Adam Weinberg
Goldwater Republican
Dear Adam,
The Democrat leadership believes failure by our troops in Iraq -- the central front in the War on Terror -- is essential for them to win elections in 2008...
...and that any positive sign of progress in Iraq is simply a "problem" for them.
Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, driven by polls and politics, declared "This war is lost," even before the President's new strategy began. Reid also has bragged, "We're going to pick up Senate seats as a result of this war."
And Democrat House Majority Whip James Clyburn said that a positive report in September from General Petraeus and Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker would be "a real big problem for us (Democrats)." Meaning the Democrats' desire for an arbitrary troop withdrawal -- and their party's 2008 electoral fortunes -- would be in jeopardy if our troops succeed.
Adam, America's national security should not be kicked around like a political football. Republicans believe winning the War on Terror is vital to our country's national security. The RNC needs your help to get this message past the liberal media filter and directly to voters. They need to know about the Democrats' "surrender and defeat" politics.
Please click here to make a secure online contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or $25 to help spread the word about the Democrats' political rhetoric and defeatist agenda.
It is unconscionable that Democrat leaders are hoping for our troops to fail so their party can gain a political advantage. And it is unacceptable that the leading Democrat presidential contenders, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, both claim to support our troops yet voted against providing them with the resources to sustain their mission and keep them safe.
Your urgent online contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or $25 to the RNC today will help get the facts about the Democrats' true defeatist agenda and their efforts to put politics above the War on Terror past the liberal media filter.
Our President and our Party are counting on your help. Thank you.
Best wishes,
Robert M. "Mike" Duncan
Chairman, Republican National Committee
I guess this is sort of what the old Veteran was saying the other day. Somebody is putting the message in the head of the base that you have to be against America in order to advocate differing policies, and worse, you are supposedly against our troops and blaming them for the failed policy.
And I'm afraid this has been the kind of Fox News Neo-Con line of thinking for many years. I actually remember this question being asked after the 2002 elections to a Democratic leader:
"So, now that the Republicans have gained seats in the midterms, how does it feel for your party to be in the position of hoping things go poorly in America?"
I do believe, however, that to suggest one can be against the war and be for the troops opens another series of policy-related questions. Can one be against government largesse of certain kinds and still be FOR the poor? Or for jobs? Or for science? Or economic development?
Would some not agree that this kind of accusation has been pointed wrongly against those who are more prudent in their assessment of government interventions?
Perhaps each in our own way, we can seek to establish a higher level of honesty with ourselves and others on what the purpose of debate ought to be.