More auto fatalities than gunshot deaths

Big Money

New member
Motor vehicle traffic deaths

Number of deaths: 33,687
Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.9

All firearm deaths

Number of deaths: 31,672
Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.3
Motor vehicle traffic deaths

Number of deaths: 33,687
Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.9

All firearm deaths

Number of deaths: 31,672
Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.3

So you are saying that we should test to ensure a gun owner is mature enough to own a gun like we do with cars?

Or are you saying that dangerous things in nearly every Americans hands are more likely to raise statistics than few? After all.....Hammers killed more people than rifles last year.........*NRA selling topic*
Motor vehicle traffic deaths

Number of deaths: 33,687
Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.9

All firearm deaths

Number of deaths: 31,672
Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.3

Wait.......are you saying that cars were manufactured to kill?

We all know that the sport behind a gun is to train for a kill. Or maybe you can tell me another purpose to become a marksman.
Maybe we should insure guns since we are comparing them to cars. lol.

2A, YES!. Idiot Americans, NO!
Maybe they should have a class in high school that teaches mature gun ownership like it does mature car ownership............I'm sure you thought about that.
Or maybe you are just a choke chain political newb that thinks the 2A can NEVER be changed and we shouldn't discuss it at all............THAT would make you un-American.
Maybe schools should have a gun owners safety course? .............................................I'm sure you initial reaction is "IT'S A RIGHT!" and not "It's a powerful device we should all have the right to have with education."

Today, the Right Wingers fight for the rights of criminals more than the responsible owners. It's pathetic.
Maybe schools should have a gun owners safety course? .............................................I'm sure you initial reaction is "IT'S A RIGHT!" and not "It's a powerful device we should all have the right to have with education."

Today, the Right Wingers fight for the rights of criminals more than the responsible owners. It's pathetic.

I have taught a gun safety course in school on more than one occasion so what you are facetiously proposing isn't far fetched at all. I have also taught shooting classes in school on more than one occasion. These classes involved hundreds of kids, who have since gone on to become quite productive, law abiding citizens. I'm "fighting" for their rights as the inconveniences and burdens you are proposing will affect and limit their rights far more than it will affect the criminals'.