Monetizing the Atmosphere

Truck Fump / h1b

Verified User
Enviro-retards, heed my words. This whole concept of carbon credits being purchased to legalize chemical processes is the way the internationalist fascists will eventually charge us all to breath. No joke. Carbon Dioxide has been classified as a pollutant. Their whole game is figuring out how to assert ownership over all creation, and forcing others to bend to their will to be allowed to live.
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It's a way for a government to set an effective limit of carbon dioxide emission. The people who need them more will pay more for them, and the less the world gives out, the more profitable renewables become.

Charging for a person to breath wouldn't make any sense, being that that produces a net zero carbon dioxide production. Stay off the meth man.
It's a way for a government to set an effective limit of carbon dioxide emission. The people who need them more will pay more for them, and the less the world gives out, the more profitable renewables become.

Charging for a person to breath wouldn't make any sense, being that that produces a net zero carbon dioxide production. Stay off the meth man.
When you breathe you exhale CO2.
It's impossible for one to be a cosmopolitan and a fascist at the same time. Fascism is synonmous with nationalism.

So what DO we call the hegemony of self interested elites in business and government who combine their power to serve their own self interests, to the detriment of all other people of the world? I think "internationalist fascism" is the best thing we have so far to refer to it. I'll keep using that until you tell me what to use.

You cannot destroy reality by limiting your own vocabulary, though you wish it were that simple.
Heck thay already have us on the water and land.
If city /public water is run in your area they condemn your well.
Same with sewer systems...
it is inevitable that we get some type of breathing tax.
Heck thay already have us on the water and land.
If city /public water is run in your area they condemn your well.
Same with sewer systems...
it is inevitable that we get some type of breathing tax.

It's not inevitable. The people will soon rise up and throw off the yoke of syndicalist control.
You're a bunch of dumbasses. This has nothing to do with profit. If they wanted to profit they would let all the CO2 fly out they wanted to. This is for the enviroment.
nevertheless, a by product of our breathing process will soon be taxed.

How are they supposed to do that?

If they did that, they'd literally have to charge you several billionths of a cent per a breath at the going rate. Also, the trees soak up the CO2 animals naturally put out - net zero effect.
How are they supposed to do that?

If they did that, they'd literally have to charge you several billionths of a cent per a breath at the going rate. Also, the trees soak up the CO2 animals naturally put out - net zero effect.

OR maybe they do it annually based on body weight and self described activity level.

WHy is co2 labelled a pollutant then? I agree with you, it shouldn't be, but then nothing about the environmental movement is honest.
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OR maybe they do it annually based on body weight and self described activity level.

WHy is co2 labelled a pollutant then? I agree with you, it shouldn't be, but then nothing about the environmental movement is honest.
Because it is a popular item to blame.

Interestingly, a study I recently read spoke of the fact that water vapor is a more likely culprit than CO2 as CO2 isn't all that efficient creating a "greenhouse effect".
OR maybe they do it annually based on body weight and self described activity level.

WHy is co2 labelled a pollutant then? I agree with you, it shouldn't be, but then nothing about the environmental movement is honest.

CO2 is a pollutant. Stop using non-sequitors and learn to debate like an adult. Humans don't put out even a quarter of 1% of the CO2 out there - the whole lot of them. It all comes from oil. We're digging up CO2 that's been underground for millions of years and throwing it back into the atmosphere, and our current ecology just wasn't designed at all. I agree - let's tax every person in America about 5 cents for the CO2 they put out everyear.