away from us, when not supervised
In what universe does calling the general public "proles" indicate in any way whatsoever that I believe everyone is "innocent until proven guilty?" Stop trying to think and go watch some more Fox News.

If Anti-Thinker actually watched Fox News, she would be infinitely better informed.
I've seen the tards that visit parks; most look like and act like Democrats...dimwits.

I'm amazed you have to ask such an incredibly stupid question about our parks. Of course they should be open to everyone, they are paid for by the sheeple. As for security; if they didn't forbid weapons, they wouldn't need security.

Yes, I'd like to see fewer uneducated Democrat dullards visiting our parks and more of the responsible Conservative kind; but we still are not a Fascist State regardless of the efforts by dimwitted Democrats.
That's not angry
Fact dems get more college grad votes
Dumbass conservatard
I lived up against a state park for a while, saw the trash, beer bottles, condoms, debris from your fellow Americans, who don't mind trashing mother nature.

One reason we need to keep areas that have any remoteness locked away from us, when not supervised

They were probably dimwitted Democrats; they have been taught that everything they do is other peoples problems.

Maybe we should just ban low information Democrats!! Problem solved!

I have been visiting numerous State Parks throughout the US for decades; I have never seen such messes except in the tiny dense areas where most visitors tend to spend their whole time. If you hike out of camp for one mile, you will find yourself incredibly alone meeting few people along the trail and seldom, if ever, strewn with trash.

That trash you describe could well be from your neighbors bordering the park and not the visitors.

But again; your Fascist point of view has been noted.
I lived up against a state park for a while, saw the trash, beer bottles, condoms, debris from your fellow Americans, who don't mind trashing mother nature.

One reason we need to keep areas that have any remoteness locked away from us, when not supervised

People are pigs. I've hiked in the Gt. Smoky Mountains national park and you can be miles out on the trail and still see junk lying around. Nobody cares. Nobody pays attention to "pack it in, pack it out." You need the caretakers and the security to babysit these dopes.
People are pigs. I've hiked in the Gt. Smoky Mountains national park and you can be miles out on the trail and still see junk lying around. Nobody cares. Nobody pays attention to "pack it in, pack it out." You need the caretakers and the security to babysit these dopes.

Whats you point......where did all that alleged junk come from ?...was it during a gov. shutdown or when the gov. was operating as usual......

strawman bullshit.
Whats you point......where did all that alleged junk come from ?...was it during a gov. shutdown or when the gov. was operating as usual......

strawman bullshit.

Please, learn what a straw man fallacy is, you make yourself the fool every time you use it incorrectly, like now.
Please, learn what a straw man fallacy is, you make yourself the fool every time you use it incorrectly, like now.

to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition without ever having actually refuted the original position.

live and learn, Eeyore
to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition without ever having actually refuted the original position.

live and learn, Eeyore

The question was "Let's talk about National parks. Should they be open to anyone and everyone with no security? "

My response was [no], that you need security and caretakers because of the way people treat these spaces.

Now where's the strawman?