Mohammed bin Salman is guilty of murder. Biden should not give him a pass.


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That heinous crime against a permanent U.S. resident and contributing columnist to The Post should not go unpunished. Under U.S. law, Mohammed bin Salman, or MBS, as he is widely known, ought to be banned from travel to the United States and subjected to an asset freeze.

That President Biden has chosen not to pursue that course suggests that the “fundamental” change he promised in U.S.-Saudi relations will not include holding to account its reckless ruler, who consequently is unlikely to be deterred from further criminal behavior.
The weakness of Biden's response is world news. Degenerate wannabe-dismemberers everywhere are encouraged.
Meanwhile twenty-or-so anti-ISIS fighters have been murdered in Syria- where they were invited to be- by Biden's first military blunder.

The Izraeli connection is stamped all over US Middle East activities.
Biden is trying to thread a needle. SA is an American ally, yet they killed a journalist. It is not like we have court jurisdiction over them. Banning MBS from travelling to the US is not exactly a big penalty either. He is fabulously wealthy. He can travel the world.
Biden is trying to thread a needle. SA is an American ally, yet they killed a journalist. It is not like we have court jurisdiction over them. Banning MBS from travelling to the US is not exactly a big penalty either. He is fabulously wealthy. He can travel the world.

There's nothing you won't try to excuse, is there, Nerdberg?

Biden broke his own pledge.
The weakness of Biden's response is world news. Degenerate wannabe-dismemberers everywhere are encouraged.
Meanwhile twenty-or-so anti-ISIS fighters have been murdered in Syria- where they were invited to be- by Biden's first military blunder.

The Izraeli connection is stamped all over US Middle East activities.

US should not be in Syria.
Biden if off to bad start helping Saudi Arabia.
Biden is trying to thread a needle. SA is an American ally, yet they killed a journalist. It is not like we have court jurisdiction over them. Banning MBS from travelling to the US is not exactly a big penalty either. He is fabulously wealthy. He can travel the world.

He was an American.
US should not be in Syria.
Biden if off to bad start helping Saudi Arabia.

He's cut off US support for the slaughter in Yemen- which just leaves the degenerate Sauds with their bickering Arab ' allies ' and the scurrilous Izraelis and Brits providing the bombs- so that's a feather in Biden's hat. You're quite right about Syria, of course- and the Iraqis want rid of all Americans too. It's an opportunity to downgrade American support for ' Israel's security '. We'll see over the next few months.
He's cut off US support for the slaughter in Yemen- which just leaves the degenerate Sauds with their bickering Arab ' allies ' and the scurrilous Izraelis and Brits providing the bombs- so that's a feather in Biden's hat. You're quite right about Syria, of course- and the Iraqis want rid of all Americans too. It's an opportunity to downgrade American support for ' Israel's security '. We'll see over the next few months.

US must get out of Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
US must get out of Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

You do know that the usurper's Defense Secretary was until recently an employee of the company that manufactures drones, don't you?


That heinous crime against a permanent U.S. resident and contributing columnist to The Post should not go unpunished. Under U.S. law, Mohammed bin Salman, or MBS, as he is widely known, ought to be banned from travel to the United States and subjected to an asset freeze.

That President Biden has chosen not to pursue that course suggests that the “fundamental” change he promised in U.S.-Saudi relations will not include holding to account its reckless ruler, who consequently is unlikely to be deterred from further criminal behavior.

It makes you wonder why Biden ISN'T coming down hard on MBS. (?)
Didn't take long for Biden to lose moral authority around the world.

I'm sure there were long talks over this. I'd like to know the reasoning. At least the Report is public, and our relationship is now changed:

"On Friday, Biden's administration released an unclassified intelligence report on Khashoggi's death, an action his predecessor refused to take as he downplayed US intelligence. The report from the director of national intelligence says the crown prince, known as MBS, directly approved the killing of Khashoggi. But while Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced visa restrictions that affected 76 Saudis involved in harassing activists and journalists, he didn't announce measures that touch the prince. And while a sanctions list from the Treasury Department named a former deputy intelligence chief and the Saudi Royal Guard's rapid intervention force, the crown prince wasn't mentioned."
Bombs don't win hearts and minds Who the fuck is advising him ?

So when Iranian backed and supplied terrorists shell our facilities and kill and main Americans we are not supposed to reply?

If you want to turn the other cheek that is your choice, the USA cannot afford to do that.