Most Religious States and Teen Pregnancy Rates?!!


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Not surprising...The Red States are the ones that get the most Federal Aid too. Why is that, I wonder?

Oh, that's right....because the believe in smaller government, low taxes and shitty public services....Unless the Blue states are paying the bill.
Areas of higher poverty too?

Comparable to poorer areas of the UK.
Areas of high poverty tend to have higher teen pregnancy.
Oddly enough in the UK, the north in particular, many living in poverty tend to be atheists.
Teen pregnancies occur in areas of higher poverty.
Faith or lack of is irrelevant.
Not surprising...The Red States are the ones that get the most Federal Aid too. Why is that, I wonder?

Oh, that's right....because the believe in smaller government, low taxes and shitty public services....Unless the Blue states are paying the bill.
Thankfully the liberals are not spouting hate against those red states.
Liberals being uniters and all........
Is that really news? All my life, I was told that the definition of a Mississippi virgin was a fourteen year old who could outrun her older brothers.
It's because the republican southern baptists and teabaggers are inbred methheads. All of them. I'm just wondering if these figures include sheep births, too.
So religion hurts minorities is what ken seems to be saying here. Well maybe you can start protesting outside minority dominated churches in the South ken and help keep whites the majority in the U.S.

""Non-Hispanic black youth, Hispanic/Latino youth, American Indian/Alaska Native youth, and socioeconomically disadvantaged youth of any race or ethnicity experience the highest rates of teen pregnancy and childbirth. Together, black and Hispanic youth comprised 57% of U.S. teen births in 2011""
So religion hurts minorities is what ken seems to be saying here.

While I hate to put words in the Op's mouth like you just did; I believe what he's saying is since states that are "most religious" also tend to have the highest teenage pregnancy rates, that for religious people to say abstinence (which they preach) will stop pregnancies is pretty hypocritical and wrong; as is their preaching to the rest of us about "sexual morality"

maybe they are trying to get the religious to stop having abortions to change the demographics.
While I hate to put words in the Op's mouth like you just did; I believe what he's saying is since states that are "most religious" also tend to have the highest teenage pregnancy rates, that for religious people to say abstinence (which they preach) will stop pregnancies is pretty hypocritical and wrong; as is their preaching to the rest of us about "sexual morality"

Yet those happen to be some of the most highly impoverished areas as well. Which was his point. Is it the religion or the poverty? Or both? There are many factors that go into it. We have been told countless times that minorities also tend to vote overwhelmingly liberal/Dem... so is it that?
So religion hurts minorities is what ken seems to be saying here. Well maybe you can start protesting outside minority dominated churches in the South ken and help keep whites the majority in the U.S.

""Non-Hispanic black youth, Hispanic/Latino youth, American Indian/Alaska Native youth, and socioeconomically disadvantaged youth of any race or ethnicity experience the highest rates of teen pregnancy and childbirth. Together, black and Hispanic youth comprised 57% of U.S. teen births in 2011""

Gee. If any of us injected the race card in this you guys would be all over us.

Teen pregnancy is bad regardless of color. And it certainly doesn't help when we have the Bristol Palin's out there preaching abstinence while spitting out babies, either, does it?
So religion hurts minorities is what ken seems to be saying here. Well maybe you can start protesting outside minority dominated churches in the South ken and help keep whites the majority in the U.S.

""Non-Hispanic black youth, Hispanic/Latino youth, American Indian/Alaska Native youth, and socioeconomically disadvantaged youth of any race or ethnicity experience the highest rates of teen pregnancy and childbirth. Together, black and Hispanic youth comprised 57% of U.S. teen births in 2011""

Maybe, these churches should start teaching that birth control is better than abortions! It is what I taught my children, both my sons and daughters, so far it has resulted in 0 unplanned pregnancies.
Gee. If any of us injected the race card in this you guys would be all over us.

Teen pregnancy is bad regardless of color. And it certainly doesn't help when we have the Bristol Palin's out there preaching abstinence while spitting out babies, either, does it?

Really? It's the race card to show factual data based on the OP's post? And your teabag and meth head comment wasn't directed at white people? I know exactly what Kenn was trying to portray with his post. Don't get mad at me for showing the facts.