More than Half of Fast Food Workers Rely on Welfare


New member
Because Employers in this country now believe that americans should work for them for illegal alien wages, WE THE TAXPAYERS subsidize business lack of fair payment of their employees. They have their employees working for wages they can even pay for basic necessities with.
The country is very near the tipping point and the Koch brothers are not going to like it when it tips, its not going their way.

A new study reveals that the fast food industry cost taxpayers $7 billion a year in public assistance because of low-wage workers. According to Ken Jacobs of the University of California, Berkeley, which compiled the data, dependence on public assistance is the rule rather than the exception for fast food jobs
12 hr min wage
Indexed to inflation

Why not just let states adjust their minimum wage if need be? $12 an hour in Mobile AL is not the same as $12 an hour in NYC or San Fran.

Also... What happens to the prices of that fast food they are serving when you increase labor costs by 30-50%?
Another uninformed treatise fabricated by unions and leftists with the goal of misinforming gullible buffoons too stupid to understand simple economics.

The fast food industry is a low skilled low paying industry for ENTRY level workers with no experience and part time workers looking to supplement their incomes.

It is not an industry where individuals with a brain larger than a field mouse think they can live on the wages being paid. Taxpayers are not subsidizing the fast food industry; they are being forced to pay for the votes corrupt politicians buy from low information losers with the promise they can get something for nothing.

But thanks to the dimwitted politics and economics of Obamunism, low wage, low income part time jobs are all that are being created. Pat yourself on the back loser; you probably voted for this inept inexperienced buffoon. You have bought into the ignorant and divisive class envy Marxism that defines this White House.

Your a low education, low information fool who runs around political forums mindlessly parroting this Marxist envy rhetoric in a vacuum of reality, truth or the facts.

Clue for the clueless; if they raised everyone's wages to $20 an hour tomorrow it would not make a single positive difference in the lives of fast food workers; prices would just go up to accommodate this false wage floor.

The ONLY way low wage earners can improve their lot is by getting an education, learning proper English and obtaining valuable skills high paying industries are looking for. That's real world for you; not the made up gobbledeygook you're getting from brain dead leftist blogs devoted to misinforming gullible fools.
Why not just let states adjust their minimum wage if need be? $12 an hour in Mobile AL is not the same as $12 an hour in NYC or San Fran.

Also... What happens to the prices of that fast food they are serving when you increase labor costs by 30-50%?

Minimum wage laws are for economics dullards who seldom have facts and merely parrot emotional feel good rhetoric.

The irony for them is that in most states, companies are typically paying above minimum wage rates already. Only the most basic entry level jobs are paid at the minimum wage.
Actually thats the best idea let each state adjust the minimum wage to their living standards. It costs maybe triple or more to live in Jersey and NY than it does to live in South Dakota. Double than to live in like Florida.
So a steadfast min wage may not be beneficial to all states a more fair administration of the law would be that states must adjust their minimum wage to balance COL throught out the states so the quality of life is fairly the same.
NO ONE SHOULD WORK full time and live in poverty that is bullshit. McDs and Burger King are making billions.
Actually thats the best idea let each state adjust the minimum wage to their living standards. It costs maybe triple or more to live in Jersey and NY than it does to live in South Dakota. Double than to live in like Florida.
So a steadfast min wage may not be beneficial to all states a more fair administration of the law would be that states must adjust their minimum wage to balance COL throught out the states so the quality of life is fairly the same.
NO ONE SHOULD WORK full time and live in poverty that is bullshit. McDs and Burger King are making billions.

It already works that way.
Everyone errs TwoCents I admittedly dont know everything, some like to try and bullshit everyone that they know everything, hows that been working out for you
Everyone errs TwoCents I admittedly dont know everything, some like to try and bullshit everyone that they know everything, hows that been working out for you

Minimum wage laws are bullshit; yet you erupt with this nonsense continually. Is it because you are really THAT dumb?
Minimum wage laws are bullshit; yet you erupt with this nonsense continually. Is it because you are really THAT dumb?

Minimum wage laws and unions are what actually built the american middle class that you seem to believe is the result of deregulation. You are ignorant of reality and history. Get off reagan's jock for god's sake.
Minimum wage laws and unions are what actually built the american middle class that you seem to believe is the result of deregulation. You are ignorant of reality and history. Get off reagan's jock for god's sake.

Once again you utter false bullshit in a vacuum of reality or the facts.

How are those unions working out for Detroit dimwit? Do you have a link showing how minimum wage laws have built the Middle Class that are credible? It should be good for a laugh.

Everyone errs TwoCents I admittedly dont know everything, some like to try and bullshit everyone that they know everything, hows that been working out for you

I must admit dude knowing everything is pretty cool. At first I thought it would be overrated but when I finally realized that being from Ohio it's just in my DNA I learned to embrace it.
I must admit dude knowing everything is pretty cool. At first I thought it would be overrated but when I finally realized that being from Ohio it's just in my DNA I learned to embrace it.

If by 'Everything' You mean "How to fuck small animals", then yeah, you know everything.
Bullshit....Most fast food workers are teenagers living at home with Mom and Pop and the rest are seniors collecting pensions and/or soc. sec.....

Which group do you think Yoda is in?

Here's his uniform cap:

Can't you just hear him asking "fries you want with that?"