More than 300 charged in connection to Capitol riot

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
More than 300 people now face federal charges in connection with the Jan. 6 riot on Capitol Hill and at least 280 people have been arrested, the Justice Department announced Friday.

"The investigation into those responsible is moving at a speed and scale that's unprecedented, and rightly so. Those responsible must be held to account, and they will be," acting Deputy Attorney General John Carlin told reporters.

Those figures come over a month after a mob of supporters of former President Trump stormed the Capitol in an unsuccessful attempt to halt Congress's certification of the Electoral College.

And many many more to come
"We know that members of the militia groups that were present on Jan. 6 have stated their desires that they want to blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible with a direct nexus to the State of the Union," acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman told House lawmakers Thursday.
I want to see some lengthy prison sentences too?!! The government needs to make an example of these Trump terrorist, so something like this never happens again! I wonder why Trump did not pardon the terrorist scum, he pardon everything else, murders, war criminals, convicted criminals, low life's, like Kushner dad?!!

More than 300 people now face federal charges in connection with the Jan. 6 riot on Capitol Hill and at least 280 people have been arrested, the Justice Department announced Friday.

"The investigation into those responsible is moving at a speed and scale that's unprecedented, and rightly so. Those responsible must be held to account, and they will be," acting Deputy Attorney General John Carlin told reporters.

Those figures come over a month after a mob of supporters of former President Trump stormed the Capitol in an unsuccessful attempt to halt Congress's certification of the Electoral College.

And many many more to come

Wow! That's a lot of years in prison!
so I guess the other 19,700 who were there didn't do anything wrong......

I'm guessing you're about 80% correct. All who attacked the police, broke through barricades or entered the Capitol are guilty of crimes, but not all have been identified yet.

By flipping those already under arrest with plea deals, the number of arrested could easily triple or quadruple. It's not like these people were strangers to each other. They all probably knew a few others who were there. Even those who didn't enter the Capitol will be questioned about those who did. This takes time.

The investigation is less than two months old. Care to wager if the arrests doubly by Fall? <--- I'm hedging my bets. ;)

What we do know for sure is that well over 90% of the loudmouthed RWers on JPP are all talk. They won't be arrested because they didn't go to the Insurrection much less commit crimes.

At most, a few may have FBI interviews for giving money to domestic terrorists. Did you give any money to the Proud Boys or other militia groups?
"We know that members of the militia groups that were present on Jan. 6 have stated their desires that they want to blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible with a direct nexus to the State of the Union," acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman told House lawmakers Thursday.

There's at least one here hinting around at #CivilWarv2.0 and what he knows about it. He's not referring to the Jan. 6 terrorist attack.
There's at least one here hinting around at #CivilWarv2.0 and what he knows about it. He's not referring to the Jan. 6 terrorist attack.

CPAC would be an easier target. As everyone knows, I'm against violence except when absolutely necessary, but since Trump fucked over the Insurrectionists by failing to given them pardons as promised, I could understand why they'd resort to violence even though I don't condone it.
Looks like no one wants to reply, probably busy getting bail money together for their Brother and Mom.

Better to just turn them in. Their absence will make Thanksgiving 2021 a lot more pleasant and much quieter, more about thanks and football instead of wackadoodle political ideologies.
CPAC would be an easier target. As everyone knows, I'm against violence except when absolutely necessary, but since Trump fucked over the Insurrectionists by failing to given them pardons as promised, I could understand why they'd resort to violence even though I don't condone it.

I don't think that QPAC is what #StoneSeditionist was talking about as a target.
What is the goal of these dumb shits? They overthrow the American government and then what? Do they imagine that everyone will just watch? Do they think we will permit a guy who lost the election to be installed? Trump is a terrible person and sucked as president.
The sad part is they can convince themselves that they are acting patriotically. Overthrowing the government is patriotic? How damn stupid are these people? They are trying to start a civil war.
I don't think that QPAC is what #StoneSeditionist was talking about as a target.

Stone is all talk. He confessed he didn't participate in anything to do with the militias or the Insurrection. He didn't even buy a t-shirt which is what most lame middle-aged men do when they want to look hip, slick and cool.

I'm talking about the real militiamen; the hardcore center of Trump's MAGA army. The people who both drank the Kool-Aid and occasionally used it as an enema. The guys with the military training, the weapons and the will-to-do to attack the Capitol and plan to execute dozens on non-Trump supporting Congressmen including the Vice President. The people Trump promised to pardon....then didn't.

Those guys, no doubt, are pissed. Some have already committed suicide, but Type-A go-getter military people aren't the type to sit in their rooms and hang themselves. They'll go out with a bang. What better bang than revenge on those who misled and lied to them?

If I were stupid enough to put myself in that position (and I'm not) then it's exactly what I would do. Nothing rash; just cold blooded murder/suicide.

The net is closing in on the hardcore center of this mess. My guess is their plans are already forming and a timeline has been established. They know it's only a matter of time before they won't see the light of day again just like Jessica Watkins. They'll have to act within the next few months or the opportunity will be lost. Disgrace and suicide will be all they have left.
CPAC would be an easier target. As everyone knows, I'm against violence except when absolutely necessary, but since Trump fucked over the Insurrectionists by failing to given them pardons as promised, I could understand why they'd resort to violence even though I don't condone it.

Most of the militia types that have never worn the uniform would wet themselves if faced with real combat.
What is the goal of these dumb shits? They overthrow the American government and then what? Do they imagine that everyone will just watch? Do they think we will permit a guy who lost the election to be installed? Trump is a terrible person and sucked as president.
The sad part is they can convince themselves that they are acting patriotically. Overthrowing the government is patriotic? How damn stupid are these people? They are trying to start a civil war.

They accomplished what they wanted, other than installing #TRE45ON as Tyrant-in-Chief. They scared the rest of the QOP into bowing down to their glorious leader and refusing to find him guilty during the impeachment. This weekend's worship services at QPAC will exalt the #MalignantMessiah once again within the party.

We'd best hope that the legal eagles can indict and convict that piece of shit before 2024 or we'll have another unholy mess to deal with.
What is the goal of these dumb shits? They overthrow the American government and then what? Do they imagine that everyone will just watch? Do they think we will permit a guy who lost the election to be installed? Trump is a terrible person and sucked as president.
The sad part is they can convince themselves that they are acting patriotically. Overthrowing the government is patriotic? How damn stupid are these people? They are trying to start a civil war.
Yes, they truly believed it was a civil war and they were going to win it in one fell swoop.

They'd make Trump is President-for-Life. Old story. Heck, after the American Revolution there was a movement to make George Washington a king. Fortunately, Washington had too much integrity to accept that offer.

Thankfully, Mike Pence also had too much integrity to violate his oath to the Constitution which is why he was put on the militia's death list.
Most of the militia types that have never worn the uniform would wet themselves if faced with real combat.

Agreed for most of them, say 75%. Sure, they did well en masse attacking unarmed police but I agree that once the shooting started most would cut and run.

That said, as posted previously, there's a hardcore center in the militia's. More than a few have actually seen combat thanks to the past 30 years.